Naturalistic Ethics
Recent papers in Naturalistic Ethics
Existentialism is a concern about the foundation of meaning, morals, and purpose. Existentialisms arise when some foundation for these elements of being is under assault. In the past, first-wave existentialism concerned the increasingly... more
John Stuart Mill is known as the first canonical Western philosopher to espouse a stationary state of economic growth, and as such he can be seen as an important totemic figure for reformist strategies in environmental ethics. However,... more
Here I bewail the slapdash and confusing way in which philosophers bandy about the word ‘incoherent’ (and ‘incoherence’ and ‘incoherently’). To some it appears to mean: inconsistent; to others: pragmatically self-defeating; and to yet... more
This essay pursues the development of Charles Taylor’s ontological thought by comparing his – insightful yet neglected – early paper “Ontology” (1959) with his little known essay “Ethics and Ontology” (2003) and his most matured... more
Eğitim, klasik tanımıyla, istendik yönde bir davranış değiştirme sürecidir. Fakat bir eylem ya da davranışın ahlaken değerlendirilebilmesinin ön şartı, başkalarının varlığına rağmen failinin, onu özgürce, bilerek ve isteyerek... more
Neo-Aristotelian Naturalists present their theoremes as deriving from Aristotle's philosophy. The paper is meant above all to sound out the extent to which Aristotelian Naturalism can call upon the testimony of Aristotle himself, and the... more
Bu çalışmada Yale Üniversitesi’nde Psikoloji profesörü olan ve kendisine ait psikoloji laboratuarında dinin ve ahlâkın kaynağına dair deneysel çalışmalar yapan Paul Bloom’un ahlâkın kaynağına dair görüşleri ele alınacaktır. Çalışmayı... more
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
The Buddha taught that there is no self. He also accepted a version of the doctrine of karmic rebirth, according to which good and bad actions accrue merit and demerit respectively and where this determines the nature of the agent’s next... more
There are two questions one might ask about moral naturalism. Of the two, the more discussed question is: why should one accept (or reject) it? But the less discussed, second question is prior: what is ethical naturalism? Appeals to... more
In this short and highly readable monograph, the author aims to answer the question of why humans construct moral orders grounded upon natural orders, deriving normative authority from divine or otherwise non-anthropomorphic sources in... more
Publicado en libro: Los avatares de la modernidad, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, 2001) David Hume no sólo fue uno de los filósofos más destacados de los tiempos modernos debido a la... more
This conference centers on Charles Taylor’s paper “Ethics and Ontology” (2003) and its central theme of the relationship between ethical beliefs and ontological views. Taylor’s moral phenomenology defends commonsense moral reactions... more
I discuss the second of the three theses advanced by Anscombe in 'Modern Moral Philosophy'. The focus is the nature of entities to which – if Anscombe's diagnosis is correct – ought and cognate modals are assumed by modern moral... more
Dans ce chapitre, mon objectif est double : tout d’abord fournir une introduction à partir de quelques exemples aux recherches menées en psychologie morale, ensuite éclairer l’intérêt de ce type de recherches pour la philosophie et plus... more
Bespreking van Sources of the Self voor een themanummer over Charles Taylor
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
Philippa Foot's Natural Goodness 1 does a lot in just 116 pages. In a philosophical context that largely takes for granted the separation of moral value from natural fact, and the location of moral meaning in moral agents' subjective... more
This essay series, titled “Huxley, Dewey, and Pinker: Evolution, Science and Enlightenment - The Critical Virtue of Inquiry” examines the effort of Thomas Huxley, John Dewey, and Steven Pinker to account for and justify the transformative... more
NATURALIZM "Etyka jest pochodzenia naturalnego", "dobro i powinność są czymś naturalnym"tak mogłyby brzmieć najogólniejsze i zarazem najbardziej intuicyjne odpowiedzi osoby niewyszkolonej specjalnie filozoficznie na pytanie o to, czym... more
Neo-Aristotelian Naturalism draws on Aristotle. In some respects the philosophical affinity to Aristotle seems clear, in other respects the similarities are less obvious. There is also an English version available (Aristotle an... more
This book entitled Goodness and Nature is concerned with the question of naturalism in ethics. Naturalism is the view that good and bad, right and wrong, are real matters of fact or knowledge that can in principle be determined by some... more
The impact of science on ethics forms since long the subject of intense debate. Although there is a growing consensus that science can describe morality and explain its evolutionary origins, there is less consensus about the ability of... more
A brief conspectus of my views on Hume, Is and Ought, omitting most of the complications required to answer Arthur Prior (and saying nothing about Gerhard Schurz whose ideas would be a little too complicated to explain to the intended... more
This paper discusses normative appeals to naturalness in ecocentric environmental ethics. First, it demonstrates the resemblance between these appeals, as they are framed in ecocentric moral thinking and classical naturalistic ethical... more
Budhisme mempunyai prinsip samsara yang berarti menjalani kehidupan dengan mengontrol harapan dan keinginan dengan tujuan dapat mencapai satori. Dalam tradisi pemikiran orang Jepang yang natural, pragmatik dan realistis, telah... more
Existen distintas concepciones acerca de la naturaleza de la ética implícitas en el debate acerca de la prevalencia de casos de abuso sexual visibilizados a través del fenómeno viral del #MeToo. El manifiesto publicado por intelectuales... more
In this paper, I argue that a close examination of Charles Taylor's central concept of "strong evaluation" brings out more clearly the continuing tensions in his writings as a whole. I trace back the origin of strong evaluation in... more
This book provides a comprehensive critical account of the philosophy of Charles Taylor. The author engages with the secondary literature on Taylor's work and suggests that some interpretations and criticisms have been based on... more
The discussion is about a mode for recognizing some fundaments to the significance and the practice of ethics, which may be proved true by their own intrinsic significance so far Nature and the economic processes are concerned. As a goal... more
The aim of this paper is to submit the doctrine of methodological individualism to a reconsideration from the point of view of the arguments formulated by contemporary communitarian philosophy. I propose to approach the opposition between... more
Traduction inédite de Russ Shafer-Landau “Ethics as Philosophy: A Defense of Ethical Nonnaturalism” in Metaethics After Moore, eds. Mark Timmons and Terry Horgan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 209-233.
In questo contributo cerco di chiarire in quale senso un’etica di ispirazione kantiana possa fare appello a un certo significato di «natura» come fondamento della normatività morale. Intendo questo obiettivo non come una nuova esegesi... more
Che la Meditazione milanese fosse più di un semplice gioco filosofico era già stato intuito, sin dal momento della pubblicazione, da alcuni attenti lettori. Essi non si limitarono a comprenderla come semplice base teorica alla luce della... more
In the face of widespread uncertainty about how best to characterize the project of neo- Aristotelian naturalism, this paper presents a novel way to understand the distinction John McDowell draws in 'Two Sorts of Naturalism' between a... more
The concept of distributed moral responsibility (DMR) has a long history. When it is understood as being entirely reducible to the sum of (some) human, individual, and already morally loaded actions, then the allocation of DMR, and hence... more
In this paper, I engage in metaphysical reflection with Bernard Williams in order to assess the possibility of objective ethical knowledge. Objective knowledge according to Williams, consists of representations that are true regardless of... more
A remote haploscopic video refractor was used to assess vergence and accommodation responses in a group of 32 emmetropic, orthophoric, symptom free, young adults naïve to vision experiments in a minimally instructed setting. Picture... more