Sociology Of Deviance
Recent papers in Sociology Of Deviance
Recreational trespass or 'urban exploration' (UE) is the practice of researching, gaining access to and documenting forbidden, forgotten or otherwise off-limits places, including abandoned buildings , construction sites and infrastructure... more
Long-distance commuting (also called fly-in/fly-out or FIFO) is a system of labour-force provision for industrial operations in remote regions; e. g., at oil and gas extraction sites in the Russian Arctic. Employees commute on a... more
This chapter will: explore the social context in which ‘problem drug users’ and ‘inadequate parents’ are constructed; outline key issues and difficulties involved in working with problem drug users whose children are considered to be at... more
Les contours de la sociologie de la déviance se sont dessinés aux EtatsUnis dans les années 60 grâce à l'essor d’études empiriques et d’une perspective théorique s’étant affranchie de sa matrice initiale: la sociologie des problèmes... more
More deviant groups are reported less favorably but not less prominently.
Wood, William R. 2012. “Sin.” The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America, edited by W.R. Miller and J.G. Golson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
A fascinating study on social movements, religion and behaviour in ancient greece. One may wonder what has changed in the realm of social relations over the past two thousand years...
Opportunities for deviant economic exploitation grew significantly in the second half of the twentieth century. Drawing from interviews with forty-seven fraudulent telemarketers, this article describes the backgrounds and pursuits of one... more
The term deviance is outlined in Tami Bereska’s book Deviance, Conformity, and Social Control in Canada (2018) as “a person, behaviour, or characteristic that is socially typed as deviant and subjected to measures of social control”.... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more t w i t t e r . c o m / H a r m a t t a n P a r i s Édition -Diffusion 5-7, rue de l'École Polytechnique 75005 Paris Tél. 01 40 46 79 20 (comptoir et renseignement... more
Être criminel de profession, ce n’est pas facile tous les jours. Comment les malfaiteurs font-ils pour identifier les policiers infiltrés et éviter de s’associer à eux ? Et comment font-ils pour recruter des acolytes fiables, des truands... more
Contemporary research into health treats diagnosis as a central step in illness management and trajectories. Most public health policies, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease, claim that the earlier a diagnosis is made, the... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
This exploratory study was conducted to inquire into the experiences of gay santeros – those who take care of religious statues or imahes that are used for Catholic religious activities. The study looked into the entry of the santeros to... more
Why do some mental illnesses emerge in certain times and places and later disappear? Because it integrates a wide array of social processes and relies on a strong epistemological position, Hacking's theory of ecological niches constitutes... more
This study shows how labels anchored in unconscious bias can contribute to the gender institution. It draws on interviews with women leaders in Canadian for-profit organizations to illustrate how labels relate to unconscious bias towards... more
Ripercorrendone in modo rigoroso le principali teorie e tematiche, il volume aggiorna il dibattito critico sul discorso socio-criminologico, colmando il vuoto esistente nel mercato editoriale italiano su prospettive e sviluppi... more
"Lives Of Real Vampires: More Than A Diet Of Blood"
By Merticus for Everyday Health - October 29, 2015
By Merticus for Everyday Health - October 29, 2015
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli empatii i jej uwarunkowań w pracy resocjali-zacyjnej, realizowanej przez personel zakładów poprawczych i schronisk dla nielet-nich w Polsce. Empatia odgrywa ważną rolę zarówno w budowaniu więzi pomiędzy... more
Homophobic violence can be considered as an expressive act. Violent behavior can be considered as anti-homosexual when victims are chosen because they are considered or perceived as homosexual. Following this reasoning, hate crimes as... more
DEVIANCE AND POLICE ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE IN SLOVENIA Authors: Emanuel Banutai, Jerneja ifrer and Gorazd Meko ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this article is to examine the correlation between police deviance and police organisational... more
Face à l’augmentation du nombre de mules transportant de la cocaïne entre la Guyane et la Métropole, les acteurs de la prévention guyanais initient des actions en direction des jeunes. Dans ce contexte, une enquête menée à la fois auprès... more
I processi di globalizzazione hanno finito col causare forme di convivenza reciprocamente escludentisi che generano una percezione sempre più forte della vulnerabilità collettiva. La società postmoderna avverte il rischio sociale in... more
This art icle uses interview data to explore how 28 women diagnosed with chronic sexually transmit ted diseases (STDs) managed the impact of stigma on how they saw themselves as sexual beings. Constant comparat ive analysis reveals the... more
"Vampirët: Historia E Vërtetë"
By Endri Farka for Magazine Albania - November 8, 2015
By Endri Farka for Magazine Albania - November 8, 2015
From 2008 to 2009, “herbivore men (sôshoku danshi or sôshoku-kei danshi in Japanese)” became a trendy, widely used term in Japanese. It flourished in all sorts of media, including TV, the Internet, newspapers and magazines, and could even... more
In the late 1980s illicit drug use became a major social problem in the UK. Since then policy and practice has largely been shaped by psychological and medical perspectives that emphasise the physiological and psychological nature of... more
Annoverato tra i classici della sociologia della devianza e, più complessivamen-te, della riflessione socio-criminologica contemporanea, Come si diventa devianti merita di ritornare a essere reperibile nel mercato editoriale a... more
The paper is an attempt to sketch the relevance of The social Construction of Reality by Berger and Luckmann in the analysis of deviance
This article concerns alcohol use as it pertains to the construction of White masculinity through an analysis of students' accounts. Seventy-eight face-to-face interviews were conducted with volunteer female and male, African American,... more
Moderne Ansätze der Kriminologie rücken den Ort eines Verbrechens in den Fokus ihrer Untersuchung. Entsprechende kriminalpräventive Maßnahmen betreffen daher vor allem die Situation in der sich eine kriminelle Handlung ereignet. Primäre... more
Manual de desviación y control social, enfocando los aspectos claves del delito y delincuencia en la sociedad contemporánea. Presenta los conceptos, teorías e investigación sobre el área. Sirve para realizar análisis del crimen y... more
Edwin M. Lemert
Devianza, problemi sociali
e forme di controllo
a cura di Cirus Rinaldi
Meltemi 2019
Devianza, problemi sociali
e forme di controllo
a cura di Cirus Rinaldi
Meltemi 2019
The purpose of this article is to examine the correlation between police deviance and police organisational culture in Slovenia.
First coined in 1973 to describe a pathological response on the part of individuals involved in kidnapping or hostage-taking situations, the label "Stockholm syndrome" has since been used in a much broader range of contexts including... more