New Right
Recent papers in New Right
It is generally acknowleged that the 1980s was a turning point in the history of modern Turkey. Marked by the rise of the New Right, it was also the period when popular cultural forms like football and arabesk were transformed. Although... more
Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) is a British YouTube personality associated with Info Wars, conspiracy theories, and the Global New Right. He is one of the core New Right YouTubers whose influence cannot go unnoticeable. This article focuses on... more
The last decade saw the rapid emergence of the Dutch New Right, leading to a significant break in Dutch political culture. The nature of this break remains contested. Some argue it should be seen as a conservative restoration, an attempt... more
Mit Blick auf die Online-Kulturkriege der Neuen Rechten und sogenannte Alt-Right Nerdkulturen (meme wars, LOLitics, Manosphere, Pranksters) zeigt sich eine Verschmelzung von reaktionärer Politik, transgressiver Ästhetik und... more
Editada entre 1994 y 1999, Disenso fue una publicación peculiar de la prensa cultural argentina: si bien escribieron allí figuras del "nacionalismo de derechas", adoptó un enfoque ecléctico y pluralista. Asimismo, constituyó un sólido... more
This paper argues that nationalism, and nationalistic activism in particular are being globalized. At least certain fringes of radical nationalist activists are organized as ‘cellular systems’ connected and mobilize-able on a global scale... more
Het zou een quizvraag kunnen zijn: wat hebben Trump, alt-right, Alternative für Deutschland, het Front National, Thierry Baudet en de N-VA gemeen? Dat ze overal voor een ruk naar rechts zorgen? Uiteraard. Dat ze een antwoord op de... more
En nuestro ensayo anterior, "Raza, Identidad, Comunidad",[1] discutimos una serie de temas: lo más importante, los diversos niveles y relaciones de grupos étnicos y raciales, la cuestión de la comunicación cultural, la apertura y cierre,... more
A revisionist examination of the "new eugenics," which had been described by historians as more scientific and liberal. This paper examines the efforts of Pioneer Fund scholars to re-assert the claim that there are racial differences in... more
In this article, a translated excerpt from a larger discussion about the "New Inquisition," Alain de Benoist discusses and critiques the abuses of the terms "fascism" and "racism", the contradictory meanings and ultimate meaninglessness... more
In this paper, I distinguish the Heideggerian Left from the Heideggerian Right, on the basis of their interpretations of the topography of Being that obtains after the Destruktion of metaphysics. I then discuss the contribution that the... more
Özet: Cumhuriyet dönemine yön veren pek çok spor kurumunun ve politikasının temelleri I. Meşrutiyet dönemine kadar uzanır. Bu yıllardan itibaren spor yeni bir anlam kazanır. Osmanlıda savaş eğitiminin bir parçası olarak görülen ve bugünkü... more
This paper overviews European Identitarian and/or New Rightist philosophy regarding the issues of ethnicity, culture, race, and identities and politics related to these. Topics discussed in the paper include the following: the conception... more
An extended review and discussion of Ernst Jünger’s short novel ‘Besuch auf Godenholm’ published in German in 1952 and published for the first time in English in February of 2015 as ‘Visit to Godenholm’ by Edda Publishing. The novel and... more
Although the legacy and work of John Michell is frequently associated with a culturally liberal neo-tribalism, certain aspects of Michell’s thought can be, and have been, interpreted as an esoteric extension of more explicitly right-wing... more
Relaciones entre Alain de Benoist y el marxismo. La Crítica del filósofo francés a la ideología liberal y a la marxista, La "Nueva Derecha" podría ser entendida igualmente como "Nueva Izquierda"
Legio Victrix -7 de fevereiro de 2015
An interview with Alexander Dugin about the importance of Martin Heidegger to the Fourth Political Theory.
This essay begins by reviewing definitions and categories of modern Paganism (also variously termed contemporary or neo-Paganism) that the author first proposed in the 2005 book Modern Paganism in World Culture and then proceeds to... more
Review article on the books: Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. By Charles Clover. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in... more
Applying Roger Griffin’s methodological approach to generic fascism, the article analyses individual – socio-political, cultural and esoteric – themes within Dugin’s doctrine, treating them as elements of a larger integral concept of... more
This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except where specifically indicated in the text. No parts of the text have been submitted for another qualification.
The chapter examines Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin's (b. 1962) attack on the perceived Western liberal order. The chapter introduces Dugin's role on the Russian right-wing political scene and his international networks,... more
This article analyzes the history, production, circulation, and political uses of the alt-right's discourse about cultural Marxism in the context of the right-wing populist Trump presidency, the rise of fascist movements in the United... more
This essay situates the struggle for academic freedom and university autonomy at Boğaziçi University within the broader framework of post-truth. Post-truth is defined as a disinvestment from long-established norms regulating what counts... more
This article illustrates a worrisome tendency in post-Soviet academia: the interpenetration between the social sciences and neo-fascist intellectualism. It details recent developments in the Sociology faculty of Moscow State University,... more
This article is a commentary addressing common misconceptions about Alexander Dugin and his thought in the Right-wing sphere. The following points are argued: While it is likely that Dugin dismisses the concept race he still is very much... more
This study aims to analyze the impacts of new right ideology, which was dominant in 1980s during the Motherland Party (ANAP) period, which has increased its impact during the Justice and Development (AK) Party era and which includes... more
This essay discusses the issue of immigration and ethnic community, the concept of identity and its relation to culture, the concept of the right to difference and rights of the peoples, the origins of the immigration problem in the... more