Rosalind Krauss
Recent papers in Rosalind Krauss
La obra impresa "Crucificatur", integración de gráfica y poesía, del artista italo-costarricense Alvaro Bracci (n. 1948), inspirada en su conocida serie de quince pinturas de gran formato sobre el vía crucis, de 1987, ha visto la luz... more
Among all the arts-those children of pleasure and necessity in which man has participated to help him bear the trials of life and pass on his memory to future generations-one cannot deny that architecture must hold a most eminent place.... more
Insofar as semiology examines language synchronically, there is question about its application within a specifically art-historical discourse. A productive test case for analysing the potential conjunctions and disjunctions between art... more
Review of Rosalind E. Krauss's Willem de Kooning Nonstop: Cherchez la femme
This paper describes how two works by the Cuban performance artist Tania Bruguera articulate the conditions of participation within both the political and aesthetic fields. That articulation unfolds in Bruguera’s specifying her... more
This paper offers a multifaceted, close reading of the ‘post-medium’ discourse proposed by art critic Rosalid E. Krauss since the late 1990s. I argue that Krauss’s ‘post-medium’ discourse is meaningful in its two ways of reconfiguring the... more
Partisan of the fake on every occasion, anti-naturalist in the first degree, Picabia made nomination—albeit in an occult fashion—into a conventional act, applying to it the protocol of the readymade. Picabia’s encoded, hypertrophied, or... more
na podstawie tekstów T.Załuskiego oraz R.Krauss) Przedmiotem tekstu "Rosalind Krauss : Oryginalność awangardy i modernizmu" autorstwa Tomasza Załuskiego jest analiza dyskursu estetycznego The Oryginality of the Avant-Garde and Other... more
Postmedia Books giugno 2020 isbn 9788874902705 Nuova edizione della traduzione italiana, con un'introduzione di Elio Grazioli. L'illustre storica e critica d'arte Rosalind Krauss analizza con eccezionale chiarezza e intuito le principali... more
"Rosalind Krauss e il corpo nella fotografia surrealista: dall'informe all'identità di genere, verso un'arte femminista", di Andrea D'Ammando. Tra la fine degli anni Settanta e la metà degli anni Novanta, nell'ambito degli studi critici... more
Μια προσέγγιση κι ένας σχολιασμός στο άρθρο της Rosalind Krauss
Статья посвящена книге известных историков современного искусства Ива-Алена Буа и Розалинд Краусе «Бесформенное. Руководство для пользователю> 1 ( 1997), в которой понятие « бесформенное » исс л едуется в том его значении , которое было... more
An exploration of the key issues raised by Rosalind Krauss's in the Picasso Papers and their application on collage work produced by Hannah Hoch in post-war Berlin.
A monograph reproducing a series by Bonnie Bronson of 10 small mixed-media drawings from the middle 1980s. With an introduction by Kassandra Kelly and an essay by Randal Davis. This is a much-expanded version of the materials which... more
There is already an extensive comprehension of literature theorizing the work of Gordon Matta-Clark. Through this research an underlying theme within his oeuvre is revealed. That of expanding or rupturing the perceived boundaries of... more
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more
Taking Rosalind Krauss’s visual methodology, ‘Horizontality’ as part of the Formless Guide on the informe, this thesis thesis aims to extend ‘Horizontality’ into Along horizontality as an integrated theoretical and practical methodology... more
What should we do about defunct or ‘aging new media’ artworks by a now deceased artist when there is no specific manual or artist’s statement to consult? Taking Nam June Paik’s dysfunctional multi-media artwork <The More, the... more
Joseph Beuys term “Soziale Plastik" not only classified his own artistic practice as essentially sculptural but, more importantly, it allowed him to thematize its heterogenous relationships to art market, exhibition, museum, and various... more
L'arte nell'era postmediale Marcel Broodthaers, ad esempio di Rosalind Krauss Negli anni in cui l'arte si ritrova a fare i conti con la globalizzazione dell'immagine al servizio del capitale, Broodthaers ci insegna come la specificità... more
Undici saggi analizzano alcuni capolavori dell’arte contemporanea, distanti tra loro ma accomunati dal fatto di conferire movimento all’immagine. Muovendo dalla specificità dei singoli casi, l’autore documenta le motivazioni che hanno... more
Il tema approfondito in questa tesi di laurea triennale è il metodo psicanalitico applicato alla critica d’arte: la commistione di queste scienze misteriose e affascinanti che, fondendosi, indagano sulla Creazione Artistica e sul Genio... more
The paper is a comprehensive discussion of Rosalind Krauss' art-criticism and an attempt to trace connections and shifts in her relation to theoretical and philiosophical currents throughout Krauss' career until her recent book Under Blue... more
This dissertation studies the notion of critique in the context of art, understood through the Kantian paradigm as the enactment of political subjectivity through artistic practice. Firstly, I examine the 20th-century theorisation of... more
The aim of this investigation is to consider the extent to which the processes and material stuff of painting remain central to its identity and meaning. Within writing that supports painting, the role played by the medium of paint is too... more
They would say, face the canvas and let it happen, follow your own gestures, let the painting create itself. But I'd always have to think up something first. If I didn't, it wasn't art to me. Also it looked real dumb. They wanted to... more
Tom Gunning has recognized in the notion of attraction an “anti-narrative” potential able to survive in the underground cinema, inspiring the affirmation of a cinematic counter-history. Similarly, Rosalind Krauss has identified in the... more
en Textos Arte Vol. 6, Lima: PUCP, Especialidad de Escultura, Facultad de Arte y Diseño, 2018, pp. 131-144
Approaching the wealth of contemporary experimental practices in which geography and art spar and fuse with one another, it would be easy to play them off against a straw-man vision of modern geography, fervently scientistic and defined... more
The argument here is that Peirce was much stranger and more complicated than he has been taken to be in art history (by readers from Rosalind Krauss onward). And a parallel argument that in most cases, what art historians want to say does... more
Dominik Brabant Rodin-Lektüren Deutungen und Debatten von der Moderne zur Postmoderne DOI: English Summary Interpreting Rodin Debates and Discussions from Modernity to Postmodernity With the works of Auguste... more