AdHoc Networks
Recent papers in AdHoc Networks
This paper focuses on an essential task of the enhanced NodeB eNodeB element in LTE architecture, the Radio Resource Manager RRM, which aims to accept or reject requests for connection to the network based on some constraints and ensuring... more
Wireless sensor networks are very broadly used in many applications. Sensor networks still have problems in conveying data from one sensor node to other node. Routing algorithms are developed for wireless sensor networks. In this... more
This article contributes to the foundational understanding of the security vulnerabilities and risk towards wireless grid Edgeware technology. Since communication networks and devices are subject to becoming the target of exploitation by... more
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems allow decentralization, sharing of all the resources of a network with direct communication and collaboration between nodes. There are three main families of P2P networks: the... more
The increasing demand of wireless applications has put a lot of limitations on the use of available radio spectrum is limited and precious resource. Many survey of spectrum utilization shows that entire spectrum is not used at all the... more
Background & Objective: Vanet is ad-hoc or temporary network that supports vehicle to vehicle or vehicle to infrastructure communication. Nowadays due to the exponential rise in road traffic and accidents, it is necessary to have... more
Ad hoc networks are a wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, these networks are self-configurable and autonomous... more
Mobile Ad-hoc networks are categorized by multi-hop wireless connectivity and numbers of nodes are connecting each other through wireless network. It includes several routing protocols specifically designed for ad-hoc... more
In mobile ad hoc networks, the absence of infrastructure and the consequent absence of authorization facilities impede the usual practice of establishing a practical criterion to distinguishing nodes as trusted and distrusted. Since all... more
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
In mobile ad hoc networks, the absence of infrastructure and the consequent absence of authorization facilities impede the usual practice of establishing a practical criterion to distinguishing nodes as trusted and distrusted. Since all... more
Today wireless communications is becoming the most useful means of transferring data, and the most active research sector. In this I will demonstrate one of the most useful types of the Ad-Hoc networks; the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks.... more
In Adhoc Network group communication is more important, in which routing protocols play a vital role for data transmission. With/Without using central server or access point, the Wireless network form a temporary network with collection... more
A novel infrastructureless mobile networks (MANETs) is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information. The special features of MANET bring this technology great opportunity together with severe... more
This technical report provides a brief survey on various platforms, tools and simulators which are available for wireless sensor networks.
The International Journal of peer-to-peer networking is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of P2P Networks. The journal provides a platform to disseminate new... more
This paper describes about the computing environment and types of network used and various others existed possible networks available for certain purpose and can be used in the computer network environment. As everyone knows about the... more
Modbus is the de facto standard communication protocol for the industrial world. It was initially designed to be used in serial communications (Modbus RTU/ASCII). However, not long ago, it was adapted to TCP due to the increasing... more
This paper simulates and investigates the performance of four widely-used channel estimation techniques for MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems; namely, super imposed pilot (SIP), comb-type, space-time block coding (STBC), and... more
In recent years, AdHoc networks have been attracting much interest in both academic and industrial communities. International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems is an open access peer-reviewed journal that serves as a forum to discuss on... more
org/ncwc/index Scope & Topics 8 th International Conference of Networks, Communications, Wireless and Mobile Computing (NCWC 2022) looks for significant contributions to the Computer Networks, Communications, wireless and mobile computing... more
— In Computer Aided Decision(CAD) systems, machine learning algorithms are adopted to assist a physician to diagnose disease of a patient. The purpose of this study is to improve the prediction accuracy on medical datasets by hybridizing... more
Use of proxy server could help in providing adequate access and response time to large numbers of World Wide Web (WWW) users requesting previously accessed page. The result of the study showed that hit ratios of the proxy servers range... more
The International Journal of peer-to-peer networking is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of P2P Networks. The journal provides a platform to disseminate new... more
8th International Conference of Networks, Communications, Wireless and Mobile Computing (NCWC 2022) looks for significant contributions to the Computer Networks, Communications, wireless and mobile computing for wired and wireless... more
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
Wireless home automation systems have drawn considerable attentions of the researchers for more than a decade. The major technologies used to implement these systems include Z-Wave, Insteon, Wavenis, Bluetooth, WiFi, and ZigBee. Among... more
8th International Conference on Networks & Communications (NWCOM 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Computer Science, Engineering and... more
It is often useful to know the location of nodes in wireless sensor network, but GPS enabled sensor nodes can be expensive. In this paper, we studied and analyzed Senelex (Sensor Network Localization Explorer). We have explored the... more
Wireless communication is the most effective communication to convey audio or video information among the population. It enables the masses to connect throughout the world. Wireless technologies improve the lifestyle of individuals in... more
Underwater wireless communication networks (UWCNs) are constituted by sensors and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that interact to perform specific applications inside water. Commonly used Electromagnetic waves are not suitable as... more
"Technologies for Freedom" is a sentence in Manuel Castells’ "Communication and power"; they are intended as a "material basis and cultural movements in their struggle against capitalist globalization", and against the consequent... more
Hər bir marşrutlama protokolu müxtəlif vəziyyətlərdə fərqli nəticələr göstərməkdədir. Bu məqsədlə bugünə qədər mövcud olan və yeni təklif olunmuş marşrutlama protokollarının çeşidli mühitlərdə çox sayda təhlili aparılmışdır. Günümüzdə... more
In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), mobile devices are equipped with power (energy). In order to utilize this energy equipped devices efficiently for transmission of data packets, many energy aware routing strategies are followed.... more
The International Journal of peer-to-peer networking is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of P2P Networks. The journal provides a platform to disseminate new... more
Node in wireless multihop networks requires cooperation from peer neighbours to relay packets towards intended destination in ensuring optimal rate of successful data transmission. However, willingness of node to cooperate cannot be... more
Due to the technology of IOT the human daily life services were became easier. With this technology the scalability will become very more to handle this kind of networks 6LOWPAN protocol was used, In this 6LOWPAn networks the RPL protocol... more