Offshore Engineering
Recent papers in Offshore Engineering
The present investigation deals with the conductor pipe design for fixed Jacket platforms in hydrocarbon producing wells, which should be carried out covering the new criteria applied to the new technologies, it is represents a practical... more
Metode penentuan pengaruh gaya gelombang terhadap kelelahan pada sambungan struktur dapat dilakukan dengan cara
1. Analisa deterministik (deterministic analysis) atau dengan
2. Analisa spektrum (spectral analisis)
1. Analisa deterministik (deterministic analysis) atau dengan
2. Analisa spektrum (spectral analisis)
MGPS Cofferdam is an equipment to be attached at the submerge part of the ship’s hull, to create an watertight environment for the safety cutting, welding, or another underwater activities. The activity here for the MGPS Cofferdam is the... more
Microbial enhanced recovery remains the most environmental friendly cost effective recovery technique in the oil production, particularly for wellbore stimulation. This research investigates the effects of microbial growth rate, microbial... more
The current way of designing industrial plants relies on the communication among experts in the field, and on tools that allow the simulation of the site. Virtual reality (VR) tools are used to visualize and interact with complex 3D... more
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contributes a significant share of the expenses during the lifetime of offshore wind farms. When compared to onshore wind, O&M costs are increased, due to the use of specialised vessels, shorter weather... more
The 1988 Piper Alpha disaster still remains the worst offshore oil platform disaster in history.
This booklet profiles the work of the students of the University of Strathclyde’s postgraduate programme in Sustainable Engineering. Students presenting at the conference, and whose work is summarised here, are registered on one of the... more
The geological and rock engineering aspects of the dredging of rock bymechanicical and gydraulic dredging methods are outlined
Floating Production Storage and Offloading Systems (FPSO) are large vessels or ships often equipped with processing facilities and moored to the location for a shorter or longer period of time. The key feature of the ship-shaped FPSO is... more
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel API 5L Gr. X42 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM API 5L GR. X42/X46/X52/X56/X60/X65/X70 etc. Fast... more
This research explains in details the process of fabrication of a jacket platform using Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) Model.
Книга «Вышки над волнами» посвящена 30-летию Главного управления по разведке и разработке морских месторождений нефти и газа Мингазпрома СССР – Главморнефтегаз, созданного в августе 1978 года. По существу, это книга о становлении морской... more
Due to the growing demand for hydrocarbons, explorations at sea have increased with particular challenges such as exploitation in ultra-deep waters and frozen seas, which has led to the development of new technologies. Offshore activities... more
Dalam mata kuliah Tugas Rancang Besar (TRB II) mahasiswa diberi tugas untuk membuat suatau perancangan struktur lepas pantai statis. Di dalam pembuatan perancangan struktur ini diperlukan langkah-langkah perancangan yang tepat dan sesuai... more
Estimating the cost of vessels is an important factor in the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs of offshore wind farms. Accurate cost estimation is required during the operation of the wind farm. This paper presents the development of... more
APDL stands for ANSYS Parametric Design Language
A scripting language that you can use to automate common task or even build your model in terms of parameter (variables).
A scripting language that you can use to automate common task or even build your model in terms of parameter (variables).
A composite investigation with panel code and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) meth- ods is conducted on 3D and 2D hydrofoil geometries and NACA sections to quantify the forces and the performance of these structures. This... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel A333 Grade 6 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM A333 Grade 6 Low temperature Pipe. Fast Delivery... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel API 5L Gr. X60 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like API 5L X42, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70 HIC Tested Pipeetc.... more
A brief introduction to the types of dredgers and barges used in the dredging industry.
This paper reviews various issues related to wind-power generation, one of the more popular forms of renewable energy, including attractions and challenges of electric power generation through onshore and offshore resources. Significant... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel API 5L Gr. X60 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM API 5L GR. X42/X46/X52/X56/X60/X65/X70 etc. Fast... more
An American hamburger typically consists of a grilled or fried patty of ground beef served on a round bun. The beef patty is seasoned with salt and pepper, and sometimes other ingredients like onion, garlic, or Worcestershire sauce may be... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel A333 Grade 6 Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM A333 Grade 6 Low temperature Pipe. Fast Delivery... more
Les développements qui suivent sont un résumé de ma thèse, sous la direction d’Alberto ALEMANNO, défendue le 25 février 2014 à HEC Paris. L’objectif de notre travail était double. D’abord démontrer la pertinence économique, puis, dans... more
Leigen Z-10 adalah struktur platform jenis Wellhead Platform dengan konfigurasi jacket 3 kaki yang dirancang untuk beroperasi pada kedalaman perairan 160 ft selama 25 tahun dengan arah orientasi +60o dari True North. Pada laporan ini... more
Savoy Piping Inc is highly Acclaimed Manufacturer & Stockist of Carbon Steel API 5L Grade B Seamless Pipe and Industrial Carbon Steel Pipes in All Grades of Carbon Steel like ASTM API 5L GR. B,X42/X46/X52/X56/X60/X65/X70 etc. Fast... more
PT Global Ofshor Indonesia is assigned by PT Buana Listya Tama (BLT) to perform lifting analysis,
to move the 20 ft container size Generator Set, from the main deck of Flolift 200 Crane Barge, to
the 2nd deck of Petroleum 115 Tanker.
to move the 20 ft container size Generator Set, from the main deck of Flolift 200 Crane Barge, to
the 2nd deck of Petroleum 115 Tanker.
Abstrak FPSO (Floating Production and Storage Offloading) merupakan salah satu struktur terapung yang dipasang di sekitar ladang minyak dan gas bumi lepas pantai yang berfungsi untuk menerima, memproses, menyimpan dan menyalurkan atau... more
ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) Semi-Submersible Offshore Platform Modeling and hydrostatic analysis for basic loads.
The existence of environmental concerns and constraints has led to a much greater necessity for the development of renewable energy resources. Wind energy resources are one of the most promising avenues for renewable energy generation,... more
The vast majority of offshore wind farms today are supported by mono-pile foundations. Until fairly recently mono-piles have been un-challenged as the primary foundation type, but this is now changing. With offshore wind farms moving into... more