Privacy and data protection
Recent papers in Privacy and data protection
Data protection concerns have been identified as one of the most serious barriers for the deployment and development of cloud computing. 1 There is a general lack of regulation and policy on a European (EU) level. The Data Protection... more
in: A. Mantelero e D. Poletti (a cura di), Regolare la tecnologia. Il Reg. UE 2016/679 e la protezione dei dati personali. Un dialogo tra Italia e Spagna (atti del Convegno), Pisa, 2018 (p. 423-439)
Muovendo dal fenomeno della commercializzazione dei dati personali dei consumatori, il lavoro analizza i formanti giuridici che intersecano il tema a livello nazionale ed europeo. Lo sguardo è rivolto principalmente alla disciplina in... more
On the occasion of the Privacy Symposium 2022 in Venice, an Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation’s new open access paper has just been published: “The future of personal data in the Metaverse“. It relates to the complex... more
Modern biotechnologies are among the reasons explaining the new focus on the idea of human dignity in public, political and scientific discourses. Topics being debated range from assisted reproduction, cloning, genetic diagnostics and... more
Conferência ao IV Congresso Interativo Virtual "Humanos Direitos Máquinas - amigos ou inimigos". Universidad Nacional de Lanús / E-Justicia Latinoamérica, Argentina. Dia 20 de novembro de 2019. A mesma retoma a comunicação apresentada na... more
O Direito consubstancia o caminho-meio de regulação da vida em sociedade através de normas jurídicas que prescrevem o mote de condução das relações intersubjetivadas, numa senda consonante com os valores reinantes numa determinada... more
PRATA DE CARVALHO, Angelo Gamba. Transferência internacional de dados na lei geral de proteção de dados - força normativa e efetividade diante do cenário transnacional. In: FRAZÃO, Ana; TEPEDINO, Gustavo; OLIVA, Milena Donato. A Lei Geral... more
El llamado derecho al olvido como una manifestación del derecho a la protección de datos personales es una realidad insoslayable en el ámbito de la Unión Europea. Sin embargo, esta perspectiva ha generado posturas encontradas, tanto por... more
Resumen: La reciente sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el asunto Google Spain y Google Inc. contra Agencia Española de Protección de Datos y Mario Costeja ha reco-nocido la responsabilidad de los motores de... more
Apresentação destinada à I Conferência Internacional de Bioética "Proteção de Dados". Organizada pelo Centro de Estudos de Bioética - Pólo Madeira, Funchal. Dia 28 de maio de 2022.
Las nuevas tecnologías generan amenazas y retos asociados a los derechos fundamentales, especialmente aquellos relativos a la vida privada. Una de estas amenazas, propia de la naturaleza del mundo digital, es la total ausencia de límites... more
The objective of this work was to identify if and when the services offered by OTTs can be assimilated to electronic communications services pursuant to Art. 2(4) of the EECC and, therefore, be subject to the rules introduced by the ePR.... more
With ample regard to the scandal of Mark Zuckerberg and the inevitable leaks from media that have exposed unjust data protection processing, there is in fact, legislation in the European Union which aims to guard such from occurring. This... more
Participants’ Hand-out for the Workshop on Scientific Research & Data Protection of 9 December 2016, organised by the Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH) in the context of the GDPR Workshop Series
Publicado el 21 de febrero de 2020 en La Segunda
Constitutional Guarantees of Information Privacy Protection in Light of New Technologies Development The development of new information technologies has contributed to a significant change in the methods of collection, processing and... more
The first question that will be examined in this paper is whether IP addresses should be considered personal data. Even if many jurisdictions accept IP addresses as personal data, not every legal system takes this stance. Secondly as a... more
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
This essay aims to address a general conception of what privacy is, as well as an analysis of the challenges and dangers of living without privacy and the importance of data protection against the breakdown of traditional paradigms by new... more
Using remote sensing technologies to ensure environmental protection responds to the need of protection of a right and a public good and interest. However, the increasing introduction of these technologies has raised new challenges, such... more
The integration of distributed renewable resources relies increasingly on 'smart' solutions, requiring data to schedule, control and plan the operation of distributed assets within future energy systems. Such data can include household... more
The crisis generated by the emergence of the new coronavirus and its rapid spread at global level has led states to implement measures to prevent and combat the effects of the pandemic. In the context in which the presence of the virus in... more
O presente trabalho não objetiva discutir a existência ou inexistência de um direito à tutela dos dados pessoais nem seus eventuais contornos, mas sim discutir estratégias regulatórias colocadas em prática, tendo como premissa a... more
The idea of building safeguards for privacy and other fundamental rights and freedoms into ICT systems has recently been introduced in EU legislation as 'Data Protection by Design'. This article studies the techno-epistemic network... more
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
This paper aims to provide key insights into the privacy issues and internal threats that come to hamper SMEs by adopting cloud computing for their business functions. The results obtained through detailed study of reasons behind SMEs... more
What happens when media technologies are able to interpret our feelings, emotions, moods, and intentions? In this cutting edge new book, Andrew McStay explores that very question and argues that these abilities result in a form of... more
Data Theft is a rampant crime in India. Employees steal data as it is there gratuity. As per The IT Act,2000 Data Theft is a cyber crime in India and attracts criminal as well as civil remedies. This articles discusses the law provisions... more
Lo scritto prende in esame la questione relativa al trattamento e al trasferimento dei dati personali dei passeggeri (PNR) nel trasporto aereo, con lo scopo di combattere il terrorismo internazionale e la criminalità transnazionale. La... more
Increased collaborative production and dynamic selection of production partners within industry 4.0 manufacturing leads to ever-increasing automatic data exchange between companies. Automatic and unsupervised data exchange creates new... more
Tulisan ini memberikan apresiasi sekaligus catatan atau masukan atas draft RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi. Catatan difokuskan dari perspektif kelembagaan; membadankan kewenangan pengawasan kepada independent administrative body yang dalam... more
British Airways will face record-breaking GDPR fine for suffering financial data theft of hundreds of thousands of customers. Following an extensive investigation, the UK's data privacy authority announced that it intends to impose its... more
Data Profiling which aims to categorize people to decide their eligibility for certain services, inter alia social and economic services, where an automated decision is taken by computers based on people’s profiles. These decisions may... more
Developments in online services and cloud computing mean the time has come to pay more attention to the protection afforded to EU citizens when transferring personal data to China.