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O artigo verifica o uso do termo feminicidio na cobertura jornalistica de homicidios de mulheres, praticados por seus companheiros ou ex-companheiros, por razoes da condicao do sexo feminino, quando o crime envolve violencia domestica e... more
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      HumanitiesArtHomicideSocial Problems
This paper develops and empirically validates customer shopping motives taking account of customer channel selection in multichannel systems. As each channel is associated with certain advantages and disadvantages from a customer's... more
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      BusinessMarketingDigital MediaE Business
Radical constructivists advocate discovery-based pedagogical regimes that enable students to incrementally and continuously adapt their cognitive structures to the instrumented cultural environment. Some sociocultural theorists, however,... more
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      Computer ScienceInstructional DesignMathematics EducationConstructivism
Дигиталните механизми освобождават съвсем нови нагласи в психиката на подрастващите от което всичките действия и представи стават изкуствени, модерирани, зависими от едни компютърни алгоритми. Така психиката постепенно става независима... more
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      Educational PsychologyInternational Human Rights LawTranshumanismAdolescent Education (Education)
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      Political ScienceCitizen JournalismMedia PolicyCommunity Media
MOURA, Iara Gomes; SOUSA, Lorena Alves Almeida Crispim; CAVALCANTE, Andrea Pinheiro Paiva; CASTRO, Henrique Sergio Beltrao de. Todos os Sentidos: no ar, para dar voz as pessoas com deficiencia. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIENCIAS DA... more
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How is political news shared online? This fundamental question for political communication research in today's news ecology is still poorly understood. In particular, very little is known how explaining news sharing differs from... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsPolitical communicationSocial Media
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      Avaliação de professoresTeacher EvaluationSchool InspectionEducational Supervision
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      Media StudiesYouth StudiesParodyOnline Video
The study investigated the effect of face-to-face and on-line laboratory strategies on the emotional intelligence of students in Basic Science and Technology in Benue Education Zone A, Nigeria using a quasi-experimental research design.... more
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      Emotional intelligenceOnline InstructionOnline MediaSCIENCE TEACHING
This study explored how teacher self-disclosure (TSD) influences student motivation and feelings toward the teacher in online education. Conducted within Boston University's Blackboard Learn LMS, the study involved 336 MSW students, 84 of... more
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      PsychologyEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationOnline Instruction
Abstract: This study investigates how Portuguese radio journalists evaluate the changes that have occurred in the profession since the Internet has been integrated in newsrooms. The main purpose is to understand how these professional... more
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Citation Nani Jansen Reventlow, Jonathon Penney, Amy Johnson, Rey Junco, Casey Tilton, Kate Coyer, Nighat Dad, Adnan Chaudhri, Grace Mutung’u, Susan Benesch, Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Helmi Noman, Kendra Albert, Anke Sterzing, Felix... more
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    • Psychology
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Project “Combating online hate speech by engaging online media" (C.HA.S.E.)—implemented in Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, and Italy and funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values Programme (CERV) Programme of the European... more
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      Hate SpeechHate Crime LawOnline MediaSexism
V kontexte nedávnej pandémie koronavírusu vzišlo množstvo otázok súvisiacich s prežívaním náboženského života z izolácie. Podobné skutočnosti poznáme zo stredoveku z historických prameňov, najmä v spojitosti s morovými epidémiami. Vzniká... more
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      ArchitectureHierotopyOnline MediaMiddle Ages
This final section of the report has been reproduced from ���D3. 1 The STELLAR Rendez-Vous I report and white papers���, published in 2009 by the STELLAR Network of Excellence. It is included here for completeness; we, as co-authors, felt... more
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      EngineeringEducational TechnologySocial SciencesLocation Based Services
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      Digital MediaPolitical SciencePoliticsDeliberative Democracy
The combination of social, political, and economic changes causing simultaneously decreasing funding and increasing demand for services is driving nonprofit managers to engage in proactive marketing in a for-profit model, including the... more
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      BusinessMarketingSocial MediaMarket Orientation
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      SociologyGender StudiesDomestic ViolenceViolence Against Women
Hopeton S. Dunn, Massimo Ragnedda, Maria Laura Ruiu, Laura Robinson (Eds), Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, pp 169-186
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      FacebookMe Too movement
This study examines factors of word-of-mouth (WOM) about political candidates, and factors related to candidate characteristics affecting vote behavior. The study also analyses data to determine the effect of WOM factors and factors of... more
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      Social PsychologyPolitical SciencePoliticsWord of Mouth
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceSocializationParticipation
While the phenomenon of autistic masking, in which individuals on the autism spectrum conceal their true selves to conform to neurotypical norms, is increasingly examined in psychological contexts, it is comparatively understudied in... more
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      Comics StudiesComics and Graphic Novels
Abstract: What can a young filmmaker do if he has a good idea and talent, but he has no money? Young filmmakers (both directors and producers) face the problem of funding, as they need financing for their films (fiction or documentaries).... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionPerception
This article examines the two waves of the covid-19 pandemic in India in 2020–2021. It disaggregates the different narratives constructed by the Hindu right-wing in online circles. It shows that by instrumentalizing the interactive and... more
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A crise da psicologia se dá quando torna-se impossível manter o dualismo entre as imagens (consciência) e os movimentos (espaço). Henri Bergson subverte a força dessa crise ao propor teses sobre o movimento, usadas por Gilles Deleuze para... more
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      HumanitiesArtCinemamovie theater
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    • Political Science
Among Farzad Sharifian's various research contributions, he established the understanding that everyday English terms denoting items such as fire and smoke had various meanings for Australians, depending on whether they were Aboriginal... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureHeroesLanguage PlayCultural linguistics
While there are instructional practices researchers claim teachers should be engaging in, (e.g., use of technology, implementing high cognitive demand tasks) often times teachers are either not engaging in these practices or not... more
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      Mathematics EducationCognition
The Routledge Handbook of Political Communication in Ibero- America addresses the relationship between communication, politics, and digital technologies in Latin American and the Iberian Peninsula, a geographical space linked by social,... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical communicationComunicación Polìtica
The implementation of artificial intelligence techniques and tools in the media will systematically and continuously alter their work and that of their professionals during the coming decades. To this end, this article carries out a... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceDigital DivideMedia Studies
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The recurring clash between the scientific and the reflexive stances is considered in an episode involving the emblematic figures Einstein and Bergson. Investigating the philosophical underpinnings of their views shifts the confrontation... more
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      History of IdeasHenri BergsonBook Reviews
Combining linguistic data and behavioral sciences, we use NLP to implement machine learning and inspect social media in a suicide surveillance system. We have conducted prospective studies to understand the linguistic expressions, and... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Industrial era 4.0 not only has implications for the industrial world, but also has a real impact on the implementation of learning in the classroom. The use of Information Technology (IT) is common. Prohibit students from using an... more
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      Computer ScienceMultimediaGadget
Los cibermedios deben ser conscientes de la importancia de los motores de búsqueda y no confiar en que el tráfico provenga de la navegación directa. Así, deben tener en cuenta la optimización para motores de búsqueda (SEO), es decir,... more
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      Search EnginesOnline MediaVisibilityPosicionamiento
Recognizing argumentation in academic papers is an obstacle to students of academic writing especially once assigned to read a piece of research article prior to their writing assigment . The aim of this study is to uncover the existence... more
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This paper describes an innovative pedagogic initiative for training Communication and Journalism university students. This initiative has been designed within the framework of a funded project financed. This has seeked to train future... more
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      SociologyEducationJournalismEmotional intelligence
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate green marketing mix as a strategy to ensure Sustainable development for the business organizations. For this purpose, the four P's of marketing mix are Evaluated in such a way to find out... more
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      BusinessSustainable DevelopmentGreen MarketingMarketing Mix
Currently, fewer older adults are online compared to younger generations. However, with many new initiatives aiming to significantly increase the number of older internet users, they will increasingly be exposed to potential victimisation... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceDecision MakingBehavioral Decision Making
Sanal gazetecilikle ilgili Türkiye'de yayımlanmış ilk kitap...
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      Online JournalismOnline social networksThe future of newsOnline Media
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    • Humanities
In recent years, the accountability practices of digital journalism have gone from constituting an intimate and self-regulatory system of journalistic culture to a complex process that is increasingly external and open to the public... more
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      JournalismDigital MediaAccountabilityPolitical Science
Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi oleh adanya kegiatan belajar membaca Al-Qur’an di MIS Hidayatul Muhajirin Palangkaraya yakni Tahsin Al-Qur’an. Tahsin Al-Qur’an merupakan cara dalam memperbaiki bacaan Al-Qur’an sehingga menjadikan siswa... more
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      Primary EducationReligion curriculum and pedagogy
This project investigates how technology provides the emergence of a new media ecosystem for sports journalism, as well as allows appropriations in which content production itself is ultimately influenced by the new era of Artificial... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTechnologyPolitical ScienceSports Journalism
L'insegnamento fa imparare Le idee migliori nascono dal confronto con gli altri
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