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Email has a key role in the explosive growth of the Internet, calling for Mailing List Management Systems (MLMS) that can adapt to, and even foster, new forms of community organization as they emerge. A new MLMS, Mailman, is well suited... more
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      CommunicationE-MailMailing ListsCommunity Organization
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      Mailing ListsMailing List
Virtual communities have become increasingly popular for the general public, using electronic mailing lists, newsgroups, WWeb-based forums, chat rooms, etc. However, it appears that online forums are not well integrated into the sphere of... more
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      CommunicationWeb 2.0InformaticsBlogs
1. EMAIL Surat elektronik atau electronic mail atau yang biasa disingkat dengan e-mail. E-mail adalah metode untuk merelai surat, mulai dari penulisan, pengiriman, penerimaan, dan penyimpanan surat melalui sistem komunikasi elektronik.... more
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      Mailing ListsLaporan Praktikum
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      PakistanLibrariansMailing ListsListservs
Dear Mr. Gonzalez: Thank you for your email of August 8, 2017, wherein you requested an update regarding the matter. Please review the attached letter to New York Attorney General’s Office dated May 15, 2017, along with the receipt of... more
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      Voter Turnout (Electoral Behavior)Case Management and Judicial FunctionMailing ListsBallots
Historically, mailing lists have been the preferred means for coordinating development and user support activities. With the emergence and popularity growth of social Q&A sites such as the Stack Exchange network (e.g., Stack Overflow),... more
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      Social MediaOpen SourceGamificationSocial Q&A
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      HistoryInternet StudiesDigital ArchivesWikipedia