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Objectives: In certain health care facilities, the staff commonly wear uniforms for dementia care. Wearing uniforms are often believed to improve the well-being of institutionalized people with dementia (PwD) by facilitating orientation... more
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      PsychologyGerontologyDementiaFocus Groups
The dawn of the new millennium witnessed a lot of changes in human kind in the context of technology based global world. Yet the discrimination between men and women, economically and socially upgraded and oppressed exists. Women... more
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      English Language and Literature and Cultural StudiesMusic Teacher Identity
Objectives: In certain health care facilities, the staff commonly wear uniforms for dementia care. Wearing uniforms are often believed to improve the well-being of institutionalized people with dementia (PwD) by facilitating orientation... more
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      PsychologyGerontologyDementiaFocus Groups
Objectives: In certain health care facilities, the staff commonly wear uniforms for dementia care. Wearing uniforms are often believed to improve the well-being of institutionalized people with dementia (PwD) by facilitating orientation... more
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      PsychologyGerontologyDementiaFocus Groups
With the help of Toni Morrison's novels Beloved and The Bluest Eye, Josiah Young questions several claims G. W. Leibniz makes in his Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil. Specifically, Young... more
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      PhilosophyTheodicyBlack TheologyWonder
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    • Art
In this experiment, we investigated whether book covers can signal sub-genre information to knowledgeable readers. Self-identified science-fiction fans and mystery fans sorted 80 randomly selected book covers from each of those genres... more
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      PsychologyScientific Study of LiteratureSimilarity Geometry
Morrison has the ability to dramatize realistic situations of the lives of the Black Americans and is capable of holding the attention of the readers to the compelling issues of racism and sexual politics. Her stories are amalgamations of... more
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This dissertation, composed of three volumes (I. Biography; II. Selection of texts; and III. Bibliographical catalog), aims to rescue the writer's personality of Jurandir Ferreira (1905-1997), bring him in to the cultural scenery context... more
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      ArtBiographyModernismLiterary History
She is the first black women to receive Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. Toni Morrison's original name is Chloe Anthony Wofford. She grew up in an American family that possessed an intensive love and appreciation for black culture.... more
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    • English Language and Literature and Cultural Studies
ALDO NEMESIO • Le ragioni della ricerca empirica sul testo CoSMo Comparative studies in modernism n. 4 • 2014 141 ALDO NEMESIO LE RAGIONI DELLA RICERCA EMPIRICA SUL TESTO La letteratura è stata spesso studiata in modo poco soddisfacente.... more
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      SociologyLiterary studiesText AnalysisCredibility
Women are perceived to be fragile and submissive, often remaining powerless both in real and virtual worlds. "Rape" remains an (ill)effective tool that is often been used to remind women of their fragility and their place in the society.... more
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      Gender StudiesEnglish LiteratureIndian Writing in English
was born Chloe Anthony Wofford, the second of four children, to George and Ramah Wofford on February 18, 1931. Both of her parents came from sharecropping families who had moved North in pursuit of better living conditions in the early... more
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      PlayNovelAfrican AmericanShort story
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      HistoryPoliticsLiterary studiesHistorical Studies
The preservation of black traditional cultural values is the main fight of Toni Morrison, African-American female writer and the 1993 Literature Nobel Prize. In three of her novels, she presents black communities strongly influenced by... more
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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Ok, this is won't be as complete if I had time to respond immediately. So sorry for this in advance. But she doesn't just leave to absent herself of guilt, to atone; she does so to individuate. This is important because individuation... more
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    • Gene Wolfe
Saul Goodman, as seen in two television series, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, functions as a remarkable example of how characters can ascribe different accelerations to plots. Faster movement in discourse time tends to propel a... more
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      Cognitive NarratologyNarratologyCharacter DesignTime Studies
{Bailey A. Moskowitz, University of Virginia} In this paper, I will first illuminate how Morrison’s writing suggests artistic expression as a way for individuals to realize their identities. I will then investigate how other authors... more
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      Art TherapyTraumaToni Morrison (Literature)Literary Analysis
Dopo una prima introduzione agli studi condotti sull'incipit da parte di critici ottocenteschi e novecenteschi, si riflette sull'importanza di questo tema nelle opere di Sciascia, dal romanzo, al romanzo storico, alla saggistica.... more
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      Letteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaLeonardo SciasciaTeoria Della LetteraturaLetteratura italiana
The question of alienation has always been a pervasive theme in the history of modern thought, and it occupies a considerable place in contemporary work. Literature in general, and fiction in particular, raise this issue to reveal its... more
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    • English Language and Literature and Cultural Studies
The question of alienation has always been a pervasive theme in the history of modern thought, and it occupies a considerable place in contemporary work. Literature in general, and fiction in particular, raise this issue to reveal its... more
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    • English Language and Literature and Cultural Studies
When a character is introduced in a narrative text, his/her aspect and personality are constructed by the reader on the basis both of information found in the text and of inferences actively produced by the readers. The first perception... more
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    • Art
ARGARET ATWOOD has long been regarded as a major conttemporary writer, and her short fiction has found a niche in introductory college literature anthologies where it is often praised, especially for offering a Canadian counterpoint to an... more
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In Toni Morrison's novels names are traces that refer not only to the narrated events, but to history and myths as well. Morrison's writing is dialogically related to those African American authors who marked the paths of the emancipation... more
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The dawn of the new millennium witnessed a lot of changes in human kind in the context of technology based global world. Yet the discrimination between men and women, economically and socially upgraded and oppressed exists. Women... more
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{Sarah Ang} In 1976, Adrienne Rich argued in Of Woman Born that the ‘cathexis between mother and daughter – essential, distorted, the great unwritten story... minimized and trivialized in the annals of patriarchy’ (225).
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      Gender and RaceToni MorrisonThe Bluest EyeBeloved by Toni Morrison
{Jaede Shillingford, McGill University} As scholars of English Literature, or even casual observers of the craft, we have long understood the works of woman authors—Austen, Woolf, Brontë and all their equally inclined colleagues—to be... more
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      Black feminismToni MorrisonLiterary AnalysisThe Bluest Eye
Identifying the self is an incessant quest among the African Americans. Why do they search for their genealogy? It is a question which is to be answered for the readers of the Toni Morison. A person is provided an existence in a society... more
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People Beloved as a novel has the potential to be used in a multitude of ways in the twenty-first-century classroom. First, the novel must be recognized for its importance in examining multiculturism and intersectionality-the intersection... more
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      Feminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesEnglish Instruction and Pedagogy
Identifying the self is an incessant quest among the African Americans. Why do they search for their genealogy? It is a question which is to be answered for the readers of the Toni Morison. A person is provided an existence in a society... more
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    • Self and Identity
Linked to the metaphors Ariel, Calibán and Esu, the three concepts Negriceness, Negritude and Negriticeness are used in the study of Pecola Breedlove, Milkman Dead and Jadine Childs in Toni Morrison’s fiction. Pecola’s assimilationist... more
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    • Black Diasporic Literature
Toni Morrison is an African-American novelist, born on February 18, 1931, in Lorain, Ohio, during the great depression. Her father George Wofford was a shipyard welder and her mother Ramah was a lady of high esteem in the society as a... more
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    • American Literature
Light is the brightness that adds magnanimity in life. It can empower the weakened, drowntrodden classes of the society. The place of women in society differs from culture to culture and from age to age. African Americans, in particular,... more
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Published in "The Independent," Jun. 7, 2018
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      History of IdeasPlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionPlato's Republic
The trilogy of Toni Morrison is set against the backdrop of slavery and Reconstruction of African-Americans. The historical scenario provides Morrison with a context to explore the emotional and psychological trauma particularly inflicted... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesPostcolonial Studies
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      SociologyCognitive PsychologyMethodologyPoetics
In this paper we explore the perception of Borges’ The Garden of the Forking Paths by American, Hungarian and Italian university students, with the aim of seeing: affective reaction, appreciation of text properties, meaning assignment,... more
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      Psychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fictionEmpirical Research on Literature
When a character is introduced in a narrative text, his/her aspect and personality are constructed by the reader on the basis both of information found in the text and of inferences actively produced by the readers. The first perception... more
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In this paper we explore the perception of Borges’ The Garden of the Forking Paths by American, Hungarian and Italian university students, with the aim of seeing: affective reaction, appreciation of text properties, meaning assignment,... more
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      Psychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fictionEmpirical Research on Literature
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      SociologyPoeticsLiterary studies
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      Psychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fictionEmpirical Research on Literature
This essay analyses the positions of the main female protagonists in their communities and how these communities effect the girls’ perception of themselves and their formation of an identity.
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      Contemporary American LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
contemporary Italian literature
empirical research on texts
act of reading
theory of literature
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      Contemporary Italian LiteratureThe Act of ReadingTheory of literatureEmpirical Research on Literature
In this paper we explore the perception of Borges’ The Garden of the Forking Paths by American, Hungarian and Italian university students, with the aim of seeing: affective reaction, appreciation of text properties, meaning assignment,... more
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      Literary TheoryPsychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fiction
L'articolo intende introdurre il lettore alla ricerca empirica negli studi letterari. L’esito della lettura di un testo consiste nella costruzione di un insieme di informazioni organizzate in modo coerente, grazie all’intervento di... more
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      Literary TheoryPsychology of ReadingLiterary CharactersModern fiction
In this dissertation, the focus will be on the representation of rape and rape culture within contemporary fiction; the aim of this is to discover how prevalent rape and rape culture is within this particular area. The thesis is split... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's RightsWomen
On 28 th August 2013 a news report came out in the online edition of a newspaper 1 about the racially inappropriate figure of "Black Pete" who is seen to accompany St. Nikolaus in the Dutch celebration of Christmas. The piece is curiously... more
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      Toni MorrisonTraditionAlice WalkerLeslie Marmon Silko
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    • Spanish Literature