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In 1995, the Côa process has done a revolution in national archeology, leading to the first time being independent in national heritage organisms. This change was in practice the result of the mediatic process that unfolded around the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)
The results of three archaeological seasons carried out in a settlement discovered in the Congreso lsland (Chafarinas lslands, North Africa, Spain) are presented, where different habitat structures (hearths, silos), which yielded an... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryMediterranean archaeologyNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)Prehistoric Archeology
A principis del 2017 es va tenir notícies d’unes restes megalítiques associades a una necròpolis altmedieval. Estan situades al damunt d’un petit pujol que s’alça just al davant del veïnat de Bevià, al municipi de Madremanya (Gironès). La... more
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      SymbolismSymbolism (Religion)Symbolism (Art History)Neolithic Europe
L’elaboració d’aquesta tesi parteix de l’estudi de les estratègies de gestió i aprofitament de diverses matèries primeres que es duia a terme per a la producció d’ornaments personals en el si de les comunitats prehistòriques entre el... more
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      Shell OrnamentsEarly NeolithicTecnologiaNeolítico
En este artículo se presentan los datos arqueobotánicos relacionados con la agricultura existentes para el 6º y el 5º milenio en Andalucía. Tras la descripción de los principales conjuntos arqueobotánicos documentados en los que... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPaleoecologyNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
Sin duda, Göbekli Tepe rompe los paradigmas establecidos desde el siglo XX entorno al cambio de vida nómada al sedentarismo; el desarrollo de la agricultura y su relación con la naturaleza-ambiente, así como las primeras evidencias... more
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      RitualTurkish and Middle East StudiesMesopotamian ReligionsKarl Schmidt
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      Mesopotamia HistoryNeolíticoEvolucionismo
Este trabajo ofrece un balance sobre la neolitización de las costa meridional de Andalucía (España). El estudio de los materiales recuperados en las excavaciones dirigidas por el profesor Francisco Jordá Cerdá entre 1979-87 en la cueva de... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryMesolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
Desde una perspectiva histórico-arqueológica, esto es, manejando información de diversas intervenciones arqueológicas, documentación histórica de archivos y cartografía histórica, se plantea cómo el agua ha sido pieza fundamental a la... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringUrban Geography
The Neolithic is an interesting phase for observing the changes in the material culture and ideology of prehistoric groups in Europe. In the area of costume in particular, the production of personal adornments increased and new types... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic
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      Arte RupestreNeolíticoArte Rupestre PrehistóricoArte Levantino
Vídeo da aula: A Escandinávia antes da Era Viking (Pré-História ao Período Vendel). Primeiro módulo do curso de extensão: História da Escandinávia, 2022 (UFRN).... more
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      Idade do FerroMegalitismoNeolíticoPré-História
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      PleistocenoTectonic Evolution of Rifted Continental MarginsTecnología LíticaNeolítico
RESUMEN: Tell Halula es un yacimiento neolítico situado en el valle del Éufrates medio, en el norte de Siria. El yacimiento ha sido excavado de forma continua y sistemática desde 1991 por un equipo español dirigido por Miquel Molist... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologySyria
L’archeologo del XXI secolo non vive più di solo studio e scavo. Oggi la moderna ricerca impone di affiancare al lavoro in cantiere e ai libri in biblioteca modi sempre nuovi di indagare, comunicare e gestire l’antico. Bastano un po’ di... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical GeographyArchaeology
The Palù di Livenza wetland lies at the foot of the Cansiglio plateau in the Pordenone area. The research directed by the Soprintendenza since 1981 have highlighted archaeological materials and wooden features of a Late Neolithic... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeWetland Archaeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)
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      Comunidad ValencianaRock ArtArte RupestreNeolítico
RESUMEN En el siguiente trabajo se detalla de manera puntual aspectos de la cultura y el hombre neolítico, y su desarrollo en la capacidad de producir instrumentos de piedra pulidos y más estilizados. Por su parte, en la organización... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryHistoriaHistoria del Arte
Il ruolo delle donne nella storia dell’umanità viene riscritto dalla scoperta di una cacciatrice di 9 mila anni fa in Perù. La meta-analisi della scoperta induce a modificare il sistema interpretativo dei ritrovamenti basato su... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)ArcheologiaDonne
Estudio de materiales neolíticos hallados en la Cueva de la Tinaja (Tolox)  procedentes de los fondos del Museo de Málaga.
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      PrehistoryNeolíticoCuevasPrehistoria de Andalucía
"Because of its design and scale, Menga is an outstanding megalithic monument. As such, it has also had a remarkable biography, dating back to the early part of the 4th millennium BC and spanning all prehistoric and historic periods since... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
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      NeolithicArte RupestreNeolíticoArte Rupestre Esquemático
Come un grande occhio che guarda verso il cielo! Nel Salento un mistero geologico o archeologico ancora non ben spiegato che mi ha molto appassionato e intorno al quale ho documentato tutto ciò che fino ad oggi mi è stato possibile in... more
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      GeologyStratigraphyAncient Roman NumismaticsArcheologia
The archaeological site of Le Rocche was identified in 1980, when a campaign of excavations was carried out by the Soprintendenza of Palermo. In 2016, a new group of archaeological material from a collapse that occurred in the area under... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropePrehistory
In the present communication are disclosed two descriptive findings close together that come to assume the link of Early and Late Neolithic sites in this natural corri¬dor connecting the upper reaches of the Ebro and Duero, completing the... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)
We present the results of the archaeological excavation in two open-air settlements dated between the middle of the IV and III millennium cal BC, practically only published testimonies in the right margin of the Ebro River (La Rioja,... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithicLate Neolithic
The megalithic phenomenon is one of the most exciting subjects of study in prehistory. The practice of monumentalising places of special significance by erecting large stones started during the Neolithic period, approximately 10.000 years... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
A partir de la información arqueológica de las excavaciones realizadas en el interior de la fortaleza y en sus laderas exteriores, así como de las realizadas en el resto de la ciudad, así como con información archivística y de cartografía... more
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      Urban GeographyMedia StudiesNew MediaIslamic Archaeology
"As part of a research project looking at the use of resources in Chalcolithic settlements in the region surrounding the site of Valencina de la Concepción, in the lower Guadalquivir Basin (Seville province, SW Spain) a new site named La... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
summary – neolithic and eneolithic of caput adriae – the eastern adriatic coast and the caput adriae lie along one of the main routes of the spread of farming into europe. the area in this study covers dalmatia, istria, Karst and friuli... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic TransitionNeolithic Europe
The archaeological site of Le Rocche was identified in 1980, when a campaign of excavations was carried out by the Soprintendenza of Palermo. In 2016, a new group of archaeological material from a collapse that occurred in the area under... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
Aracellitani people take part in two battle in Ist and Vth century in the north of the Ebro river, in the Iberian Peninsula. This essay studies the behavior and perception in the conquest in Araciel and one temple of the neolitic godness... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyAncient Philosophy
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)PaleolithicBronze Age
Proceedings of the 2nd European Megalithic Studies Group Meeting (Seville, Spain, November 2008). The meeting of the European Megalithic Studies Group at Seville in November 2008 brought an international group of researchers together to... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryFunerary ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
AMBIENTE, ECONOMIA, ALIMENTAZIONE NELL'ITALIA CENTRALE TRA NEOLITICO ED ENEOLITICO Candidato: Diego Vichi Relatore: Prof.ssa Lucia Sarti Controrelatore: Prof. Fulvio Bartoli A fronte di un sempre più vivo interesse di... more
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Nell’ estate del 1999 La Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte avviava una serie di indagini in località Tetto Chiappello, al confine tra i comuni di Caraglio e Valgrana (CN), dove qualche mese prima arature profonde... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyHolocene chipped stone industry technology and typologyNeolithic potteryRaw materials
SUMMARY - The settlement of Lugo di Grezzana in the framework of the Early Neolithic Po vall ey - The Lugo di Grezzana (Verona) deposit is located in the Lessini Mountains and represents one of the key sites to decipher the occupation and... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Archaeology of Northern ItalyNeolíticoFiorano
Il Neolitico dell'Italia meridionale si è affermato, sin dalle prime fasi, nelle sue caratteristiche principali: sedentarizzazione, agricoltura e allevamento. In Basilicata e Calabria l'occupazione selettiva del territorio, lo sviluppo di... more
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      ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyArcheologiaPaleoeconomy
The paper presents the adornment objects of the Recent and the Late Neolithic of the Northern Italy dated approximately between 4500 and 3800 cal. BC, focusing on those of the Chassey or Chassey-Lagozza groups. Unfortunately, this objects... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal AdornmentDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Preistoria e protostoria
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      Neolithic potteryPreistoriaPreistoria e protostoriaNeolítico
Discusión sobre el valor cultural y cronológico de la cerámica neolitica de estilo boquique
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    • Neolítico
This paper presents a general overview of the current state of the art of archaeological research at the Valencina de la Concepción Copper Age site. The main aim is to put the contributions presented in this volume within a general... more
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      DemographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBioarchaeology
La continuación en 2013 de los trabajos de documentación de programas gráficos en los monumentos de Antequera ha revelado la espectacular decoración del dolmen de Viera. Pinturas, grabados y estelas convierten este sepulcro en uno de los... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic Monuments
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEdad Del BronceNeolíticoPenedès
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    • Neolítico