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Archaeological Jew’s Harps from Ancient Nomadic Cultures of Eastern Eurasia Until now only musical instrument from Xiongnu archaeological monuments was a Jew’s harp unearthed by Prof. D.Tseveendorj in 1989 in Morin Tolgoi burial ground,... more
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      Mongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of MongoliaMusical Instrument Technology
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesGerman LiteratureChinese Studies
Annals of Kublai (14 juans of "Yuan Shi", No. 4-17). This is commented  translation 元史世祖本紀  into Russian.
The book was printed July 19, 2019. Circulation - 100 copies.

Тираж 100 экземпляров (70 в продажу)
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      Military HistoryMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaYuan Dynasty
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      Mongolian and Central Asian StudiesGravesGöktürk Sanatı
A general introduction, organized alphabetically, to Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. On many topics it is the only account available in English.
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      Mongolian StudiesYuan DynastyHistory of the Mongol EmpireTibeto-Mongolian Buddhism
Товчлол: Хятад сурвалжид "було" хэмээн нэрлэгдсэн нүүдэлчдийн нийгмийн бүтцийг "овог, аймаг" мэтээр орчуулах нь ташаа байна. Було нь монголчуудын эхийн талын цусан төрлийнхнөө нэрлэдэг "бүл" хэмээх үг мөн бололтой бөгөөд нүүдэлчдийн дунд... more
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaMongolian and Central Asian StudiesMongolian Archaeology
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaMongolian and Central Asian StudiesSiberian Studies
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol EmpireMongols
ХХ зууны Монголын түүхэнд, ялангуяа эрдэм судлалын талбарт өөрийн арилшгүй мөрийг үлдээсэн нэртэй эрдэмтэн, төр нийгмийн зүтгэлтэн Мэргэн гүн Гомбожавын мэндэлсний 110 жилийн ойг 2016 онд Монгол улсад ёслол төгөлдөр тэмдэглэн өнгөрүүлэв.... more
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      Mongolian StudiesBuryatiaMongoliaMongolian and Central Asian Studies
In fall 2005, archaeologists followed a lead by the chief geologist D. Garamzhav of Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. and carried out a preliminary examination and documentation of a walled enclosure surrounded by a circular parapet. The walled... more
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      Mongolian and Central Asian StudiesMongolian Archaeology
Structural functionalism is a social approach to trace out the complex society where all segments work together regarding promoting solidarity and stability. Likewise, cosmopolitanism means a society where people from distinct cultures,... more
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      TurkmenPolitical ScienceIranian StudiesCentral Asian Studies
By examining Mongol and Chinese documents, this article analyses Mongolian official titles from the 14th to the 16th centuries. It shows that there are many historical layers in the set of official titles. The titles inherited from the... more
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      Mongolian StudiesMongolian and Central Asian StudiesMongolian history
A BOARD GAME FROM A KHUNNU BURIAL This article is about the research of a board game, found in the 1st burial at Gol mod’s khunnu cemetery in Khairkhan sum of Arkhangai province, excavated by archaeologists of the Mongolian-French joint... more
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      Board GamesXiongnu archaelogyMongolian and Central Asian StudiesMongolian Archaeology
For Mongols, sharing food is more than just eating meals. Through a process of “opening” and “closing”, on a daily basis or at events, in the family circle or with visitors, sharing food guarantees the proper order of social relations. It... more
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      Social AnthropologyCultural SociologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Food
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar
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      CrusadesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      Asian StudiesInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
Full book available at In this book, the author offers a complete reconstruction of the Chinese-Mongol vocabulary of the 17th century comprehensive Chinese military work called Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略,... more
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
2018. « Mongol dakhi khöömiin övluulelt » (La transmission du khöömii en Mongolie), Chinggis Khaan Sudlal 27, Ulaanbaatar : Université Chinggis Khaan, p. 141-146.
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      Anthropology of MusicEthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyMongolian Studies
This article examines how Ladakhi songs represent cultural self-images through associated musical, textual, and visual tropes. Many songs of the past, both from the old royal house and the rural Buddhist populations, reflect the... more
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      BuddhismHistoryCultural HistoryAsian Studies
This article discusses the work of contemporary Mongolian artist Mugi.
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      Contemporary ArtMongolian StudiesFeminismTransnational Feminism
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      History of the Mongol EmpireReligious StudiesConversion to IslamMongolian and Central Asian Studies
В статье предпринят, а попытка рассмотреть некоторые аспекты взаимоотношений Туркестанского генерал-губернаторства и Китая с российской, советской и постсоветской историографии. На основе анализа публикаций, выходивших на это период, были... more
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      HistoryHistoriographyCentral Asian StudiesChina studies
In: Czövek, Judit – Szulovszky, János (ed.): Közvetítő. Tanulmányok Hoppál Mihály 75. születésnapjára. Budapest, Magyar Vallástudományi Társaság 2017. pp. 155−164.
ISBN 978-963-87696-7-1
[Muu šubuun – the Vampire in Buryat Beliefs]
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      MythologyMongolian StudiesShamanismMongolian Shamanism
Система мониторинга и анализ особенностей социальноэкономического развития трансграничных территорий России, Монголии и Китая Monitoring system and analysis of socio-economical development features of transboundary territories of Russia,... more
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      Economic HistoryRussian StudiesEconomicsDevelopment Economics
This article continues the study of ethnic history and ethnic processes that took place in the space of Inner Asia. A comprehensive comparative analysis of the ethnic composition of the Turkic and Mongoliс peoples of Siberia, using... more
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      EthnographyInner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesSiberia
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      Central Eurasian StudiesMilitary and PoliticsMongolian and Central Asian StudiesOyirad
The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesSociology of the MilitaryWar Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
The comparative assessment of the aimags population living standard and the country average level was carried out and some problem areas requiring closer examination were identified. We evaluated 12 indicators characterizing the... more
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      Economic SociologyUrban GeographyEcosystems EcologyEcosystem Services
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
a brief overview of Mongolian art represented in the 56th Venice Biennale 2015.
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      Contemporary ArtMongolian StudiesContemporary Asian artMongolian and Central Asian Studies
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      Chinese StudiesChinese BuddhismTibetan StudiesSilk Road
Abstract “Debate epic” custom The purpose of this research is to contribute to the List of Mongolian Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding Mongolian Epics rituals to narrow rule study and re-presentation of... more
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      Mongolian StudiesMongolian and Central Asian StudiesMongolian folk/traditional musicMongolian Folklore
A Woman Who Ruled An Empire by Ruchika Sharma Review of the Book - EMPRESS: THE ASTONISHING REIGN OF NUR JAHAN By Ruby Lal "The Empress, as the title suggests, puts the spotlight on Nur Jahan as a political figure. The book delineates... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryEarly Modern HistorySouth Asia
ХХ зуунд Монголын түүхэнд тохиосон олон чухал үйл явдлын дотроос ач холбогдол, цар хэмжээгээрээ товойн тодрох 1921 оны хувьсгалын анхдугаар зорилт нь хятад цэргийн эзэрхийллээс эх орноо чөлөөлөх явдал байв. 1920 оны намар ЗОУ-ын Засгийн... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
Da Roma a Mosca, per poi salire a bordo dello «smisurato serpente» della Transiberiana e infine approdare in Mongolia. Transiberiana è il reportage ricco di foto e illustrazioni di un viaggio lungo 13 mila chilometri che valica i confini... more
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      Russian StudiesTravel WritingRailway TransportMongolian Studies
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Central Asian Studies
This article summarizes the comprehensive archaeological excavations of a medieval settlement located in the Ili River valley in southeastern Kazakhstan, which is partially occupied by the modern village of Usharal, Panfilov district near... more
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      ArchaeologySyriac StudiesCentral AsiaOld Turkic
Applying quasigenetic markers – non-biological traits which are nevertheless inherited in generations – is one of the research fields within human population genetics. For the West European, East European, and Caucasus populations ,... more
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      HistoryGeneticsHuman GeneticsPopulation Genetics
Accompanying the dissolution of the USSR and the formation of new nation states in the 1990s, nearly half of Mongolian Kazakhs migrated from their adopted home of Mongolia to the imagined homeland of Kazakhstan. By 2000, a sizable... more
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      Place and IdentityMongolian StudiesMigration StudiesTransnational migration
English abstract on pp. 74-75.
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      BuddhismChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesDaoism
Алтан Дээд ГЭР-ИЭ 1 ИХ МОНГОЛ УЛС БАЙГУУЛСАНЫ-803 жилд ТОЛУЙ хааны хатан СОРКАКТАЙ цэцэн Өв МОНОГОУУЛ-аас хөрвүүлсэн 15 дахь өртөөлөгч Хөх НОХОЙ овогт |Ж.НҮРЗЭД| ХӨХ МОНГОЛ-ыг нүүдлийн соёлоор бадраах ИХ... more
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      Mongolian StudiesMongolian ShamanismMongolian and Central Asian Studies
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      Mongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol Empire
This paper explores the role of kinship in herder claims for winter shelter ownership in rural Mongolia, where pastureland is currently designated as state-owned property in the national constitution. Drawing on ethnographic research... more
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)Land UseMongolian and Central Asian StudiesCustomary land Tenure
Despite Jebe Noyan's importance to the expansion of Chinggis Khan's empire, the Mongol general remains a shadowy figure. In part this stems from the absence of any biography of Jebe in the Yuan Shi and much uncertainly surrounds when, and... more
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      History of the Mongol EmpireHistory of Golden HordeMongolian and Central Asian StudiesKipchaks - Cumans
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      Mongolian StudiesMongolian and Central Asian Studiesмонголын түүхMongolian Anthropology
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesInner Asian HistoryMongolian and Central Asian Studies