Narrative Theory
Recent papers in Narrative Theory
This essay proposes a historically material theory of resonance in experience and literature. Working against contemporary techno-deterministic assessments of sound, I argue for a historical, rather than individual, modality of listening... more
Not long ago, narrative was all the rage... today, not as much. The fashionable preoccupation with (yet another) category to deliver religious imagination from the grips of organizing principles - artificial and reductionistic tropes -... more
Our time is characterized by a crisis of representational practice, fuelled by unprecedented technological and economic changes on a global level. Narrative, therefore, takes a wide variety of forms. This course examines the aesthetics... more
In this contribution I would like to elaborate on why the development of a narrative identity for elderly is so important, but also what they can do if they don’t succeed in having one. The narrative paradigm has enormous potentials in... more
Das Buch ist die erste monografische Abhandlung zu Vogelbildern als Untergattung der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Es nähert sich dem Thema interdisziplinär mit einem ungewohnten methodischen Ansatz, der die erzählerische... more
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
'Dante’s Masterplot and Alternative Narratives in the "Commedia"’ questions the familiar narrative arc at play in the writings of Dante Alighieri and opens his masterpiece to three alternative models that resist it. Dante’s masterplot is... more
Olson, Greta. “Reconsidering Unreliability: Fallible and Untrustworthy Narrators.” Narrative 11.1 (2003): 93-109.
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
The paper examines the dominancy of narrative in Hasidic religious life through the discourse of narrative ethics and its implications for theology, specifically feminist theology, and for religion in general. I claim that the... more
The article contends that Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels occupy a special place among contemporary literature in that they superficially adopt traditional modes of storytelling, typically associated with the nineteenth century... more
• This essay explores the literature/digital nexus from a narratological perspective and asks: how does the digital enter the traditional printed novel? The concept of the paratext – with the new categories of material peritexts and... more
Transitional justice is a major concept in promoting peace and reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is usually associated with formal judicial processes such as criminal justice, rule-of law reform and paying reparations. This... more
La critica letteraria è una materia in cui “parole e cose” sono strettamente intrecciate le une alle altre, e in cui tra i componenti materiali dei testi e le categorie che li classificano esiste un intricato rapporto di individuazione... more
This thesis focuses on a particular stylistic period of Frederic Chopin. The 1840s show an important evolution of Chopin’s musical language and correspond to an aesthetic turning point, characterized by a difficult historical and... more
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
Umfangreiche Freskenzyklen, überdimensionierte Flügelaltäre und reich illustrierte Manuskripte: Insbesondere im Mittelalter konnten Bilder komplexe Geschichten erzählen. Die Vorlesung stellt unterschiedliche Strategien bildlicher... more
Fludernik, Monika and Greta Olson. "Assessing Current Trends in Narratology." Current Trends in Narratology. Ed. Greta Olson. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2011. 1-33.
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
ROZBOR FILMU / FILM ANALYSIS [English summary] Radomír D. Kokeš (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015) The book focuses on possibilities of analyzing a film as a system. Its aim is to deal with the process of asking questions in such a way... more
Some live their lives in a ‘Narrative’ and ‘Diachronic’ fashion. They intuitively feel they’re the same self or person across long periods of time. Others live in a decidedly ‘non-Narrative’ and ‘Episodic’ way with no strong sense that... more
In Narrative Structure in Comics: Making Sense of Fragments, Barbara Postema uses the notion of the gap to explain how comics create meaning. As texts that combine words and images, comics rely on the verbal register to communicate... more
This paper claims that the spirited debates about game narratives in the game industry and academia have not seen much progress due to their being too stuck in classical notions of narrative developed for non-ergodic media such as film or... more
Storytelling has long been an important part of both campaigning and creating and maintaining community. However, the relationship between stories and rational argument has been problematic in the study of public moral debate. The... more
This article stems from a story of arts education advocacy in the midst of a bureaucracy that misunderstood the purpose of art education at the launch of a new elementary school. Contemporary visual arts education practices overlap a... more
Drawing upon innovative theoretical and empirical scholarship presented at Narrative Matters 2012: Life and Narrative (The American University of Paris, May 29-June 1, 2012), this volume seeks to make a significant contribution to our... more
This paper is based on doctoral work-in-progress and discusses the post-literary on the basis of Callus and Corby’s (2015) grounding poetics of the countertextual as an “artefact [which essentially] challenge[s] and reconfigure[s]... more
Despite a growing prevalence of mental illness diagnoses and treatments, there remains remarkable interpretive diversity regarding the meaning of these diagnoses and their implication for mental healthcare. Humanities scholarship devoted... more
Through the nightclub sequence, we analyze how, during ten minutes, the building of suspense is made, which never falls and does not lose its intensity at any time, particularly thanks to a very specific type of editing. Also, this... more
The search for medical care leads to the need for interaction between the patient and the doctor, in which there is a meeting of narratives. The patient's narrative is an important base of work for the physician who will diagnose and... more
Formulation of the Narrative Theory
According to a common though not universally accepted opinion, works of narrative fiction are made up of statements uttered by a fictional narrator who must be distinguished from the author. In what follows, I demonstrate that this... more Crossing distinct literatures, histories, and politics, Giving Form to an Asian and Latinx America reveals the intertwined story of contemporary Asian Americans and Latinxs through a shared... more
There is a view, which I have used as the premise for this paper, that historical thinking is evident within the narratives of societies as historically existing entities. These narrations can be gathered empirically and analyzed for... more
KOKEŠ, Radomír D. (2016): Hadí oči na pomezí výstřednosti. Analytické poznámky k poetice Briana De Palmy. Film a doba, 62, č. 1, s. 036-039.
McAdams, D.P., & Guo, J. (2017). Personality Across Cultures. In A. T. Church (Ed.), The Cultural Shaping of Life Stories. Praeger.