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Ιn this article, we argue that integrating and self-directed knowledge across university learning can lead to critical reflections and potentially transformative learning, for both students and educators. A learning experience regarding... more
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    • Adult and Continuing Education
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    • Adult and Continuing Education
The Single Payment Authority (SPA) is a Public Organization that complies with the most modern management systems, seeking the maximum utilization of human resources and a high degree of effectiveness and efficiency in Greece and... more
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      Public ManagementTraining and DevelopmentAdult Continuing and Professional EducationAdult and Continuing Education
Online continuing education holds promise as an effective method for rapid dissemination of emerging evidence-based practices and best clinical practice in health care. Online continuing education has the potential to engage collaborative... more
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      Evidence Based PracticeAdult and Continuing EducationInstructional Design for Online LearningContinuing Professional Education in healthcare
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      EducationAdult EducationHistory of EducationCivic Education
Recent years have witnessed considerable growth of research on the benefits of adult learning. Much of this draws on evidence from large scale longitudinal data sets. Overwhelmingly, these studies have found clear evidence of economic,... more
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      EducationAdult EducationLifelong LearningSocial Capital
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing Education
Veterans enrolled in college face unique challenges compared with those of traditional students. Their experiences and perspectives, coupled with battling stereotypes and entering an unstructured college setting, contribute toward what... more
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing EducationMilitaryAcademic Success
This presentation talks about the role of adult education in active participatory citizenship and shortly presents a Horizon 2020 three-year research project, the so-called “Adult Education as a Means to Active Participatory Citizenship”... more
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      Education for CitizenshipAdult and Continuing EducationCitizenship
The Nord-du-Québec region has a potential of significant socio-economic development for which growth can be anticipated. In 2008, the Charest Government initiated the Plan Nord with the objective of developing the economy of the Northern... more
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      EducationAdult and Continuing EducationCree Culture and History
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      Online LearningOnline and Distance EducationAdult and Continuing EducationAdult Higher Education
Michael Barratt Brown has had a long and remarkably influential life as an adult educator, economist, socialist and peace activist. The review of his life story appeared in the International Journal of Lifelong Education.
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      Adult EducationHistory of EducationLifelong LearningAdult and Continuing Education
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo la caracterización de alumnos que obtienen un alto nivel de logro cursando las Carreras de Psicología [PSICOL] o Ingeniería Comercial [ICOL] en el programa Programa Especial de Titulación [PET]... more
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      EducationAdult EducationE-learningAdult and Continuing Education
The number of the students who are studying at the universities has markedly increases while million students have been taking online courses.The interaction of the data has rapidly improved due to the Internet ecosystems:therefore,big... more
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      Adult EducationAction ResearchAcademic WritingAdult Continuing and Professional Education
Lohnt sich ein Studium nach dem Studium? Ist ein spezialisierter Master oder ein Weiterbildungslehrgang hilfreich für die nächsten Karriereschritte im Berufsfeld Public Affairs? Was ist die beste Kombination von Praxis, Wissen und... more
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      Career ManagementHigher EducationGraduate EducationCareer Guidance
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how mentors can act as change agents for social justice. It examines mentors’ roles in initial teacher education in the lifelong learning sector (LLS) and how critical spaces can be... more
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      EducationCultural SociologySociology of EducationAdult Education
Adults learning new scripts find it hard to become automatic readers. They typically read haltingly, understand little of what they read, and may forget how to read. This article presents the hypothesis that halting reading among adult... more
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      Adult EducationAdult Development And AgingAdult and Continuing EducationOlder Adults
ATTENTION: Below are Adult Education Project Topics with available Chapters 1-5. Click on any to read its Contents
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      Adult EducationAdult NursingChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureAdult Continuing and Professional Education
Free trade world environment is rapidly exchanging technology between develop nations and developing nations. In India, besides its own increasing knowledge base, government and non-government research institution, universities and other... more
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      Social ChangeCommunicationTeaching and LearningEducation
Jointly edited with Gerald Normie, these are papers from a conference on residential adult education, held in Oxford in 1991. They encompass historical perspectives and contemporary reflections, with authors from Britain, Sweden and... more
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      Adult EducationHistory of EducationLifelong LearningAdult and Continuing Education
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      Creative WritingTeaching and LearningEducationIntellectual Property
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      Social MovementsAdult EducationHistory of EducationSocial Justice in Education
Continuing Education practitioners strive to meet the educational needs of their students, who are primarily adult students whose educational needs are not met by traditional matriculation. It is the desire of Continuing Education to... more
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      Adult Continuing and Professional EducationAdult and Continuing EducationNeeds Assessment
This reflective paper seeks to explore the role of the teacher in higher education in facilitating a learner-centred approach to teaching and learning with widening participation learners. This study will draw on relevant research and... more
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      Higher EducationLearner Centered ApproachAdult Continuing and Professional EducationAdult and Continuing Education
Politics in Adult Education involves ways in which knowledge is acquired, the dispensing of the knowledge and how to make use of it under different situations. Oni (2017} acknowledged the centrality of knowledge to education. Besides the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationAdult EducationEducational Research
The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
The chapter presents an outline of the history of Folk High Schools in Sweden. The analysis includes mainly social and political determinants of their functioning in Poland’s northern neighbor. The main trends of the evolution of social... more
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing EducationFolk high schools / Folk schoolsFolk High Schools
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      Non-formal EducationPopular EducationAdult EducationAdult and Continuing Education
A report about adult education, and comparisons between the adult education policies and strategies, of three countries. These countries are Croatia, Ethopia and Pakistan, and then evolving and creating a roadmap of my own policy and... more
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing EducationAdult learningAdult literacy
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
In an international university in Thailand, with students coming from 92 different countries, faculty members reported a need for professional development (PD). The purpose of this study was to understand faculty members’ needs and... more
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      Multicultural EducationProfessional DevelopmentAdult and Continuing EducationInservice Education for Teachers
Digital media play an increasingly important role in all areas of society. As a result, media literacy is one of the key qualifications for our information society. It enables social participation and opens up opportunities for... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationAdult EducationTeacher Education
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται η διαδικασία σχεδιασμού μιας διδακτικής ενότητας από τον εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων σε προγράμματα επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης. Αρχικά παρουσιάζεται ένα δυνητικό πρόγραμμα ΕΕΚ στο οποίο ανήκει η... more
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      Adult EducationAdult Continuing and Professional EducationAdult and Continuing EducationTeaching and Learning In Adult and Higher Education
O presente artigo visa traçar uma primeira perspectiva da situação da formação nas grandes empresas e dar um contributo crítico para a compreensão das lógicas subjacentes às suas políticas e práticas de formação. Baseia-se nos resultados... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentAdult and Continuing Education
Neste livro é apresentado um conjunto de reflexões ocorridas durante as diversas oficinas realizadas no Programa de Formação Continuada e de apresentações de algumas comunicações científicas realizadas durante o I Seminário de EJA de... more
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing EducationAdult learning
Since the launching of these millennium development goals (MDGs), education has been identified as one of the tools in meeting these goals. According to paper titled "The Central Role of Education in the Millennium Development Goals" of... more
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      Social ChangeEducationNon-formal EducationAdult Education
The paper addresses the past, present and future of comparative adult education research. 2016 marks the bicentenary of Jullien de Paris' outline of an approach to comparative education. We take this anniversary as an opportunity to... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningComparative & International EducationAdult Continuing and Professional Education
Open and distance education should focus on the learning barriers that adult learners have to cope with as it constitutes a new educational context promoting mostly individualized and independent learning procedures. This new learning... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningAdult and Continuing EducationOpen and Distance Education
This is the fourth thematic report for the Inquiry into the Future of Lifelong Learning. It discusses the new science of well-being and reviews evidence of links with lifelong learning, before going on to explore the implications for... more
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      Informal LearningAdult EducationCreativityLifelong Learning
Tett, L., Hamilton, M., & Crowther, J. (2012). More powerful Literacies. Leicester: NIACE (now freely available as a pdf) The growth of a knowledge-based economy and an information society has meant that literacy increasingly mediates... more
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      Adult EducationAdult and Continuing EducationAdult literacyDemocracy and Citizenship Education
There is a huge difference in the compulsory and optional tasks settlements fulfill. In one settlement, the population and the enterprises can get comprehensive services, while the other settlement supplies just compulsory functions on a... more
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      SociologyEducationAdult EducationLifelong Learning
Universities and Institutes of higher learning are large repositories of knowledge, manpower and physical resources. They cannot function and exist in isolation of the society and communities where they are located. They have an... more
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      Higher EducationRural DevelopmentAdult and Continuing EducationAgricultural extension
"Volume editors: A. Papastamatis (University of Macedonia) E. Valkanos (University of Macedonia) G. K. Zarifis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) E. Panitsidou (University of Macedonia) ISBN: 978‐960‐243‐668‐4ERIC Index number:... more
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      PhilosophyEducationSocial PolicyTotal Quality Theories and Practices
Dhana hizi zinalenga kutoa uelewa wa jinsi kiswahili kilivyo na silabi zake pia namna makabila mengi ya Tanzania yalivyo na lafudhi tofauti
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    • Adult and Continuing Education
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    • Adult and Continuing Education
THIS IS YOUR CUE: TIME TO TAKE ACTION Call upon the community or general public, parents and youths, mental health professionals, physicians and nurses, educators, Facebook and other internet social media, religious groups, athletes,... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipMarketingRobotics
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      Adult and Continuing EducationGerman-French relationsFormation des enseignants, théories et pratiques, professionnalisation
The chapter was written for a student reader. It aims to provide a brief overview of different adult education systems, and a summary some of the main types of approach in different countries. It argues that while national differences... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningEducational ResearchInternational Education
Education. We welcome you as participants and presenters at this year's conference. The theme this year is "Building Communities with Sustainability and Social Capital." We are honored to have faculty, graduate students, and practitioners... more
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      Continuing Professional DevelopmentHigher EducationAdult Continuing and Professional EducationAssessment in Higher Education
This paper will compare, contrast and critique two articles on the core concepts of research such as research questions, measurement and instrumentation, validity and reliability processes, sampling procedures and ethical considerations.... more
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      NursingTeaching and LearningEducationSocial Research Methods and Methodology