October Journal
Recent papers in October Journal
L'arte nell'era postmediale Marcel Broodthaers, ad esempio di Rosalind Krauss Negli anni in cui l'arte si ritrova a fare i conti con la globalizzazione dell'immagine al servizio del capitale, Broodthaers ci insegna come la specificità... more
from Trikster: Nordic Queer Journal, #2, 2008. Reprinted in FRANK: CONVERSATION, 2015: http://www.f-r-a-n-k.org/conversations/01/01.html
In “The Haunting of a Modernism Conceived Differently,” Matthew Bowman reexamines some of Crimp’s groundbreaking essays published in October that established postmodernism as a crucial theoretical concept answerable to recent developments... more
If communication, reportage, description, and judgment are key elements of the receptive role played by art-critical publications, it’s important to acknowledge on specific occasions such journals also have a productive mediatory... more
While most of Hubert Damisch’s major books have been made available in English since the publication of Yve-Alain Bois’ review essay ‘Painting as model’, it nonetheless remains a shame that Fenêtre Jaune Cadmium (Damisch 1984) – the... more
Le pubblicazioni edite da Arshake sono sottoposte al preliminare vaglio scientifico di un comitato di referee anonimi e si avvale quindi della procedura peer review. / Arshake pubblications are submitted for peer-review to a scientific... more
Youtube video of lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rodf1rphxn0 While most of Hubert Damisch’s major books have been made available in English since the publication of Yve-Alain Bois’ review essay “Painting as Model,” it... more
Le pubblicazioni edite da Arshake sono sottoposte al preliminare vaglio scientifico di un comitato di referee anonimi e si avvale quindi della procedura peer review | Arshake pubblications are submitted for peer-review to a scientific... more
Fondata da Rosalind Krauss e Annette Michelson nel 1976, la rivista «October» si pone immediatamente sulla scena internazionale come singolare spazio di discussione sul presente dell’arte e della critica, oggetto di analisi e di dense... more
AMG: Let’s start by tracing a sort of genealogy across your professional career from the seventies until present time (putting the stress in the essays included in the Spanish book and in chronological order). Why did you choose... more