Mystery Initiations
Recent papers in Mystery Initiations
Martinists orders - Pasqually - Saint-Martin - Willermoz - Papus - Encausse - Elect-coen - RER - Birth and rebirth of Martinism - Elements for understanding martinism, Saint-Martin's doctrine - three points of the work: emanation, fall,... more
A brief exploration of the Ja'far ibn Mansur al-Yaman's "Book of the Master and the Disciple."
Life about a Saint as historical two places after his Martyrdom, Mystical event of around 1584 C.E / 1004 A.H, the explanation of file in mix of language Urdu, Arabic and English as written, more than this i can not remap in official,... more
Le pèlerin parcours le monde et ses activités. Il est à chaque fois trompé et déçu, jusqu'à ce qu'il découvre ... Le ... Paradis du coeur, inversion et retournement complet
This article is the first of two articles, in a greater series, that will look at evidence indicating a connection to the spiritual stream of Rosicrucianism. In our previous two articles we have addressed, in the first, the moral... more
The paper focuses on embodied mystery experiences of initiates in ancient Greek mystery cults. Four main questions are addressed: what kind of experience was considered the core of Greek mystery initiations, how was this experience... more
The History of Humanity - Root Races Development
Course 120 – Short Paper on History of Humanity
Marilene Santos
For Morya Federation Level One program Quest Universal
Course 120 – Short Paper on History of Humanity
Marilene Santos
For Morya Federation Level One program Quest Universal
One of the primary goals of spiritual science is to prepare humanity for what is popularly called the second coming of Christ, which students of spiritual science generally refer to as the return of Christ in the etheric. It is the goal... more
This article examines the link between C.G. Jung's experiences recorded in The Red Book to that of an initi-atory process found in the study of Western esotericism, and the serious confrontation that the opus brings up for the initiate.... more
The 1939 family classic film, The Wizard of Oz, based on the beloved children’s tale by L. Frank Baum, represents a modern example of mythologist Joseph Campbell’s model of the hero quest myth. This two-part study begins with a... more
An argument for developing systems of self-initiation and self-development in the Yoruba origin Ifa system of knowledge, spiritual development and divination in order to make Ifa more accessible to enthusiasts beyond the current... more
- by Christian H Bull
- Hermetism, The western mystery tradition in literature; alchemical theater; explication of works associated with John Dee and Edward Kelley. Alchemy in Shakespeare. Neo-Latin alchemical poetry. Magical realism and surrealism in contemporary American literature., Mystery Initiations
The faculty of memory, comprising memorization and remembrance, is often viewed as entirely rational. This paper focuses on three phenomena, poetry, mystery initiations, and Plato’s philosophy, in order to demonstrate that in some... more
Rudolf Steiner and the sculptor Edith Marion worked together to create a 9.5 meter (approx. 31 ft.) tall wooden sculpture of Christ positioned between Lucifer and Ahriman, which is known as The Representative of Humanity. It is an... more
Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind analyses techniques of searching for ultimate wisdom in ancient Greece. The Greeks perceived mental experiences of exceptional intensity as resulting from divine intervention. They believed that to share... more
This is a more elaboret and developped version of the first paper published in Polish : M.T. Olszewski, Uwagi na temat mosaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr), Menander XLII, 9-10, 1987, pp. 421-438 (translated to English : The... more
If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." (King 1959) "Future planners... more
This third article in the series Towards Building a Community of Grail Knights, which will be supplemented by two more articles on the subject of the Ancient Priestly Wisdom, will focus further, from a different perspective, on balancing... more
features, tricks, and ideas for pretended miracles and rituals passed from a religious stream to another and obtained new forms and meanings. The case of the miracle of knowing languages passed from Christianity to some “gnostic” thinkers... more
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
Frequently, most of the literature that is studied in schools or universities analyses classic texts by authors such as Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, or Robinson Crusoe. In the academic field, apart from theological studies, not much... more
Абстракт: Овој труд има за цел да даде увид во фаталистичките верувањата во мистериите и древните форми на претскажувања кај античките Македонци. Тие, како и останатите древни цивилизации, освен што секојдневно им се молеле на божествата... more
Le but de cet article n’est pas de formuler une exégèse complète de l’univers végétal de l'Hymne homérique à Hermès, univers éminemment complexe, mais en grande partie inexploré. Je me propose de relire les différentes étapes de... more
ENG SUMMARY (text práce v slovenčine) The substantial/transcendent transformation, the main focus of our research, represents a universal anthropologically and narratively fixed phenomenon, emerging from the oldest times of human... more
For decades, Arthur D. Nock’s famous definition of conversion and his distinction between conversion and adhesion have greatly influenced our understanding of individual religious transformation in the ancient world. The articles in this... more
Initiation into the Bektashi Sufi order is formalized as the initiate is led through a complex ritual form replete with symbols of death and rebirth, sacrifice, and integration that are enacted as the ritual is performed and in various... more
David created, formed, and steeled the power of an independent self, the messianic power of redemption of humanity, in the depths of individuation and in his heart's blood. His entire being is a realization of a crucial, positive,... more
Quotes on V.V.V.V.V., Abyss and the Great Work taken from different Thelemic books in Class A known as Holy Books of Thelema, also from other books from different Classes.
This is a readable, horizontal photocopy of the 1992 article as it appeared in the 1999 book edited by Paul Bishop, "Jung in Contexts."
Величайшая тайна планеты. О чем молчит Библия.
Responsibility is applied consciousness.
(Back cover) Platonic Religiosity is a hermeneutical attempt to read Platonic works from the perspective of their religiosity. The aspects examined in the book are limited for the moment to the most basic, perhaps even the simplest,... more
The creation of the concept of the martyr by ancient Christianity was undoubtedly one of the reasons why this young religion could endure through times of persecution and also attract new believers. But what exactly made this concept so... more
Jos Velhurst's recent paper ( revealed insights to beholding... more
Суть Креста, ключа Жизни — загадка страданья и Радости, мрака и Света, греха и Спасения. Крест Египтян Анх, венчаемый пéтлей врат в Небо как ýшком иглы для готовых пролезть — явь тому.
Eight days of meditations for Easter are explored in this paper, examining St. Paul’s conversion/initiation experience on the road to Damascus within the context of the Easter thought: in the spirit of the season of Sacrifice, Death, and... more
The shortest and most accurate definition of business. // Кратчайшее и наиточнейшее определение того, чтó есть бизнес.
What we are seeking to explore in this article is the significance of the Harry Potter series showing how the path of initiation unfolds in the life of Harry Potter. What is significant is what helps humanity to grasp the predicament of... more
To join our assembly and to live with a glorified body in the pure flames of the heaven of fire, say the members of this Fraternity, it is needful that thou shouldst behold this Light, for without this it is impossible to see, save only... more
In this article, I propose a close analysis of Plato’s Ion to focus on comic procedures. My main goal is provide a conceptual framework that enables contemporary readers to connect text and comic tradition. This approach is based on an... more
Lecture at the Δι Eleusis Wellness & Arts Festival, May 12.05.2017
Un essai sur ce qui nous lie ensemble
In this paper I propose to undertake a brief comparative analysis between current cosmology of the Argentine Chaco Toba people and Eastern religious traditions such as the Yoga of India. My analysis includes native drawings about the... more
Hi, i'm a student of Archaeology and I'm hardly searching some examples about rituals (possibly with spearation-transition-reintegration -Van Gennep-) where the community imposes on young people/adolescents (preferebly girls) a limitation... more