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My Nursery Rhyme
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      Poetry CompositionArchaic PoetryAugustan PoetryArabic Poetry
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      PoetryPoeticsPostmodernismTwentieth-Century and Contemporary Poetry
The Economy Magazine was an online literary journal that ran from 2012-2015. During this time, the magazine published some of the most important and exciting voices in poetry, fiction, and visual art. THE ECONOMY MAGAZINE ANTHOLOGY... more
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      Literary magazinesPoetryContemporary PoetryPoetry Anthologies
Rob Wilson: Interview with Galway Kinnell, American poet, on the comparative state of writing in Hawaii, USA, and the world: "To have friends who are poets is a great pleasure. It's also very useful. You can get help, criticism. It's... more
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      American LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteraturePoetry
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is all about the paths diverging in the yellow woods and the traveller's dilemma of taking to one and leaving the other to be chosen the next day, but nothing to ascertain it which the travelled one and... more
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    • Modern American Poetry
This essay accounts for various, anomalous and formally generative examples of monotony in cultural production and traces monotony as an unlikely poetic trope in critical discourse. The problem of monotony as a modern phenomenon is... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheodor AdornoPoetryPoetics
For Christmas 2020, my translation of some lines from Hecht's "Venetian Vespers", first published in English in 1979 and translated into Italian in 2001 by L'Ipogeo (a translation I could not see for my work).
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      20th Century Italian LiteratureContemporary American PoetryLiterary translationModern American Poetry
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesSelf and IdentityModernist poetry
A review of William Bronk's Life Supports: New and Collected Poems (North Point Press, 1982) for the National Book Foundation.
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      American StudiesPoetryContemporary PoetryContemporary American Poetry
published apr, publisher of diverse voices refused to include it....
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    • Modern American Poetry
Now, I’m going to criticize the poem “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”.
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      English LiteratureEducationAdult EducationTeacher Education
My Poem: “How to be La Llorona for the City of Sullivan that has no Sidewalks," (For Domino Renee Perez). Published in the 2014 New Border: Contemporary Voices from the Texas/Mexico Border, Texas A&M University Press, College Station,... more
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      PoetryChicana/o StudiesModern PoetryChicana/o Studies (in Ethnic And Racial Studies/Ethnic Studies)
I included this immortal poem by Edgar Allan Poe in a collection of short stories about Love, in every definition of the term. It seems to me to be such a consummate example of story-telling within the poetic format that I could not... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesEnglish Literature
In this insightful and provocative volume, Lauri Ramey reveals spirituals and slave songs to be a crucial element in American literature. This book shows slave songs' intrinsic value as lyric poetry, sheds light on their roots and... more
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      American LiteraturePoetryAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican American Literature
A primary difficulty in broaching Michael Palmer's poetry is the frequent suturing of unreferenced citations in the poetry; intertexts are often embedded seamlessly in the text. Introducing extracts from his notebooks, Palmer comments... more
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      American LiteraturePoeticsIntertextualityLyric poetry
Work of Fiction/poetry “The Opera Ghost really existed,” Gaston Leroux declared, introducing the world to his most famous literary character, the Phantom of the Opera. The legendary Opera Ghost continues to live in the hearts of Phans... more
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      PoetryModern PoetryContemporary PoetryPhantom of the Opera
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      Walt WhitmanModern American Poetry
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureNative American StudiesPoetry
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      20th Century American LiteratureTwentieth Century American Poetry20th Century American PoetryModern and contemporary American poetry
Uses grounded theory to analyze hundreds of online posts written by teachers for students. Identifies recurring themes.
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      Languages and LinguisticsCritical PedagogyGrounded Theory (Research Methodology)English Language Arts
This book review was published in the journal Chance 16.2 (2003), 39-40. It is not every day that the statisticians who crunch numbers for social networks hear from a third-generation New York School poet--or vice versa--but here you go.
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingSocial Network Analysis (SNA)The New York School
A Display of Mackerel" will be close-read in attempts to compare and contrast them with each other. Both poems are about fish, but Bishop and Doty's approach to the subject and their way of expressing it are different from each other. The... more
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      American LiteraturePoetryModern PoetryElizabeth Bishop
Informe 1 para el curso de Taller de poesía.
Análisis del poema "Vivo en posibilidades" de la poeta americana Emily Dickinson.
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      Emily DickinsonPoetryPoesíaModern American Poetry
After the Whitmanian revolution in American poetics, rhyme in English language poetry was not fully redeemed until a generation later in the work of Robert Frost. He was born in 1874, when the Civil War had been over for less than a... more
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      Modern PoetryRalph Waldo EmersonHeidegger and TechnologyRobert Frost
The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry comprises original essays by nineteen distinguished scholars. It offers a critical overview of major and emerging American poets of the twentieth century in addition to critical accounts... more
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      American LiteraturePoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Contemporary Literature
Comparative Response Paper on Annette Debo and Lesley Wheeler’s ecocritical view on Sea Garden.
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      American LiteratureH.D. (Hilda Doolittle)Modern American PoetryImagist poetry
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      English LiteratureLiteraturePoetryRomantic poetry
This article elaborates key aspects of imagist poetry of the twentieth century American poets E. Pound, A. Lowell and H. Doolittle. Twentieth century imagism belongs to a literary movement in American modern era that is characterized by a... more
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      American LiteratureLatin American StudiesEzra PoundModern Poetry
This article elaborates key aspects of imagist poetry of the twentieth century American poets E. Pound, A. Lowell and H. Doolittle. Twentieth century imagism belongs to a literary movement in American modern era that is characterized by a... more
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      American LiteratureLatin American StudiesEzra PoundModern Poetry
I met Ruth Stone more than thirty years ago at Indiana University, in 1973, the year Harold Bloom's The Anxiety of Influence appeared. The book anatomized the nervousness a young poet was supposed to feel when he found he'd borrowed or... more
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      Contemporary American PoetryModern American Poetry
En este artículo se analiza la poesía de Emily Dickinson, teniendo en cuenta su singularidad como poeta y el proceso de auto-conciencia que realiza, en un constante aprendizaje de la realidad. Se demuestra además el modo en que el... more
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      Contemporary PoetryEnglish Language Studies and English PoetryModern American Poetry
This handbook answers the need for fresh and informative readings of canonical and non-canonical poems. The thirty-one chapters engage revisionary trends in poetry scholarship. They unfold a critical history of American poetry that... more
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      American LiteratureRomanticismPoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      PoesíaModern American PoetryBilly CollinsTraducción De Poesía
This research examines the eleven poems of the Modernist American poet, William Carlos Williams who is inspired by the masterpieces of the Dutch painter Pieter Bruegel, the Elder, of the fifteenth century. The inter-relation between... more
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      EkphrasisModernismWilliam Carlos WilliamsModern American Poetry
In Joshua Weiner, At the Barriers: On the Poetry of Thom Gunn, U. of Chicago, 2008. As repr. in PNReview 183-184, 2010.
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    • Modern American Poetry
The trouble with poetry, I realized as I walked along a beach one night -cold Florida sand under my bare feet, a show of stars in the sky --
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      Translation of PoetryModern American PoetryBilly Collins
While the traits that Whitman is famous for - all encompassing humanism and positivity - are in vast supply in 'Song of Myself', this essay investigates how various parts of his poem aggressively contradict this reading. Using... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesDeconstructionJacques Derrida
Art has always been closely intertwined with politics, and throughout history many artists have protested, both through their art and their political activism, against unjust political actions. In recent history, the Vietnam War era saw... more
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      English LiteraturePoetryImmigration StudiesModernism
This article elaborates key aspects of the imagist poetry of twentieth century American poets E. Pound, A. Lowell and H. Doolittle. Twentieth century Imagism belongs to a literary movement in American modern era that is characterized by a... more
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      American LiteratureLatin American StudiesEzra PoundH.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Książka poświęcona Stanisławowi Barańczakowi, jego poezji autorskiej i przez niego tłumaczonej.
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      Modern PoetryLiterary translationEnglish Language Studies and English PoetryModern American Poetry
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      PhilosophyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheStanley CavellFriedrich Hölderlin
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureSociologyPsychology
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      American LiteratureAfrican American LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modern American Poetry
A Close Reading of William Carlos Williams's "To Elsie" that explores dehumanization, misogyny, use of rhetorical devices, and capitalism in American Culture
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      PoetryModern PoetryWilliam Carlos WilliamsModern American Poetry
Margaret Alexander Walker's poem "For My People" (1937) is a much anthologized piece that is still highly regarded as a literary work espousing Afro-Marxist ideology. This paper discusses elements of the text that reveal it as being an... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPoetryAfrican American LiteratureAmerican modernism