Optimization Methods
Recent papers in Optimization Methods
The Graph is a powerful mathematical tool applied in many fields as transportation, communication, informatics, economy, … In an ordinary graph, the weights of edges and vertexes are considered independently where the length of a path is... more
The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
In today's life, it's necessary to pay attention to saving energy. There are a lot of research and studies in this area to minimize the potential for energy losses. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been considered as a coordinated... more
Context: Jordan is looking for a cheap and locally affordable source for its cosmetics, fuel and medical applications. Jojoba offers one solution to such problems. It is considered as a good medicinal plant that can be used for several... more
Two-mode partitioning is a relatively new form of clustering that clusters both rows and columns of a data matrix. In this paper, we consider deterministic two-mode partitioning methods in which a criterion similar to k-means is... more
Die Planung und Ausführung von tiefen Baugruben in weichen Böden im innerstädtischen Bereich ist für alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Beitrag wird die Herstellung einer 8 m tiefen Baugrube mit unmittelbarer... more
Quantum stochastic optimization or quantum annealing is a quantum algorithm of optimizing a given cost function. This paper takes one through a journey of improving classical optimization methods to reach a quantum one. A comparative... more
Excavations in soft soils in particular in urban environments with adjacent neighbouring buildings are always subjected to deformations that are not fully avoidable. The soil-structureinteraction of excavations in soft soils is dependent... more
This paper proposes the use of an improved version of the ɛ-constraint method for the design and optimization of a rectangular micro-channel heat sink. This study aims to optimize the geometric parameters describing the micro-channel,... more
The objective of this paper is to review the Stereo-Triangulation in computer vision, investigating the reconstruction of three-dimensional data corresponding using the 2-D images in a situation where images contain noise. Finally four... more
In the past decades, our capability to solve hard and large optimization problems has improved intensely. The paper addresses a review of optimization methods, heuristics, and metaheuristics. Their role in supply chain management,... more
Structures are normal or special; these are precious part and are promptly associated with living as well as non living things. Sometimes minute fault inside the structure might affect whole body and it would lead to collapse the... more
Prinsloo, G.J. (2014). Automatic positioner and control system for a motorized parabolic solar reflector. MSc Thesis, Stellenbosch University. p 1-142. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1130.3522 This project deals with the CAD design and construction... more
For the derivation of the axial resistance of driven sheet piles empirical calculation procedures are given in the recommendations of the working groups "Ufereinfassungen" (EAU, 2004) and "Baugruben" (EAB, 2006), which does not always... more
Resistance Spot welding (RSW) is one of the common welding processes used for sheet joining especially in the automobile and aerospace industry. It is used in a wide range of industries but notably for the assembly of sheet steel vehicle... more
Nombre:__________________________________ Código:____________ 1. Defina los siguientes conceptos: Suelo, Roca 2. ¿Cuáles tipos de rocas hay? ¿Cómo se diferencian? 3. De 3 ejemplos de cada tipo de roca según su origen 4. ¿Cómo se califican... more
Membrane distillation (MD) is a developing thermally driven membrane desalination technology that has been applied in four different basic configurations. In membrane distillation, a hot, saline feed stream is passed over a hydrophobic... more
Farming is most important assets of our country. India is known as agricultural country. But in today scenario, farming got affected due to many reasons such as lack of interest by youth, weather's effect, water supply effect, crop... more
Розглянуто теоретичні засади оцінки якості планувальних рішень на базі розширеної системи містобудівних критеріїв за ознаками ефективності, інтенсивності та керованості забудовою. Введено поняття толерантності структури міського плану.... more
The article presents a set of general relationships for permanent volumetric strain from cyclic loading. These relations can be used to predict earthquake induced settlements on granular soils, with direct application to shallow... more
This article presents a summary of applications of chaos and fractals in robotics. Firstly, basic concepts of determin‐ istic chaos and fractals are discussed. Then, fundamental tools of chaos theory used for identifying and quantifying... more
Desain struktur merupakan salah satu bagian dari keseluruhan proses perencanaan bangunan. Semakin mahalnya harga material menyebabkan harga struktur bangunan menjadi semakin mahal, oleh karena itu untuk menekan biaya bangunan, perlu... more
Antena mikrostrip dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan utama dalam perkembangan teknologi berbasis wireless. Antena jenis ini memiliki ukuran yang kecil, ringan dan mudah diintegrasikan dengan rangkain. Pada penelitian ini dibuat simulasi dan... more
Most of the directions used in practical interior-point methods for semideinite programming try to follow the approach used in linear programming, i.e.f they are defined using the optimally conditions which are modified with a... more
"FOR CITATIONS: Salem, H.S., 2000. Poisson's ratio and the porosity of surface soils and shallow sediments, determined from seismic compressional and shear wave velocities. Geotechnique (Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)). 50-L (4),... more
In the past several decades, maintenance and replacement problems have been extensively studied in the literature. Thousands of maintenance and replacement models have been created. However, all these models can fall into some categories... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
Integration of reverse logistics processes into supply chain network design can help to achieve a network that incorporates environmental factors as well as economic factors. In this study, a new integrated approach is proposed to address... more
With the increase of the number of students in universities and teaching diversity, taking course situations from different programs and term, in the exam schedule which school managements manually edited, make it inevitable that some... more
The thesis focuses on three different areas: development of constitutive models for unsaturated soils, improvement of the finite element code “Compass” for coupled flow-deformation analysis involving unsaturated soils and application of... more
The work of the United Nations and other international organizations towards the establishment and implementation of the Statement on Sustainable Development has been considered. The indicators for assessing the state of the environment... more
Sie liegen schon richtig, sehr geehrter Herr Professor, mit der Annahme, dass Erdbeben und Vulkanausbrüche in einem sehr engem Zusammenhang stehen. Was der heutigen Geophysik allerdings fehlt, ist die richtige Sichtweise, was diese... more