Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology
Recent papers in Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology
Contemporary archaeology of the Middle Ages blends two specializations that were separated for a long period of time. The early Middle Ages period (6th-12th centuries) was studied by Slavic archaeology which evolved continuously from the... more
La actuación arqueológica desarrollada a lo largo del mes de julio de 2000 en el castillo de la Estrella (Teba, provincia de Málaga) tuvo como principal objetivo solucionar las incógnitas existentes sobre el acceso original que debió... more
У книзі відомого дослідника Гетьманщини Сергія Павленка вміщено нариси про виникнення та розбудову Батуринської фортеці, її захисників і про драматичні події 1632 та 1708 років. Видання знайомить з новими фактами, джерелами й версіями... more
In 2017, during archaeological research on the site of the former J. Struś Hospital (previously the Convent of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns) on Szkolna Street in Poznań, a medallion reliquary was found next to one of the burials. On the... more
The article discusses artefacts acquired during renovation and conservation work conducted in 2006-2012 in the vicarage building at Posadzego 7 Street on Ostrów Tumski in Poznań. The work did not involve archaeological supervision.... more
Summary Barcode 8 is one of 50 vessels dated to the late medieval- and early modern period, found in Bjørvika, Oslo during archaeological surveys. The vessel is clinker-built, had sail and has been around 10 m long. In many ways, Barcode... more
Actas del XIII Congreso sobre cerámica medieval y moderna en el Mediterráneo (AIECM3) celebrado en Granada, del 8 al 13 de noviembre de 2021.
Join us for a session discussing Ottoman archaeology in Europe, in topics including but not limited to: - Material culture interactions between Europe and the Ottoman Empire - Ottoman settlements and archaeology along and across the... more
Almost 300 graves, mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries, were discovered and excavated during the archaeological research of the Church of St Martin at Prozorje. These were mostly simple earth-dug grave burials with several exceptions... more
During rescue archaeological excavations in 2013-2018 on the area of the former women Cistercian monastery in Owińska near Poznań, among pottery a numerous collection of fragments of stove tiles was gained. Heavy shredded and destroyed... more
This analysis was prompted by the discovery of a fragment of a medieval wall at Malbork Castle during an archaeological inspection in 2023. Drawing from early modern inventory descriptions, maps, and panoramas of the castle, it was... more
Activities of the Lviv archaeological center in studying monuments of the princely age in the 1950s-early 1970s The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of the development of medieval archaeology in post-war L’viv. The... more
This article presents a unique group of ten leaden, spherical projectiles (lead balls) for small arms. They were found at the scene of the battle of Lauenburg (Elbe), August 17th to 19th, 1813. Due to their weights and diameters (ball... more
Wydawca/Publisher: Muzeum Historyczne w Ełku | Historical Museum in Ełk Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Skarb monet z XVII w. z... more
Die sog. Weinsberger Becher sind eine hochwertige Keramikgattung, welche in der Frühen Neuzeit vorwiegend in den schwäbischen Weinanbaugebieten auftritt. Sie sind durch ihre Dünnwandigkeit und ihre auffallende Oberflächengestaltung mit... more
Under hösten 2024 undersöktes en mindre yta vid Kungsplan i den norra delen av Marstrand, Bohuslän, Västra Götalands län. Vid undersökningen framkom murar och utfyllnader av sten från 1700– 1800-tal som hör till Fredriksborg (Norra... more
Die Archäologie im Rheinland lädt zu einer Reise durch 400 Millionen Jahre Geschichte ein. Lassen Sie sich faszinieren von den kreidezeitlichen Farnschuppen aus einer Höhle von Wülfrath und den Fossilien vom Gelände der römischen Villa... more
På tomt 22 kan två sådana långlivade familje-och hushållskonstellationer identifieras. Tillsammans täcker de nästan hela 1700-talet.
Analysis of new data from recent excavations at Miẓpe Sede Ḥafir in the western Negev Highlands has revealed complex transformational encounters between nomadic and sedentary societies at a pivotal phase of Egyptian-Levantine... more
Lisbon is a peculiar disciplinary case for Historical Archaeology, since is the only European empire capital destroyed in a singular event, the 1755 Big Earthquake on the 1st November. This transformed the city in a wide archaeological... more
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The archaeological site of Ksar Seghir is a medieval settlement on the South margin of the Strait of Gibraltar. Its apogee as a town and a seaport was attained during the Marinid dynasty. In 1458 it was conquered by the Portuguese who... more
Portugal e o Sul de Marrocos: contactos e confrontos (séculos XV-XVIII). Vol. II-Documentos Le Portugal et le Sud du Maroc: contacts et conflits (XV e-XVIII e siècles). Vol. II-Documents COORDENADORES / COORDINATEURS
During a preventive archaeology work in Largo das Olarias, in Lisbon’s late-medieval Moorish neighbourhood (Mouraria), four pottery kilns from the 16th and 17th centuries were discovered. A large number of objects was found inside of... more
Eine zeitgeschichtliche archäologische Studie von oberflächen Funde aus dem ehemaligen Zwangsarbeitslager Sebaldushof in Brandenburg, Deutschland. Sie fokussiert Kochgeschirr, Essgeschirr und Lebensmittel aus dem Baracken- und... more
Due to a construction project, the archaeological investigation of the 19th-century synagogue of Groß-Enzersdorf in Lower Austria was necessary. An excavation revealed the entire layout of the building and helped to reconstruct the... more
III Ciclo de conferencias Las charlas del Arqueológico. Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Badajoz, 20 de noviembre de 2024.
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The deposition of votive objects in buildings as an expression of folk belief is a well-known phenomenon in Danish ethnological research. A growing body of archaeological data has provided the opportunity to research these practices. This... more
The Lisbon´s subway extension works in 1996 originated the archaeological excavation of a large ventilation shaft in Largo do Corpo Santo, done by central administration archaeologists. The sequence exposed evidence for the blacksmith... more
Following the discovery of the remains of Santo Hieronimo in the early 1970s near the Island of Šipan (Croatia), the Maritime Museum of Dubrovnik carried out the rescue excavation of the wreck. The pioneering work led to the preliminary... more
Landschapsbiografisch, Historisch ecologische verkenning Eindhoven. Lezing uitgesproken op 21 november 2024 in D'n Aard Veldhoven. Landschapsbiografie, historische ecologie, ecomorfologie, helologie, psammologie, elologie, geohydrologie,... more
Las diferentes campañas de excavación en el Cerro del Castillo de Capilla (Badajoz), desarrolladas entre 2016 y 2023, han aportado un total de 51 monedas de una amplia cronología. Su registro se ha llevado a cabo mediante método... more
Public-oriented article giving a general description of the Chinese and Japanese porcelain found in the pond of the castle d'Ursel in Hingene (Bornem) - Belgium. The porcelain is among the most luxurious found so far in an archaeological... more
Reporte preliminar de trabajos de exploración y sondeos estratigráficos en el espacio de la Sacristía , Catedral de Irapuato.