Muslim minorities in Bulgaria and the Balkans
Recent papers in Muslim minorities in Bulgaria and the Balkans
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recently, the issue of human rights and fundamental rights and freedoms has gained importance on an international scale. This situation is directly proportional to the fact that the issue of human rights has grown out of... more
This article discusses important policy shifts concerning the education of Turks in the mother tongue in Bulgarian schools during the socialist and post-socialist periods and the consequences of these policy shifts for the Turkish... more
Wer sich mit der ethnischen Struktur der südlichen Balkanhalbinsel zur Zeit der Balkankriege beschäftigen möchte, hat bei der Quellenwahl zwischen höchst widersprüchlichen Karten und Statistiken zu wählen. Die meisten Darstellungen jener... more
The Pomaks are Bulgarian-speaking Muslims living in Southern Bulgaria and Northern Greece. Both countries developed different strategies to deal with the minority. While Bulgaria's policy aimed at both the cultural assimilation into the... more
Over the course of the nineteenth century, the old multi-ethnic and multiconfessional Eurasian empires-the Ottoman, the Russian, and the Austro-Hungarian-had to contend with grave challenges to the dynastic order of things from... more
The paper shows an image and functions of Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish languages among Jewish Diaspora groups – the Balkan Sephardim and the Ashkenazim (the Ostjuden group) – in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century until... more
The Functioning of the Mufti Institution in Bulgaria at the Beginning of the 20th Century. A Case Study, „Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej \ Studies into the History of Russia and Central-Eastern Europe” 2018, vol. 53... more
Dość powszechnie spotykaną tendencją w programach ugrupowań skrajnej prawicy jest otwarta niechęć względem postaw, zachowań i systemu wartości odmiennych, niż ogólnie przyjęte w danym społeczeństwie. Stąd obywatele danego państwa, którzy... more
Existing studies of paramilitarism and the deep state focused on the far-right organisations that operated between the early 1950’s and the late 1960’s. Scholars have produced contriving accounts of the origins and function of deep state... more