National Action Plans
Recent papers in National Action Plans
«Руководящие принципы предпринимательской деятельно- сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым общепризнанным глобальным международным стандартом в области прав человека и бизнеса. В соответствии с ними, ТНК и другие предприятия... more
Cometidos de la DINARA 9.1.2 Decreto Nº 248/997-Protección de Procellariiformes en las pesquerías 9.1.3 Otras normativas Nacionales 9.2 Convenciones Internacionales …………………………………...………..….34 9.2.1 FAO_ Código de Conducta para la Pesca... more
İş dünyası ve insan hakları arasındaki ilişki, özellikle ikinci milenyumdan sonra uluslararası insan hakları gündemine sıkça gelen bir konu haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde bu tematik alandaki en popüler belge 2011 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler... more
The Roma are one of the groups facing the highest risks of social exclusion in Slovenia. This has much to do with their low level of education, inadequate functional literacy and deficient knowledge of Slovenian. This article presents... more
As part of NATO's commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) a two-day advanced research workshop on
Çölleşme, iklim koşulları ve insanların etkisiyle kurak ve yarı kurak karasal ekosistemlerin bozulması ve yoksullaşmasıdır. Bu durum fauna ve flora çeşitliliğini azaltır ve bitkisel üretimi düşürür. Dünya’nın birçok yerinde iklim... more
The United Nations (UN) has proposed multiple strategies for addressing deficits in the implementation of its women, peace and security (WPS) resolutions. National Action Plans (NAPs) have gained huge traction and popularity, yet there... more
Building on the academic literature on state compliance with international norms, and focusing specifically on the business and human rights agenda, this article offers the first systematic analysis of the numerous roles that National... more
Commissioned by UN Women for the “Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security” (WPS NAPs) convened in Thailand in July 2016, this paper sets out the findings of a critical analysis of the nine... more
There is growing acknowledgment of the need to address the social, security, legal, health and economic impacts that multiply and sustain the repercussions of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) in the lives of women and girls... more
La presente Estrategia actualiza las Estrategias previamente aprobadas de la focha moruna y malvasía y establece los criterios orientadores para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla. Las tres especies se han agrupado por sus... more
Birlikte çalışabilirlik (BÇ), iş ve işlemlerin bilgi paylaşımı çerçevesinde elektronik ortamda beklenen verim ve doğrulukta yapılabilmesi için vazgeçilmez bir unsurdur. Kurumların, işletmelerin, sistemlerin birbirlerini doğru anlamaları... more
Este artigo apresenta uma análise do conteúdo do Plano Nacional de Ação (PNA) sobre mulheres, paz e segurança, documento adotado pelo Brasil em 08 março de 2017, em resposta aos apelos das Nações Unidas para que seus Estados-membros... more
The recent growth of the international business and human rights (B&HR) agenda has led to the emergence of an unprecedented debate regarding the role of the State in protecting human rights from corporate-related violations, as provided... more
With climate change appearing on the horizon of economic theory and analytical research, it becomes imperative that the links are traced to the origin of the connection between the climate change and economics. Climate change... more
As the twentieth anniversary of the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda approaches, one of its most significant challenges has yet to be overcome: that of garnering real investment in the human development and human rights entitlements... more
La sección evalúa el Plan de Acción sobre Derechos Humanos y la sección del Plan Nacional de Derechos Humanos que trata los com- promisos en materia de empresas y derechos humanos, a la luz de los estándares internacionales aplicables.... more
Brazil endorses the Women, Peace and Security agenda for its 2022-23 term as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, which serves its international image well, while it fails to promote the agenda and women’s rights at home. The... more
This study aims to analyze the attempts at an international level to imple- ment rules capable of ensuring accountability of transnational corporations for human rights violations. It verifies, amongst the advances and setbacks of recent... more
Malgrado il Pollo sultano non sia considerato minacciato di estinzione a livello globale, la sottospecie presente in Italia (da alcuni Autori proposta come specie a sé stante) presenta una distribuzione circoscritta alle sole coste del... more
This presentation will reflect on the Australian National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security as one key accountability mechanism for holding UN Member States to account on their commitments to implementing UNSC resolution... more
Climate change poses a risk to the human rights of millions of people--such as their rights to life, health, food and water. The risks are highest in developing countries, where extreme weather events, crop failures and other emergencies... more
Cometidos de la DINARA 9.1.2 Decreto Nº 248/997-Protección de Procellariiformes en las pesquerías 9.1.3 Otras normativas Nacionales 9.2 Convenciones Internacionales …………………………………...………..….34 9.2.1 FAO_ Código de Conducta para la Pesca... more
La strategia polacca e italiana in materia di attuazione dei principi guida delle Nazioni Unite su imprese e diritti umani a confront. Il presente articolo affronta la questione dell'attuazione delle «Linee guida dell'ONU per l'economia e... more