Recent papers in Shipwrecks
This essay reconsiders the role of subjectivity and spectatorial remove in the experience of the sublime: 'Like a figure on the shore gazing out to sea, the sublime is, to the subject, an incredible spectacle so far removed as to be... more
This thesis focuses on the study of the material culture of the Auguste, a cartel ship wrecked in 1761 northeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) in New France entailed the surrender of Louisbourg in... more
Freedom of navigation through the South China Sea could now be at risk. Six countries lay claim to all or part of the Spratly Islands and the Paracels (Fig. 1). Five of them occupy islands or reefs. All five have built structures and... more
Two shipwrecks discovered by Odyssey Marine Exploration in the English Channel in 2008 are embedded in the history of the War of the Austrian Succession (1739-48) and specifically the year 1744. The First Rate Royal Navy warship HMS... more
This study seeks to understand transformations in the modern capitalist World-economy in the North Atlantic. It specifically treats the material culture of four French shipwrecks dating from 1700 to 1760 : la Dauphine (1704), l'Alcide... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
During the survey for the wreck of the sidewheel steamer the SS Republic, Odyssey Marine Exploration discovered the remains of a merchant vessel, Site BA02, located at a depth close to 370m, 70 nautical miles off Jacksonville, Florida.... more
Artykuł ma na celu prezentację wyników rozpoznania i ochrony podwodnych stanowisk, na których występują wraki położone w rejonie ujścia Odry. Jednym z objętych programem inwentaryzacji stanowisk jest wrak drewnianej jednostki żaglowej... more
Writen in Portuguese,its a general article about the importance of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Region of Algarve and how it serve as a source of historical information and cultural turism. Explains something about FaroA wreck.
Agderfylkene planlegger å bruke kulturarv i uthavnene til verdiskaping under det regionale samarbeidsprosjektet «Uthavner i verdensklasse». Fra og med 2017 har også Norsk Maritimt Museum (NMM) vært med på uthavnssatsingen for å bidra til... more
The article presents the archaeological collection found in the medieval shipwreck of the 13th century. The wreck site was located in the Sudak Bay, near small town resort Novy Svet, in the South-eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula.
Expedition to positive identify the shipwreck of the Italian Regia Marina battleship Regina Margherita, sunk 11th November 1916 by the German minelayer submarine UC 14 off the harbour of Valona (Albania). The expedition received the... more
The excavation of the 10th century Intan Wreck has yielded a remarkable array of treasures and artefacts traded by the mighty empire of Srivijaya.
Tells the story of a Scottish built ship that was beached on King Island in Bass Strait in 1843 and salvaged in 1844.
This article gives a brief history of the wreck of the convict ship Hive in 1835 and its connection to the nearby Jervis Bay ghost town of New Bristol
End-of-season progress report on the survey in the waters off the Island of Mozambique and Ilhas Primeiras of various wreck sites, potentially dangerous areas, and historical research. As a result, 2 modern wrecks were found, and 4... more
O "Naufrágio do galeão grande São João" é o primeiro relato da História Trágico-Marítima, publicada em 1735, e do desastre ocorrido em 1552. O relato conhecido como "Naufrágio de Sepúlveda" é o mais famoso entre todos os relatos de... more
By J. Barto Arnold III, Thomas J. Oertling, and Andrew W. Hall The blockade-runner Denbigh, one of the most successful and famous of the American Civil War, was located and recorded near Galveston in December, 1997. The site, 41GV143,... more
Vom 4. bis 14. July 2014 fand eine Survey Expedition in Wilhelm Gustlof wrack statt, es war ein nazi-Kreuzerschiff von K.d.F. das wurde ein Kaserneschiff vom Kriegsmarine und am 30. Januar 1945 wurde vom sowietischen U Boot S-13 gesunken.... more
Much has been written on the 1715 Plate Fleet, unfortunately mostly by treasure hunters and amateurs. Speculations abound yet little archival research has been done or published. This paper attempts to shed some light on some of the... more
Das Roll-up gibt eine kurze, allgemein verständliche Einführung zu den beiden römischen Schiffswracks aus der Zeit um 100 n. Chr., die 1986 in Oberstimm (Markt Manching) entdeckt und 1994 vollständig geborgen wurden. Seit 2006 bilden die... more
The HMS St George was a second rate ship-of-the-line of the Royal Navy. She sank, together with the HMS Defence, in the North Sea off the Jutland coast in 1811, with nearly all of her crew lost the tragedy claimed 1400 lives. The ship was... more
Dreams of undersea riches make treasure hunting a seductive investment. As professional underwater archaeologists, we don’t normally comment on the commercial salvage of historical shipwrecks. But in this case, our expert opinion is:... more
La Isla del Coco es un territorio insular costarricense que cuenta con la categoría de Parque Nacional, geográficamente abarca 2.400 Ha en la parte terrestre y 97.235 Ha en el sector marítimo. El interés científico que suscita,... more
Dalam dua dasawarsa ini, banyak penemuan kapal karam dengan berbagai jenis muatannya di perairan Nusantara. Sebagian besar peninggalan kapal karam tersebut ditemukan di perairan Nusantara bagian barat (perairan Sumatra-Jawa). Ini suatu... more
This is a published version of a paper published in Marinarkeologisk tidskrift. Citation for the published paper: Eriksson, N. (2010) "Lejonvraket -ett första fältarbete" Marinarkeologisk tidskrift, (4): 4-7 Access to the published... more
The wreck of the James Allen in the Aleutian Islands in May 1894. The story of the wreck, its survivors, and the rescue missions.
These pages are from a blog post written for (published 22.11.2020). They present some preliminary remarks on a newly discovered historical source that describes the loss of Danish King John's flagship,... more
Many questions remain regarding the 1715 Plate Fleet, most of it is due to a lack of good archival research. Four of the ships have yet to be found in modern time, but which one are they? Two were partially salvaged by the Spaniards, two... more
A number of authors have dealt with the historical reconstruction of synoptic conditions from shipping records during isolated incidents, notably naval events. The paper presents a broad survey of Irish shipwrecks that correlate with... more
On the section of the Danube between Radujevac and Milutinovac (km 857 to 900), from September 6 to September 20, 1944, a large number of German war and transport ships, as well other watercrafts, have been disabled and sunk by their... more
Niebieska humanistyka (Blue Humanities) to dynamicznie rozwijający się posthumanistyczny nurt myślowy, osadzający historię życia w oceanie. Zgodnie z tym przekonaniem naszą planetę powinniśmy nazywać Oceanem, a nie Ziemią, gdyż wody... more
A longa rota percorrida pelos navios portugueses desde a viagem de Vasco da Gama, entre Lisboa e a Índia, por via do Cabo da Boa Esperança, transformou-se, por vezes,
Eine vom Verfasser vor zehn Jahren vorgelegte Studie «Vorindustrielle Lastsegelschiffe in der Schweiz» führte vor allem für das ost und zentralschweizerische Gebiet zwi schen Boden und Vierwaldstättersee eine Bestandsauf nahme von... more
See the entire article here (view only): One of the few facts that can be stated unequivocally is that wooden vessels leak. Whether due to a damaged hull, loose caulking between seams, or simply a reflection of the... more