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This article starts by asking whether P2P file-sharing of music can be stopped. Based on a discussion of (a) the interaction among law (regulation), technology and the market and (b) relevant social norms, the paper takes the view that it... more
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      International Copyright LawFile SharingEthics of Music Downloading and File SharingMusic File Sharing Morality
This paper addresses attempts to locate and dislocate music audiences in the context of global commercial, legal, and technical developments. The 2001 legal decision against Napster in the United States found the file share service... more
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      File SharingNew media, Social Network Sites and Youth Practices, Youth Online sociability and Identity, Media and Digital Literacies, Participation and Civic Engagement, and Tensions between Public and PrivateMusic File Sharing Morality
Hacking is dominantly understood to be the pursuit of the corrupt, the devious, and sometimes the deviant. The contemporary music file-sharing phenomenon, however, has compelled a revision of this understanding. Legal forms of hacking... more
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      HacktivismHackersEthics of Music Downloading and File SharingMusic File Sharing Morality
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    • Music File Sharing Morality
This article analyses current trends in the use of anonymity services among younger Swedes (15-25) and focuses on individuals engaging in illegal file sharing in order to better understand the rationale behind both file sharing as well as... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial ChangeSociology Of Deviance
This exploratory study applies and extends a new model of media attendance to examine factors that determine current levels of sharing files through peer-to-peer networks among college students, and to predict downloaders' intentions to... more
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      Youth StudiesDigital MediaYouth CultureComputer Mediated Communication
This special issue and its range of contributions, from both emerging and established scholars with interests in digital music distribution, provides a particular and novel depth of vision, into both developments in digital music in the... more
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      Information SystemsComputer SciencePopular MusicActor Network Theory
In the late twentieth-century, the mixtape was a popular way in which fans shared their taste in music with others in their social network; the author of a mixtape would record a compilation of music, often an assortment of works by... more
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      Media StudiesVideo GamesDigital GamesMusic File Sharing Morality
This special issue and its range of contributions, from both emerging and established scholars with interests in digital music distribution, provides a particular and novel depth of vision, into both developments in digital music in the... more
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      Popular MusicActor Network TheoryPeer-to-PeerDigital Content Distribution
This exploratory study applies and extends a new model of media attendance to examine factors that determine current levels of sharing files through peer-to-peer networks among college students, and to predict downloaders’ intentions to... more
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      Youth StudiesDigital MediaYouth CultureFile Sharing