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The rapidly growing Internet is driving the demand for higher transmission capacity and high-speed networks. Designing an efficient network to achieve desirable performance is a challenging task, requiring designers to balance user... more
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      Computer NetworksModelingSimulationOpnet
A VLAN is a logical connection that allows hosts to be grouped together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are delivered only to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. We can improve wireless network performance and save... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringIEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)
A VLAN is a logical rather than physical connection that allows grouping hosts together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are only delivered to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. By characteristic VLAN network, we can... more
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      Routing protocolsOpnetWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc NetworksThroughput
Wireless local area networks (WLAN) has been used recently due to their benefits which exhibits outstanding mobility with easier and faster configurations. The wireless local area network performance is much influenced by both network... more
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"In recent years, a lot of progress has been made in the field of networks and communications; and also in design of simulators. In this paper, we survey and review prominent fields where OPNET has been applied and compare it with... more
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      Computer EngineeringComputer NetworksModeling and SimulationSurvey Research
For the past ten years, heterogeneous networks wired and wireless had tended to integrate seamlessly, offering effective and reliable service for medical operations. One of the problems encountered by network practitioners is the... more
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      NetworkingMobile CommunicationsOpnetNetwork Performance
Many corporations are seriously concerned about security of networks and therefore, their network supervisors are still reluctant to install WLANs. In this regards, the IEEE802.11i standard was developed to address the security problems,... more
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      Computer ScienceNetworkingOpnetVpn
Wikipedia describes network simulation as " a technique where a program models the behavior of a network by calculating the interaction between the different network entities (hosts/routers, data links, packets, etc.) using mathematical... more
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      Modelling and Simulation of communication networksOpnet
NetSim, Jimsim, KivaNS, Network Simulator, OMNET ++, Packet Tracer, OPNET Modeler, RouterSim Network Simulators, Toggit y WebNMS Simulación Toolkit, CORE, IMUNES.
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      OpnetPacket TracerOmnetNetwork Simulator
OPNET is a simulation software tool with rich and complex set of libraries to model, configure and simulate the entire heterogeneous network. Bahria Campus computer network consists of access points, switches, routers, servers etc.
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksOpnet
In the network area, to establish a network in real time for any experiment is very difficult. To test a simple problem takes a large amount of time and cost. So it is not quite possible to implement the whole network scenario in a real... more
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      Computer NetworksNS2OpnetNetwork Simulation
In Adhoc Network group communication is more important, in which routing protocols play a vital role for data transmission. With/Without using central server or access point, the Wireless network form a temporary network with collection... more
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      AdHoc NetworksOpnetOspfWlan
Network simulation is used to evaluate the performance of different wired and wireless networks and their topologies without real world implementation. Network simulators are widely used by the research community to evaluate new theories... more
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      Wireless networksSimulationOpnetWimax
Distributed Denial of service (DDoS) attacks affect millions of users and businesses across the globe every year. With the ever-increasing sophistication and complexity of these attacks services and resources are at the mercy of the... more
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      VoipOpnetPriority QueueingWFQ
In this project study of the LTE and its architecture is considered and understand the mechanism of QoS deployment in LTE which introduce the main concept of traffic classification. A simulation based study is performed in OPNET by... more
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      IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)OpnetWimaxQuality of Service (QoS)
L’informatisation de la profession de traducteur a entraîné la mise en ligne gratuite de nombreuses ressources professionnelles de qualité, comme des articles sur les principes et les règles de traduction, générale ou spécialisée, des... more
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      EducationDocumentationSocial MediaTraining
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksPerformanceLTE
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      Network SecuritySmart GridOpnetJamming
A VLAN is a logical connection that allows hosts to be grouped together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are delivered only to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. We can improve wireless network performance and save... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringIEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)MANET Routing protocols
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      MANET Routing protocolsOpnetWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Deployment Video on Demand (VoD) over the next generation (WiMAX) has become one of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, and is expected to be the main revenue generators in the near future and the efficiency of video... more
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      Network SecurityIPTVOpnetWimax
Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) was been important technology for service providers because it has real time services. VOIP is a gigantism technology .its facility dispatch of voice data over Internet Protocol .This paper is study the... more
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Abstract. Wi-Fi areas are accessible in many places, it makes it easier to access the Internet rather than using LAN cable. On the other hand, the Internet itself is a best effort network, which means it does not provide Quality of... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringOpnetwifi, Wimax, 4G technology
Network traffics management and congestion control are becoming complex and critical issue due to the emergence of modern multimedia internet applications. Industries and universities are facing critical challenges of providing the... more
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    • Opnet
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. The mobility of nodes in MANETs results in... more
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      MANET Routing protocolsOpnetManetMANETs
The simulation of large-scale networks is a challenging task especially if the network to simulate is the Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network, it requires expert knowledge to properly configure its component technologies. The study... more
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    • Opnet
Forest Fires are one of the most important and prevalent type of disasters and they can create a great deal of Environmental Impacts due to which their early detection is very vital. The main need for choosing this particular application... more
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      AlgorithmsForestryWireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor Networks
This paper presents a performance evaluation study of dual stack, 6to4 tunnelling, and Network Address Translation transition schemes on simulative method in IPv4/IPv6 networks. This research aims to find out what IPv4/IPv6 transition... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Black hole and Grey hole attack is most happening attacks in Mesh networks. Mesh networks means nonstatic networks with making loops of networks with the help of active hotspots. In Wireless networks all the communication between the... more
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      OpnetMRPBlack Hole AttackOLSR
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service is growing very fast and supported by many applications. Its interactive nature makes it very attractive service. VoIP requires a precise level of quality to be utilized. Quality of Service... more
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      Computer NetworksVoipOpnetQuality of Service (QoS)
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service is growing very fast. Service providers offer VoIP service along with traditional data services using the same IP infrastructure. That is why today it is one of the most dominant technologies... more
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      Computer NetworksVoipOpnetWireless Computing
Moving services to the Cloud is a trend that has steadily gained popularity over recent years, with a constant increase in sophistication and complexity of such services. Today, critical infrastructure operators are considering moving... more
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      CollaborationCloud ComputingIntrusion DetectionOpnet
The Wireless local area networks WLAN performance is a key factor in spreading and usage of such technologies. The WLAN are more bandwidth limited as compared to the wired networks because they depend on an inexpensive, but prone to... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsOpnetWireless Lan
A VLAN is a logical connection that allows hosts to be grouped together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are delivered only to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. We can improve wireless network performance and save... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringIEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)MANET Routing protocols
Mobile Ad-hoc networks are made up of nodes which are mobile in nature, Their network topology is not fixed and change over time, so need to support dynamic routing protocol .The bandwidth is limited in case of Ad-hoc networks. Routing is... more
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      Ad Hoc NetworksOpnetManet in OPNETSimulation of Ad Hoc routing protocol by opnet
New services like Video on demand, Television (IPTV), high speed Internet access and Voice over IP on top the same link are called Triple Play services. These services demand very high bandwidth to customers. ADSL and ADLS2+ aren't enough... more
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      Computer NetworksOpnetQoSFttx
Wireless networks have become a tremendous network solution for home and enterprise users, without worrying about wire, and mobility. With IEEE 802.11e Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) we have implemented Quality of Service (QoS) to... more
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      OpnetQoSWireless Network Performance
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Simulation has been an important resource for functional and performance analyses of computer networks. Although the number of widely adopted network simulators is small, new ones continue to be created to address gaps in the... more
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      OpnetSimulator Omnet++ and Simulation on Omnet++OmnetPSPICE
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) network is created on the IEEE 802.11 standard. Connections for local devices in homes and business arenas are provided by Wi-Fi units. With the growing demand as well as penetration of wireless services, the... more
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      Wi-FiOpnetWireless LanEnd-To-End Delay
A VLAN is a logical rather than physical connection that allows grouping hosts together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are only delivered to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. By characteristic VLAN network, we can... more
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      Routing protocolsOpnetThroughputAccess Point
The objective of this work is to compare with simulating, using OPNET the performance of five Ad hoc routing protocols: DSR, AODV, OLSR ,TORA and GRP , and to examine the impact of mobility and the density of nodes on the behavior of... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksRouting protocolsPerformance Evaluation
Hospital network is evolving towards a more integrated approach by interconnecting wireless technologies into backbone networks. Although various integrated network scenarios have been published in the networking literature, a generic... more
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      NetworkingPerformance AnalysisOpnetNetwork Performance
—Wireless sensor network are nowadays considered as a viable solution for medical application. A zigbee network model is more suitable for battery capacity, bandwidth, and computing limitation for WSN. This paper will present an Opnet... more
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      Computer NetworksOpnetWsnZigBee
Congestion control and internet network resources management are complex and critical issues in a high-speed packet switch data network, due to the emergence growth of modern multimedia streaming services. The increasing number of... more
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      Simulation (Computer Science)Information VisualizationOpnet
The mobile nodes in a network which can communicate with each other through a radio wave without any specific infrastructure is widely known as  Mobile Ad-hoc Network(MANET). MANET has a number of routing protocols.
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Modern technology is essential for all healthy, economic, and educational sectors. Using modern technology involves high-performance networks in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters such as delay, throughput, bandwidth, and... more
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      Computer NetworksOpnetCampus Network
The major purpose of this paper is to compare two important parameters of QoS between two communication technologies which are UMTS and WiMAX, the comparison based on the VoIP application as the main traffic flow of the two networks. The... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringElectronicsIEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)GSM, WiMAX, LTE
IEEE802.11 have been fully understood in the networking era. Opnet with IEEE802.11 give assistance is an easily understood able simulation tool for communication researchers. However it's academic Edition have limited abilities. In this... more
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      OpnetAODVIEEE 802.11b
Intisari— Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian terhadap kinerja protokol RSVP pada aplikasi VoIP berbasis SIP. Keberadaan protokol RSVP ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas dari sebuah layanan dengan menggunakan variasi codec.... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringOpnetVoice RecognitionRSVP