Naval History (History)
Recent papers in Naval History (History)
NASCITA ED EVOLUZIONE DEI CONTAINERS Una rivoluzione recente quella dei containers e del trasporto marittimo degli stessi, una rivoluzione strisciante che oggi è diventata condizione del benessere, una rivoluzione scarsamente percepita... more
Un tema trito e ritrito su cui si sono spesi inutilmente fiumi di inchiostro Nessuna difesa di inventori o primogeniture che non hanno alcun valore in una gestazione che è stata una scoperta collettiva e non può essere il vanto di un... more
"This book offers annotated translations of documents touching on Dutch admiral Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge and his voyage to Asia between 1605 and 1608. These translations are aimed at a contemporary English-speaking Asian readership... more
A brief analysis of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, which takes into account political propaganda, espionage, intelligence gathering, use of double agents, religion, military operations, tactics, equipment, mil. training, etc.... more
A native of Bruges (now part of Belgium), Jacques de Coutre was a gem trader who spent nearly a decade in Southeast Asia in the early 17th century. In addition to a substantial autobiography written in Spanish and preserved in the... more
"The article revisits the “Santa Catarina incident”, the famous episode of the first Portuguese ship captured by the Dutch in Asian waters, placing it within the broader context of Luso-Dutch rivalry in the Malay world, particularly the... more
The Italian submarine Scirè was sunk on 10th August 1942 in Haifa Bay, British Palestine, now Israel. Between 1941 and 1943 Italian combat divers had successfully attacked twenty eight ships, using innovative underwater warfare. Five of... more
La necessità di stabilizzare la US Navy come strumento di proiezione e potere navale
Η μελέτη απέσπασε το Α' βραβείο του ετήσιου διαγωνισμού μελετών της Ναυτικής Επιθεώρησης του έτους 2016
In questo lavoro per la prima volta vengono analizzati i graffiti navali presenti sia all'interno che all'esterno della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Monte Sant'Angelo. Questi graffiti, ad oggi non ancora studiati, potrebbero avere un... more
The paper deals with the discovery of an unpublished project by means of a surface assault boat in the Archive of the Historical Office of the Italian Navy. Made in January 1915, the project predates Italy’s entry into the First World War... more
The above photograph by Tim Insoll shows the two lone British war graves in the European Cemetery at Timbuctoo. They are the graves of Chief Engineer William Soutter (died 28 May 1942 age 60) and AB John Turnbull Graham (died 2 May 1942... more
Ocupación Británica de Manila, 1762-64 por Peter Borschberg Sumario I. Introducción II. El ataque y la toma de Manila III. Los problemas de la ocupación británica de Manila III.i Cuestiones de permanencia y legitimidad III.ii.... more
This essay is part of the work: Donald Stoker and Michael T. McMaster, Naval advising and Assistance. History, Challenges, and Analyses. This collection of essays for the first time offers a global outlook on the phenomenon of the Naval... more
Утвърждаването на ранносредновековната българска държава по долното течение на р. Дунав до голяма степен променя геополитическата ситуация в Югоизточна Европа. Макар да налагат властта си над земите около устието на Дунав и по протежение... more
A participant's account of the Battle of North Cape (1943), and related war service
Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo pode ser considerado com um dos personagens que tiveram maior impacto no séc. XIX português, em especial pela sua acção nas diferentes fases do complexo e atribulado processo de implantação do... more
Così appuntava nel 1931 il pittore e scrittore britannico Wyndham Lewys, durante il suo straordinario viaggio intorno alla catena dell'Atlante dal quale sarebbe nato un originalissimo affresco dell'entroterra marocchino. Anche se... more
La guerra marítima y los profesionales de la gestión de las flotas. Un ejemplo catalán del siglo XIV Naval warfare and the fleet management professionals. A Catalan example of the XIV Century
Four hundred years ago, the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius was commissioned by the United Netherlands’ East India Company (VOC) to write a defense of Admiral Jakob van Heemskerk’s seizure of a Portuguese merchant carrack in... more
Review of Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea / Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration, Florence, Firenze University Press, 2019.
A special decoration was created to honor the defensors of Madrid during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). But this decoration, called Distintivo de Madrid, was given also to the crews of the republican ships involved in the sinking of... more
El Cristóbal Colón que presentan los investigadores José A. Lorente y Gabriel Verd como nacido en Felanitx, Mallorca, sólo habría vivido 46 años, mientras que el cura Bernáldez, amigo del navegante, asegura en sus escritos que Colón... more
To Master the Boundless Sea examines the transformational nature of nineteenth-century American hydrographers' work as they charted the ocean's depths. By exploring connections between American scientific investigation and the marine... more
Mahan's thinking on the eve of the First World War
RM Reyda TO THE ISSUE ABOUT NAVAL CAMPAIGN BY THE BARBARIAN PEOPLES OF THE NORTH COAST OF THE BACK SEA IN 269 AD The article is devoted to consideration of technical aspects of preparation for the campaign in269 AD, one of the most... more
Cooking, in particular with one’s children, can also be an excellent occasion (or perhaps we should say excuse) to learn some military history. A good example of a suitable dish is Nikujaga (肉じゃが), an Anglo-Japanese dish “invented” (or... more
The article above one of Gaius Julius Caesar's campaigns conducted during the conquest of Gaul, where faced with Gaulish maritime tribes. It has been discussed operations on both land and sea, which this Roman General conducted against... more
Seconda spedizione di rilevamento archeologico sul relitto del sommergibile della Regia Marina Scirè, affondato il 10 agosto 1942 di fronte al porto di Haifa nell'allora Palestina Mandataria Britannica, oggi Israele. Con il patrocinio del... more
Dal 20 al 28 giugno 2009 si è svolta la terza spedizione archeologica della IANTD sul relitto della Szent Istvàn su incarico del Mistero della Cultura Croato. Come è noto la corazzata Santo Stefano, Szent Istvàn in ungherese, fu affondata... more
Spedizione di identificazione e rilevamento del relitto del piroscafo trasporto truppe della Regia Marina Monrosa. Affondato il 25 ottobre 1941 in trasferimento dal porto del Pireo a Creta con personale e quadrupedi della Divisione Siena... more
Οι ναυμαχίες Έλλης και Λήμνου είναι δύο από τις ενδοξότερες στιγμές της Ναυτικής μας Ιστορίας. Στο άρθρο μου προσπαθώ να αποκρυπτογραφήσω τα διδάγματα που μας κληροδότησαν. Άρθρο μου στον φιλόξενο ιστότοπο
Petite notice biographique de ce chevalier de l'ordre de Saint Jean de Jérusalem, corsaire, officier de marine du roi et un des premiers gouverneur de l'île de la Tortue.