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In this paper we explore the perception of Borges’ The Garden of the Forking Paths by American, Hungarian and Italian university students, with the aim of seeing: affective reaction, appreciation of text properties, meaning assignment,... more
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      Literary TheoryPsychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fiction
L'articolo intende introdurre il lettore alla ricerca empirica negli studi letterari. L’esito della lettura di un testo consiste nella costruzione di un insieme di informazioni organizzate in modo coerente, grazie all’intervento di... more
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      Literary TheoryPsychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fiction
In this dissertation, the focus will be on the representation of rape and rape culture within contemporary fiction; the aim of this is to discover how prevalent rape and rape culture is within this particular area. The thesis is split... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's RightsWomen
Hope is a perennial spring that waters and nurses the tree of life. Elements of chance and fate may play havoc and cause turbulence, but hope heals all wounds and, with the passage of time, soothes ruffled emotions. The very purpose of... more
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      Creative WritingJames JoyceIdentity (Culture)Samuel Beckett