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Analysis of Whitman's pre-Leaves of Grass notebooks.
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    • Walt Whitman
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    • Walt Whitman
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      American LiteratureDance StudiesWalt WhitmanIsadora Duncan
Una paradoja acecha a este libro. Una tensión entre lo individual y lo colectivo, entre lo trascendente y aquello más inmanente. Jonas Mekas ha sido, probablemente, quien mejor ha representado los logros del cine underground que se llevó... more
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      Comparative LiteratureAvant-Garde CinemaLiterature and cinemaCinema
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      Cyborg TheoryNovelWalt WhitmanEugenics
There is a common narrative among Whitman scholars that Walt Whitman 'came out' as a gay man in his late 50s with the release of the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass , more specifically with the inclusion of the "Calamus" poems. While the... more
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      PoetryGay And Lesbian StudiesHomosexuality and Literature19th-Century American Literature
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      MusicAmerican Civil WarWalt WhitmanNegro Spirituals
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureWalter Benjamin19th-Century American Literature
Review of the 2017 children's anthology of Whitman poems, edited by Karen Karbiener.
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      Children's LiteratureWalt Whitman
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      PoetryWalt WhitmanEnglish PoetryMotifs
This essay examines two contemporary cultural productions – a 2009 Levi’s Jeans commercial and a poetry collection by Rob Halpern, Music For Porn (2012) – in terms of how they adapt Walt Whitman’s poetry. Working with biopolitical theory,... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesDisability StudiesUtopian Studies
A longish review of Jim Miller’s book on the history and present of democracy.
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      GenealogyLiberalismFrench RevolutionHistory of Democracy
In the very first edition of Leaves of Grass, no author is named, and most poems have no title other than "leaves of grass." This self-published book met a querulous public, but became almost a new gospel to some readers. Whitman's... more
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    • Walt Whitman
This essay traces the influence of Welt Whitman on the now-forgotten modernist poet MacKnigbt Black (1896-1931). Examining in particular the only book Black published in his short life, 1929's Machinery, "Whitman in the Engine Room"... more
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      FuturismSocialismWalt Whitman
Il 20 giugno 1930 un giovane Cesare Pavese si laurea in Lettere con punti 108 su 110 presso la Regia Università di Torino con una tesi intitolata Interpretazione della poesia di Walt Whitman. La vicenda della discussione è ormai nota,... more
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      American LiteratureItalian LiteratureWalt WhitmanCesare Pavese
Book 2.0 10.2 (2020): 175-85. Print.
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      IllustrationsSex and GenderPhotographyBook History
The article explores in how far and to what extent Johann Wolfgang Goethe has influenced Walt Whitman’s poetic concepts, notably his notion of authorship. The investigation focuses on the concept of poetic language as a form of collective... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJohann Wolfgang von GoetheWalt WhitmanAuthorship
Examining Walt Whitman’s poem “Song of Myself” (from his 1855 collection Leaves of Grass), this article expounds upon the subject formation contained within it: the self. This self, developed through a variant of creation myth, is... more
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      Political TheologyWalt WhitmanThe Creaturely
La literatura de la imaginación, al contrario de lo que creería el crítico literario Harold Bloom, comprendía la unidad inseparable, como en el caso de la personalidad de Lincoln, de la conciencia estética y moral, permitiendo que la... more
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
Religion is basically absent from the scholarship on Pablo Neruda. Moreover, Neruda’s relationship to Walt Whitman, his “compañero de Manhattan," is understood to be one of uncritical adulation. But reading Neruda’s odes to particular... more
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      Walt WhitmanPablo Neruda
Following Foucault’s distrust of identity as possibly leading to the objectivation of the subject, Said founded his works on a conception of identity as an “essentially static notion” that served imperialism by reducing colonized peoples... more
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      American LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesIdentity (Culture)Nationalism
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      ArchitectureMaterial Culture StudiesUrban HistoryCollective Action
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro Poetry by Fernando Pessoa Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa Patricio Ferrari Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro Patricio Ferrari New York: New Directions, 2020. Edition Data Paperback... more
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      ChristianityComparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureTranslation Studies
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      Walt WhitmanModern American Poetry
بررسی ترجمه‌‌های فارسی والت ویتمن - ویراست دوم
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteraturePersian LanguageTranslation criticism
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      Women's RightsWoman SuffrageWalt Whitman
"Extreme Texts" special issue, edited by Divya Victor. Jacket2, 2019.

Online at:
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      PoetryHybridityContemporary PoetryVisual Arts
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      American LiteratureSymbolismTranscendental PhilosophyAmerican Transcendentalists
From his introduction by Quaker theologian Robert Barclay in the 1670s, until Rufus Jones’ last sermon in 1948, Socrates remained a key exemplar for Friends’ insistence on universal salvation. Following the earliest Christian... more
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      SocratesTranscendentalismWalt WhitmanRalph Waldo Emerson
This paper investigates the origin of Whitman's use of the term "kosmos" in his most famous poem, "Song of Myself." It traces the term back to the work of the Early German Romantics and their contemporaries, in particular Alexander von... more
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      RomanticismWalt WhitmanEarly German RomanticismFriedrich Schlegel
The paper examines Walt Whitman’s 1871 essay Democratic Vistas and its view of democracy not only in America, but across the world. Whitman’s own experience in politics has shaped his view on democracy which he perceives as a useful tool... more
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      American StudiesPoliticsDemocracyIndividualism
This pamphlet seeks to deepen our conception of Elias Hicks (1748 — 1830) beyond the mere “farmer” imagined by historians. It seeks to illuminate how Hicksite theology expressed the commercial values of the New York seaport during the Age... more
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      TheologyMaritime HistoryTranscendentalismWalt Whitman
This paper focuses in particular on two major twentieth-century Iberian poems celebrating and dialoguing with Walt Whitman’s example as a cosmopolitan paragon of queer affective networking: Federico García Lorca’s “Oda a Walt Whitman”... more
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      Queer StudiesFernando PessoaWalt WhitmanFederico García Lorca
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      Walt WhitmanTranslation into Slovak
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      CensorshipHomosexuality and LiteratureTranslation criticismPoetry Translation
In this essay I test and contest Lerner’s grandiose and pessimistic generalizations in his _The Hatred of Poetry_ (2016) via Emily Dickinson, who figures prominently in his text. I then turn to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “The Poet,” a... more
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      American LiteraturePlatoLiteratureEmily Dickinson
Abro esta breve incursión en el mundo whitmaniano con las palabras del dominicano Pedro Mir cuando poetizaba: ¡No, Walt Whitman, aquí están los poetas de hoy, los obreros de hoy, los pioneros de hoy, los campesinos de hoy, firmes y... more
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      SpanishPoetrySpanish LinguisticsWalt Whitman
From the century of independence to the contemporary, Montaigne acted as an influential voice in the ongoing transatlantic conversation that shaped the American identity. This special issue offers a series of transhistorical and... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesGender StudiesPragmatism
This special issue edited and directed by Emiliano Ferrari offers a series of transhistorical and interdisciplinary studies that draw the dense network of contexts, uses and meanings assumed by Montaigne’s figure and work in America,... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesGender Studies
The ascendency of identity as an effective political mobilization strategy has opened significant opportunities for group definition (or redefinition) of previously accepted information and knowledge claims. The emergence of "identity... more
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      Walt WhitmanWikipedia Studies!The-Ocean-Wild-like-an-Organ-Played-Jack-Kerouac%E2%80%99s-World-Ocean/c1ze1/5564437c0cf21fee13b63719 The first road Jack Kerouac dreamed of as path to the world and as an awakening call to his vocation as... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesWorld Literatures
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      Comparative LiteratureMusicLiteratureLiterature and Music
While the traits that Whitman is famous for - all encompassing humanism and positivity - are in vast supply in 'Song of Myself', this essay investigates how various parts of his poem aggressively contradict this reading. Using... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesDeconstructionJacques Derrida
This article discusses the ways in which modern identity politics have encouraged us to label the sexuality of American authors of the past and the effects of those labels. Specifically discussing Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, I... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSelf and IdentityQueer Theory
Walt Whitman's The Noiseless Patient Spider is a poem that has a contemplative tone and uses the literary devices of personification, metaphor, imagery, repetition, alliteration, and assonance to achieve the
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      PoetryWalt WhitmanAmerican Poetry
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (M-FIL/04)
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      Immanuel KantPhilosophy of NatureWalt WhitmanRalph Waldo Emerson
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureRomanticismIndividuality