Mayan Linguistics
Recent papers in Mayan Linguistics
This is the section II of six volumes each covering the remarkable diversity of Sky Band representations within Mayan art forms. This article offers an advanced understanding of deity profiles, motif structures, and associated... more
Abstract: This research focuses on using caves as elements of ritual power in Uaxactun, one of the oldest pre-Columbian Maya cities in the Petén, Guatemala. From a linguistic analysis, the terminology of the meaning of the cave and its... more
Esta investigación se enfoca al uso de las cuevas como elementos de poder ritual en Uaxactún, una de las ciudades mayas prehispánicas más antiguas del Petén, Guatemala. Desde un análisis lingüístico, se aborda la terminología del... more
Gramática Shuar
The reader who is interested in the development of Yucatecan grammar over the last century and the relationship between it and its large neighbor, the Nahuatl language, would benefit by consulting these books. singular plural le peka le... more
Campbell zur Achígruppe. Im Zusammenhang mit der unterschiedlichen Zuordnung von Dialekten sei noch auf die Arbeit von Richards (1985) hingewiesen, nach der die Region um den Atitlánsee eine "linguistic transition zone" zwischen... more
Another avenue of interpretation, first developed by MacLeod (n.d. and at the Texas Maya Meetings workshops 2000-2004 and in 2003 correspondence with Simon Martin), and supported by Terrence Kaufman (personal communication 2003) connects... more
- by Barb MacLeod
In New Guinea, and more generally in Melanesia, there are known cases of traditional use of psychoactive (or supposedly so) mushrooms, which have remained enigmatic, or unknown to most scholars, or little studied. As will be seen from the... more
At the 2004 Palenque Round Table, Erik Velásquez proposed that Maya rulers bearing the Kaanuˀl emblem glyph may have resided in Dzibanche during the Early Classic, as there are no references linking them to Calakmul before A.D. 631. Here... more
In the literature, it is often assumed that ergative constructions originate in passive constructions. The present contribution explores the likelihood of such a passive-toergative analysis for one language (Tima, Niger-Congo, Sudan),... more
A partir de las menciones en la "Descripción Geográfico Moral de La Diócesis de Guatemala" de Cortés y Larraz se contruye un mapa lingüístico para los territorios que actualmente son Guatemala y El Salvador.
VIII Simposio Internacional de Historia y Arqueología Marítimas. "Mar adentro, mar afuera: Conexiones, percepciones y vestigios en el espacio marítimo y litoral"
Mérida, Yucatán, México, 21-25 de octubre de 2024
Mérida, Yucatán, México, 21-25 de octubre de 2024
The Classic Maya (250–900 CE) lowlands in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and western Honduras and El Salvador were dotted with dozens of independent but interconnected polities, each ruled by a divine king (Figure 4.1). The king was... more
Cette journée, qui s'est tenue en ligne, s'est proposé de réunir des linguistes de diverses spécialités autour des questions suivantes : en quoi les études des langues régionales évoluent-elles ? quels sont les progrès en termes de... more
I cannot forget the day a stumbled upon the verb doubling data in Meiteilon during the first day of my LISSIM classes. That day, till very late at night, the way David Adger and Sjef Barbiers chatted with such fervor over the data, I was... more
Language names not in parentheses are the preferred current usage (Aissen et al. :-), names in parentheses are traditional and alternative names. Many more variants exist, and preferences are in constant ux. Family subdivision names are... more
Language often plays an indispensable role in ritual healing practices, where it is characterized by distinctive prosodic, grammatical and discursive resources. Questions of how language marks and contributes to the therapeutic efficacy... more
Welcome to the "32-year book" of The Codex. lajcha' k'atun jun tun hun Now in its 32 nd year, The Codex continues to publish materials of substance in the world of Pre-Columbian and Mesoamerican studies. We continue that tradition in this... more
The study of the so-called Primary Standard Sequence (PSS), as defined by Michael Coe (1973, 1978), has led to a more complete understanding of Mayan writing, including numerous decipherments of signs and expressions by many scholars... more
Welcome to the "32-year book" of The Codex. lajcha' k'atun jun tun hun Now in its 32 nd year, The Codex continues to publish materials of substance in the world of Pre-Columbian and Mesoamerican studies. We continue that tradition in this... more
En este trabajo se evalúa la evidencia pertinente al desarrollo de la escritura mesoamericana temprana. Los objetivos principales son: 1) ofrecer una breve reseña de la historia de la investigación de la escritura olmeca; 2) repasar los... more
This paper deals with lexico-semantic stability, specifically in the anatomical domain. The main goal is to develop a method for measuring semantic polysemy and shift, in order to address: (1) the validity of standardized vocabulary lists... more
This paper studies the morphology of attributive possession in the Mayan language family. First, a typology of ten attributive possession constructions for synchronic description and diachronic analysis is designed, combining traits from... more
Los mayas convivieron con varias especies de serpientes venenosas, destacándose especialmente la b'aakneh («cola de hueso») o nauyaca («cuatro narices»), que puede alcanzar hasta dos metros de longitud y cuya letal ponzoña causa necrosis... more
El presente artículo busca sintetizar uno de los resultados de varias estadías de campo con fines etnológicos emprendidas entre 2003-2005 en la región de los chuj, dentro del taller "Espacio de los muertos", que formó parte del programa... more
Solucionario del ejercicio del cuento del naufrago.
Este es un diccionario dedicado a la compilación del léxico tseltal de Villa Las Rosas, una variante sureña en estado de obsolescencia. Incluye un prólogo (que corre a cargo de John B. Haviland), una introducción (en la que se tratan la... more
The Dresden Codex (Codex Dresdensis) is, along with the Paris Codex (Codex Pérez), Madrid Codex (Codex Tro-Cortesiano) and Maya Codex of Mexico (Codex Grolier), one of four Mayan hieroglyphic manuscripts that have survived to the present... more
A history of the comparative construction in Q'eqchi' (Maya).
This study sociophonetically analyzes the assibilated /r/ in Guatemalan Spanish among bilinguals of Spanish and K’iche’, which also has a voiceless assibilated /r/ in word-final position. Results reveal that their Spanish assibilated /r/... more
The PARI Journal 16(2):1-30 © 2015 Ancient Cultures Institute ballplayers are found preferentially at sites that show some kind of interconnection and a greater degree of affinity to the kings of the Snake-head dynasty that had its seat... more
Slides of the class "Visible Language"
During the investigation for the Maya Image Archive of the "Text Database and Dictionary of Classic Maya" project the authors identified an unknown und previously unpublished drawing by Teobert Maler. This artwork, dated around 1900, was... more