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Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusinessManagement
This exciting new book aims to engage with students, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, service-users and associated professionals to critically reflect on the importance of professional identity as a matter of concern for social... more
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      Social WorkInternational Social WorkSocial Work EducationAnti-Oppressive Social Work
This article explores issues raised by an earlier Irish study conducted with migrants living with HIV. The latter highlighted the fact that many of those newly diagnosed with HIV in Ireland are from sub-Saharan African, were in the asylum... more
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      Social WorkRefugee StudiesHIV/AIDSAsylum seekers
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      Clinical Social WorkMedical Social Work
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySocial WorkDisability Studies
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the social problem of depression from a multi-theoretical perspective. It explores depression through the lens of two psychologically based theories of human behavior, existential theory and... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySociology of CulturePsychology
Covid-19 ilk çıktığı günden sonraki dört ay içerisinde tüm dünyada 3 milyondan fazla kişiye bulaşmış ve iki yüz binden fazla insanın ölümüne neden olmuştur. Söz konusu tarihten itibaren salgınla mücadele kapsamında kişisel, kişilerarası,... more
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      Social WorkSocial Work EducationHuman Services & Social WorkSocial Work Research
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
This article takes an in-depth look at the strengths perspective, examining its philosophical roots, its core characteristics (according to its key proponents), and its limitations. It suggests that the strengths perspective is... more
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      Social WorkFamily Strengths and ResilienceStrengths Based PracticeInternational Social Work
This paper explores the diverse perspectives and attitudes toward mental illness among ethnic groups, cultures, and societies in Nigeria. It reiterates how cultural and religious teachings often influence beliefs about the origins and... more
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      Medical SociologyCrimininologyMedical Social Work
Przewlekle chory w domu (375 str., Gdańsk 2011) Red: Piotr Krakowiak, Dominik Krzyżanowski, Aleksandra Modlińska Książka skierowana jest do każdej osoby opiekującej się przewlekle i ciężko chorą osobą. Zainteresowanie nią wskazuje, że... more
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      NursingLong Term CareInformal Caregivers/CarersSocial Work Education
This article will discuss how two theoretical frameworks can be useful in the analysis of conflict situations in social work practice. By viewing situations from the perspective of competing and differing values, social workers are able... more
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      Business EthicsSociologySocial TheoryPsychology
medical and psychiatric settings, community: rural and urban settings, Unorganized Sector, correctional settings
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      Social WorkSocial Work EducationSocilogyMedical And Psychiatric Social Work
Health, Yangon who kindly took the responsibility to supervise my elective program, gave her precious time, academic guidance, invaluable advice and encouragement all the way through. My sincere thanks to all teachers from University of... more
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    • Medical Social Work
Social workers in hospital settings often experience frustration working in the host setting of a hospita!. Some hospital social workers may consider a move to a private primary health care setting to gain more autonomy on the job and the... more
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      Hospital social workMedical Social Work
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      ManagementMedical Social Work
Since its inception, the social work profession has always been concerned regarding how it is viewed by the public. The outcomes of such perceptions are fundamental in not only building the confidence levels of social work professionals... more
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      International Social Workdevelopmental Social WorkMedical Social Work
Poster Presentation of the research at the Mount Royal University Faculty of Health and Community Studies Research Day (Peer Reviewed)
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      Social WorkChild protectionChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family law
1. Çalışmanın Gerekçesi Mesleki bir disiplin olarak sosyal hizmet; birey, grup, aile ve toplumların yaşam kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi, geliştirilmesi ve asgari refah standardının üzerine çıkarılmasına yönelik; koruyucu, önleyici, tedavi... more
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      Social WorkProblem Solving ApproachMedical Social Work
As a type of sexual violence, women are exposed to sexual assault more frequently than men. For this reason, intervention after sexual assault usually takes shape on women, and women come to the forefront in such practices. The need for... more
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      WomenSexual AssaultMedical Social Work
Öz: Hastalara yaşamlarının son dönemlerinde çeşitli kurumlarda fiziksel bakım ve psikososyal desteğin sağlanmasını, hastalığın ortaya çıkardığı semptomların en aza indirgenmesini ve hasta ile ailesinin uzman bir ekip tarafından fiziksel,... more
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      Social WorkPalliative CareMedical Social Work
Acil bakım ve müdahale, insanların olağan bir şekilde devam eden hayatlarında aniden meydana gelen fiziksel ve ruhsal hastalıkların, kaza, travma vb. durumların sosyal iyilik hallerinde meydana getirdiği sorunlarda rutinlerine ve gündelik... more
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      Social WorkSocial Work EducationMedical Social Work
This thesis explores factors that influence professional discretion in Swedish hospital professionals’ assessment of children who may be at risk of harm. It is based on two data samplings, interviews with fourteen hospital social workers... more
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      EmotionNursingPediatricsSocial Work
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      Social PsychologyHealth SciencesEducationSocial Work
Dünyada 1905’den beri, Türkiye’de ise 1967’den beri sağlık alanında istihdam edilen sosyal çalışmacılar sağlığın psiko-sosyal boyutunun önem kazanması ile sağlık alanında önemi artan meslekler arasında yerini almıştır. Ancak Türkiye’de... more
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    • Medical Social Work
Caring for older people is not an option but a communal, societal and governmental liability. It is very much an issue of human rights that has to be addressed in an appropriate manner. Caring for the older people and making a policy for... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedical SociologyPsychology
Many physical problems presented to family physicians by their paticnts often involve psychosocial variables with stress being a major one. Though family rncdicine advocates a biopsychosocial focus, one that is compatible with social... more
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      Clinical Social WorkMedical Social Work
A developmental approach offers a unique and multifaceted direction to social work practice, in that, as a practice strategy, it proposes intervention mechanisms that address broader socioeconomic and structural challenges in contrast to... more
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      International Social Workdevelopmental Social WorkMedical Social Work
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      TaiwanMedical Social Work
This article explores hospital social workers' assessment processes for children at risk within the context of inter-professional teams working in child hospital care in Sweden. Based on qualitative interviews, the study discusses how... more
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      EmotionAssessmentProfessionalismChild abuse and neglect
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBuddhismHistoryCultural History
This article explores a new paradigm or model for the professional social worker: The poet/practitioner. The training and practice of the poet are congruent with many aspects of social work practice. An examination of the practice of the... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryPsychologyEthics
Özet Romatizmal hastalıklar, kas-iskelet sistemi, kan damarları ve diğer dokuların yapılarını etkileyen kronik özellikteki hastalıklardır. Bu hastalıklar bireylerde kronik ağrı, hareket kaybı, uykusuzluk, cilt döküntüleri, yorgunluk gibi... more
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    • Medical Social Work
In order for the steps to be effective, all participants must be committed to the process described here.
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyNursingPsychiatry
Although both online and in-person positive psychology interventions (PPIs) exist, no randomized controlled trials (RCT)—the gold standard in intervention research—have compared the effectiveness of these formats. We created a 12-week... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCommunity PsychologyPersonality Psychology
This article creates a general framework for spirituality and HIV/AIDS as a chronic illness using a health care perspective. Spirituality provides an important function of helping people to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Various... more
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      CopingMedical Social WorkAIDS care
Whether it is a school or a higher education institution or a world class university, the whole world is dealing with online education during the lock-down state of the pandemic COVID-19. This study focuses on Online Education which used... more
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      Sociology of EducationSocial ProblemsSociology of HealthMigrations
As series editor, I invite you to submit new book proposals (Edited or Authored) to the following (attached) two New book series being published by Springer Nature, United States. We are accepting proposals on a rolling basis and... more
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      International StudiesThe Social, Cognitive, and Cultural Psychology of Thrilling Those Who Encounter Artworks--how work traits thrill audiencesInternationalizationProgram Evaluation (Social Work)
An analysis of the role of neoliberalism, contempt, and allostatic load in the social dynamics of tuberculosis.
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      Critical TheorySociologyMedical SociologySocial Change
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      Health PsychologySocial WorkChild and adolescent mental healthMental Health
According to the Swedish Social Services Act, all health personnel are required to report children whom they suspect are subject to maltreatment. This paper describes the organizational and professional conditions in four Swedish... more
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      Health SciencesNursingPediatricsSocial Work
This paper drawn from ethnographic fieldwork in pre-revolutionary Iran assesses the potential role of rural midwives in promoting family planning in rural Iranian villages. The advantages and limitations of utilizing these traditional... more
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      Medical SociologyRural SociologyMedical AnthropologySocial Sciences
"""Three year postgraduate bursary available at Glasgow Caledonian University, Social Work for Doctorate Study to work on project 'The Making of Professional Identity in Social Work' Supervised by Professor Stephen Webb and Dr Martin... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheoryAnthropology
-English abstract is below- Bu araştırma, Duchenne Musküler Distrofili (DMD'li) bireylere bakım veren aile üyelerinin bakım verme sürecinde karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin yanı sıra; bakım yükleri ve aile yılmazlık düzeyleri arasındaki... more
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      Social WorkCareer Guidance CounselingDuchenne Muscular DystrophySosyal Hizmet
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    • Medical Social Work
Medical Anthropology is the key discipline which address the boundaries of medication, culture, and healthiness and comprising cultural perceptions into clinical situations and community health projects. Health specialists need to... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedical SociologyAnthropology
Cultures globally are man-made survival strategy based on responding to various environmental, ecological, demographical, topographical, geographical, political, social, psychological and economic factors for diversity. The point raised... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedical SociologyHealth Psychology
... From the standpoint of the community, our midwife, Sharafat, basically responds to a need arising in the com-munity to have someone assist at ... Because sexual acts, processes of childbirth, etc., are considered to be semipolluting... more
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      Medical SociologyRural SociologyAnthropologyMedical Anthropology