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O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar desperdícios no processo de solicitação de materiais visando propor melhorias através da abordagem Lean Office. O método da pesquisa utilizado foi à pesquisa-ação, o projeto se desenvolveu no setor... more
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      Lean Production (Production)Industrial EngineeringOil and gasLean Production
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      Civil EngineeringOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Oil and gas project are currently characterised by increasing complexity. The process of contracting a project appropriately in early project stage is very crucial to securing its success this can be attributed to the difficulty... more
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      Oil and Gas LawOil and gasOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringEnergy, Oil and Gas Law and Environmental Law
In the oil province of southern Iran like other hydrocarbon zones, thorough understanding and risk management resulting from the rock mass deformation, can be of great help in executing operational processes such as the stabilization of... more
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      GeologyGeomechanicsReservoir EngineeringPetroleum geology
In the oil province of southern Iran like other hydrocarbon zones, thorough understanding and risk management resulting from the rock mass deformation, can be of great help in executing operational processes such as the stabilization of... more
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      GeologyGeomechanicsReservoir EngineeringPetroleum geology
Correctly landing and drilling highly deviated wells in thin reservoirs can be challenging. In recent years, development of the Belida Field in the West Natuna Basins has focused on the Gamma 1B which is a thin (8-10 ft.) sand within the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsDrillingOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
To solve hole drilling problems that may occur due to excessive filter cake
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      Directional DrillingOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Metamorphic processes, leading to mineralogical and structural changes of the rocks in response to physical (pressure, temperature) and chemical conditions, can be associated with the development of sin-metamorphic or post-metamorphic... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsStructural GeologyMetamorphic Petrology
Crude Oil Transportation By Sea
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      Oil and Gas LawOil and gasMBAMaritime Training and Education
Origin of Permeability in Carbonate Rocks Carbonate reservoirs, which are typically dual or triple porosity systems, produce a major portion of the world’s oil and gas and hold more than half of the world’s largest crude oil and natural... more
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      HistoryGeologyNatural ResourcesHistory of Geology
is a Subsurface & Integrity Operations Dept. Head at AMAL Petroleum Company (AMAPETCO) with more than 13 years of experience in oil & gas industry. Mahmoud worked in Well Engineering, Intervention, Integrity & Work-over at several... more
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      Drilling and Well EngineeringWell CementingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringWell Integrity Management
The specific characteristics of the Greek geothermal fields on the volcanic islands of Milos and Nisyros are described, with emphasis on the characteristics affecting well casing. Overpressure, high temperatures and highly saline brines... more
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      GeothermalOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
This project made use of a reservoir simulator to model an Intelligent Well (IW)) to deal with gas coning problem by placing Inflow Control Valves (ICV) at some particular segments based on gas-oil ratio of the segments in the well to... more
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      Oil and Gas Drilling EngineeringPetroleum Production and Reservoir Engineering
ترجمه قست سوم کتاب شبیه سازی مخزن دانشگاهHeriot Watt
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      Reservoir EngineeringOil and gasPetroleum geologyOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
بهمن 93
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Pozyskiwanie surowców energetycznych takich jak ropa czy gaz, konieczne jest w celu uzupełniania bilansu energii, a także w celach strategicznych danego kraju. Podczas prac wiertniczych generowane są pewne ilości odpadów, szczególny... more
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Since the advanced technology used in oilwell drilling is difficult and costly, the drilling must be completed in the most appropriate conditions, in the shortest time, with cost-effective and the targeted depths and purposes. This... more
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      Drilling EngineeringOIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND DRILLINGDrilling and Well EngineeringDrilling
Fire and Explosion Hazardous Properties of Breakers Applied in the Processes of Oil Production Stimulation Применение в процессах нефтедобычи большого спектра химических реагентов требует изучения их свойств, которые представляют основную... more
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      ChemistryPetroleumOil and gasPetrochemical Engineering
Alongwith its operations
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      MACHINE TOOL DESIGNDrillingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringDrilling Optimization
ac and dc power supply
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
بهمن 93
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
The undesired stick-slip vibration is the main source of PDC bit failures, such as tooth fracture and tooth loss. Therefore, the study of PDC bit failure base on stick-slip vibration analysis is crucial to prolong the service life of PDC... more
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      MatlabMechanical VibrationsOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringANSYS WORKBENCH
In this paper, I briefly explained what reservoir, drilling and production engineers do in exploration to abandonment.
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      GeologyReservoir EngineeringOil and gasPRODUCTION ENGINEERING
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      DrillingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringPetroleum Engineering
As the petroleum industry experiences constant transformation and new technologies are introduced, there have been needs for designs to control annular pressure while drilling. Underbalanced drilling (UBD) and Managed pressure drilling... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringManaged Pressure Drilling
This is a syllabus for IWCF Level 2 Certification.
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
fishing operation,tools,causes,and results
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      DrillingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringDrilling Problems
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel API 5L Gr. X42 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM API 5L GR. X42/X46/X52/X56/X60/X65/X70 etc. Fast... more
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      ProcurementPipelineConstruction ProcurementOil and gas
Lost Circulation (also called thief zones) is one of the major problems encountered by engineers while drilling in highly permeable and fractured formations, and depleted reservoirs. It is defined as the undesirable loss of the drilling... more
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
بهمن 93
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Short Biography Mahmoud Radwan is a Subsurface & Integrity Operations Dept. Head at AMAL Petroleum Company (AMAPETCO) with more than 13 years of experience in oil & gas industry. Mahmoud worked in Well Engineering, Intervention, Integrity... more
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      Well CompletionUpstream Oil and GasOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
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      AcidizingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringKorosiTeknik Perminyakan
SIte Visit Report of CBM Drilling Plant, VICO Indonesia Mutiara Field & pamaguan Field
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      CBM ExplorationCoal bed methaneOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
High power carbon dioxide lasers have successfully been used in drilling or cutting engineering materials such as metals, polymers and ceramics over the years. Can a carbon dioxide laser be used to efficiently drill different rocks in a... more
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      DrillingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringLaser Drilling
Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions-Hossain and Islam, 2018 Petroleum and natural gas still remain the single biggest resource for energy on earth. Even as alternative and renewable sources are developed, petroleum and natural gas... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringPetroleum Engineering
Petroleum products play an important role in different sectors of Bangladesh and Eastern Refinery Limited is the most renowned company to refine crude oil to produce different petroleum products. It produces almost 16 different petroleum... more
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      Industrial DesignModeling and SimulationOil and gasPetroleum geology
کتاب بسیار مفید مسائل مهندسی حفاری با پاسخ
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      Drilling EngineeringDrillingOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringDrilling Fluids
Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa sumber energi utama yang digunakan manusia adalah bahan bakar fosil. Untuk memperoleh bahan bakar tersebut, diperlukan pengeboran yang akan menghasilkan air sebagai produk samping. Air terproduksi mengandung... more
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      Chemical EngineeringIndonesiaMembrane TechnologyOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Salt formations are encountered in many oil-producing regions of the world. These salt zones can be in a variety of forms; salt domes, massive beds and sheets or lenses. The chemistry of salts can very significantly even in a single bed,... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringDrillingResearch on Indegenious Mud Water Drilling Fluid
Oil (Petroleum) and Gas Exploration and Production procedures; What does it take to Explore and Produce Oil and Gas? How has the procedures and the technological advancements in the extraction of this globally sought after mineral evolved... more
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      PetroleumOil and Gas LawOil and gasOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
Книга «Вышки над волнами» посвящена 30-летию Главного управления по разведке и разработке морских месторождений нефти и газа Мингазпрома СССР – Главморнефтегаз, созданного в августе 1978 года. По существу, это книга о становлении морской... more
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      Oil and gasOffshore EngineeringOil & GasOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
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      Welding TechnologyWelding EngineeringPipelineGas Pipelines
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
We use MQ-7 sensor in our project which will detect or sense the presence of CO gas but due to unavailable of MQ-5 sensor in market. So, we have use MQ-7 for Natural gas (the gas use in our homes for burning purpose CH4 and 20% of other... more
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
La potencia generada por los motores primarios debe transmitirse a los equipos para proporcionarle movimiento. Esta potencia se transmite directamente del motor primario al equipo. La fuente más común de potencia es el motor de combustión... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringPetroleum well drilling, design and Reservoir Engineering
У першій частині навчального посібника наведені дані про техніку та технологію випробування водозабірних свердловин для оцінки їх с тану перед проведенням ремонтних робіт. Розглянуто методи механічного, гідравлічного очищення фільтрів;... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringDrilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringGeotecnical Engineering
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      Reservoir EngineeringOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringPetroleum Engineering
Knowing Subsurface Safety Valve API14A
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    • Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering
(طراحی رشته ی حفاری(منتخبی از جزوات برتر
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      DesignOil and gasDrilling EngineeringOil and Gas Drilling Engineering