Recent papers in Neanderthals
Recognizing 3D objects in the presence of noise, varying mesh resolution, occlusion and clutter is a very challenging task. This paper presents a novel method named Rotational Projection Statistics (RoPS). It has three major modules:... more
Il presente saggio si propone di fornire un breve exursus sull'attività scientifica di Alberto Carlo Blanc (1906-1960). Blanc fu professore di Etnologia dal 1939 (succedendo a Pettazzoni), di Paletnologia e di Paleontologia Umana... more
After the lapse of five years there is still no communication forthcoming from Heritage Malta on the outcome of the tests that were carried out in the United States on the 1917 taurodont molars from Malta. This statement upon its own... more
21 The article provides an overview of the principle sites, interpretations and knowledge gained in the study of the Middle and early Upper Paleolithic in Croatia. Particular attention is accorded to the results of more recent... more
Nº 10, año 2020. urtea 10. zk.
This study presents and discusses a methodology to study population contact scenarios among Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. It applies this methodology to the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Middle Danube region by testing... more
The veracity of the carbon isotope dating attempts relating to the rock art in Chauvet Cave is reviewed, together with the merits of their criticisms. The attribution of the cave art to the Aurignacian is validated by several factors and... more
Well, I had a chance to "sit down" with the author, Tom Higham, and discuss the field of Anthropology in general, Radio Carbon Dating, and of course, his new book! So to go along with our video, we are going to have a quick, but... more
"Due to the central position of diet in determining ecology and behaviour, much research has been devoted to uncovering Neanderthal subsistence strategies. This has included indirect studies inferring diet from habitat reconstruction,... more
In recent years, postcolonial theories have emerged as one of the significant paradigms of contemporary academia, affecting disciplines throughout the humanities and social sciences. These theories address the complex processes if... more
This paper begins by exploring the role of fermented and deliberately rotted (putrefied) meat, fish, and fat in the diet of modern hunters and gatherers throughout the arctic and subarctic. These practices partially 'pre-digest' the high... more
This teaching aid reviews the major evolutionary landmarks that over the last sixty million years marked the development of intelligence in Homo sapiens. The discussion begins with social primates and charts the adaptations that... more
Andrew Collins proposes that that the giant skeletons reportedly found across the United States over the past 200 years are the remains of human hybrids of extreme height. They are, he argues, an admixture of two types of ancient hominins... more
Reading is one of the best ways that we can obtain new information, often times many of us do not have the time to sit down and read a book, but many of us do have the time to listen. So, considering I am interested in Paleoanthropology,... more
The timing and geographic origin of the common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals remain controversial. A poor Pleistocene hominin fossil record and the evolutionary complexities introduced by dispersals and regionalisation of... more
Focal topics for volumes in the series will include systematic paleontology of all vertebrates (from agnathans to humans), phylogeny reconstruction, functional morphology, Paleolithic archaeology, taphonomy, geochronology, historical... more
Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines... more
Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal.Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 21: pages 21-30
It is widely known that traditional northern hunter–gatherers such as the Inuit included putrid meat, fish, and fat in their diet, although the ubiquity and dietary importance of decomposing animal foods seem often to have been... more
Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums... more
Algonquian language-speaking groups of the Great Lakes and St Lawrence River region of North America preserve traditions regarding the Animiki´, generally translated into English as " thunderbird, " " thunderers " or " thunder people. "... more
Abstract: A tiny bone plaque found at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe in southeast Turkey, and currently on display in nearby Sanliurfa Museum, shows the first recorded depiction of the site’s familiar T-shaped pillars. In... more
This paper, which was published in 2008, predicted that modern lineages from outside sub-Saharan Africa would have a small admixture of Neanderthal genes (up to 4%, as it turns out, from recent analyses of the Neanderthal genome) from... more
Defining varying spatial and temporal analytical scales is essential before evaluating the responses of late Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens to Abrupt Environmental Transitions (AETs) and environmental disasters for the period 130-25... more
Neanderthals are a Late Pleistocene hominin adapted to cool high-latitudes environments. Popular views on how Neanderthals adapted to these environments have changed over time. While once thought of as a largely scavenging hominin,... more
Contents: Preface About my first paper About “Behaar Al Anwaar” Divine Project for Adam Creation An Important notification An enlightenment on the theory Who are Homo Sapiens? THEY ARE NOT HUMAN! The Jinn (Homo Sapiens) in Koran... more
Defining varying spatial and temporal analytical scales is essential before evaluating the responses of late Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens to Abrupt Environmental Transitions (AETs) and environmental disasters for the period 130e25... more
Magic at Mira? Who came up with the fi rst rules of conduct and why How the fi rst inhabitants of Kostenki made their adornments Micoquian strides eastward Магия в Мире? Кто и зачем придумал первые правила поведения Как делали... more
Homo sapiens were quite unremarkable until they met the highly sophisticated Neanderthals. Assimilating the Neanderthal led to the Upper Palaeolithic Revolution since it caused a drastic increase in Homo sapiens’ brain size and... more
Paper written for the University of Bergen's Student Journal in 2012.
"Les recherches menées en Belgique depuis 1829 ont mis au jour d’importantes traces du Paléolithique moyen, majoritairement sous forme de témoins lithiques, parfois accompagnés de vestiges enmatière dure animale porteurs d’une action... more
In the last ten years, new fossil, archaeological, and genetic data have significantly altered our understanding of the peopling of the Old World in the Late Pleistocene. Scholars have long been challenged to define humanity’s place in... more
The unusual nature of the Neanderthal archaeological record has attracted the attention of archaeologists for the past 150 years. On the one hand, the technical skill apparent in their lithic technology, the practice of symbolic cultural... more