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An improved relationship for the variation of degree of saturation in an unsaturated soil is presented, incorporating the influence of changes of void ratio. When combined with an elasto-plastic stress–strain model, this is able to... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Fuzzy classification techniques have been developed recently to estimate the class composition of image pixels, but their output provides no indication of how these classes are distributed spatially within the instantaneous field of view... more
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      GeophysicsArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingRemote Sensing
The paper presents an elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils that takes explicitly into account the mechanisms with which suction affects mechanical behaviour as well as their dependence on degree of saturation. The proposed model is... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
A single linear program is proposed for discriminating between the elements of k disjoint point sets in the n-dimensional real space R n : When the conical hulls of the k sets are (k ? 1)-point disjoint in R n+1 , a k-piece... more
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      Applied MathematicsMachine LearningOptimization MethodsPiecewise Linear
This paper proposes the employment of the differential evolution (DE) to offline optimize the covariance matrices of a new reduced delayed-state Kalman-filter (DSKF)-based algorithm which estimates the stator-flux linkage components, in... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringAlgorithmsControl Systems
"Subduction megathrust earthquakes occur at the interface between the subducting and overriding plates. These hazardous phenomena are only partially understood because of the absence of direct observations, the restriction of the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
This study aims to develop a multi-layer, multi-segment iterative optimization algorithm for the operations of a single agent, which can be either a container in a distribution system, an automated guided vessel in a transport network or... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementOperations ResearchFuzzy set theory
An adaptively stabilized finite element scheme is proposed for a strongly coupled hydro-mechanical problem in fluid-infiltrating porous solids at finite strain. We first present the derivation of the poromechanics model via mixture theory... more
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      Computational MechanicsFinite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
This paper presents a multi-scale analysis of a dilatant shear band using a three dimensional discrete element method and a lattice Boltzmann/finite element hybrid scheme. In particular, three dimensional simple shear tests are conducted... more
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      GeophysicsMicrostructureComputational MechanicsNumerical Modeling
This article presents a summary of applications of chaos and fractals in robotics. Firstly, basic concepts of determin‐ istic chaos and fractals are discussed. Then, fundamental tools of chaos theory used for identifying and quantifying... more
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      Fractal GeometryMobile RoboticsMathematical BiologySwarm Intelligence
The paper presents a water retention model capable of predicting the hysteretic response of soils during both wetting-drying cycles at constant void ratio and compression-swelling cycles at constant suction. In the proposed model two... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsSoil Dynamics
It is widely believed that in order to solve large scale global optimization problems an appropriate mixture of local approximation and global exploration is necessary. Local approximation, if first order information on the objective... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceOptimization Methods
The paper presents a collaborative piece of research undertaken by seven research teams from different universities within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering’ (MUSE) network. The objective is to benchmark different... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Rainfall is the most frequent triggering factor for landslides and the development of early warning systems has to take account of this. It is suggested that direct measurement of pore pressure gives the most reliable prediction of... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The paper discusses some aspects of the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM), which is one of the most widely used elasto-plastic models for unsaturated soils. In addition to modelling those unsaturated soils where the collapse potential increases... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization MethodsNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsLarge Scale
We consider general, typically nonconvex, Quadratic Programming Problems. The Semi-de nite relaxation proposed by Shor provides bounds on the optimal solution, but it does not always provide su ciently strong bounds if linear constraints... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization MethodsGlobal OptimizationDuality Theory
A unique facility for engineering and biological research has been established with the aim of improving fundamental understanding of the effects of climate change on slopes. This paper describes the building and monitoring of a... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
An evaluation was undertaken of ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) in comparison to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for characterizing natural dyes in cultural heritage objects. A new UHPLC method was optimized... more
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      Cultural HeritageAnalytical Method DevelopmentOptimization MethodsNatural Dyes and their applications
Spatial variability of material properties is inherent in both natural soil deposits and earth structures, yet it is often ignored during geotechnical design. With the objective of developing novel methods for assessing the effects of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Several microwave-assisted digestion methods were tested at the Centro de Estudios Aplicados en Química laboratory in Quito, Ecuador, to determine the accuracy and performance efficiency of the mineralization process for the determination... more
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      Analytical ChemistryOptimization MethodsHealth Risk AssessmentMercury
Although conventionally described as purely dip-slip, faults at caldera volcanoes may have a strike-slip displacement component. Examples occur in the calderas of Olympus Mons (Mars), Miyakejima (Japan), and Dolomieu (La Reunion). To... more
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      Numerical SimulationsVolcanologyNumerical ModelingSeismic Hazard
Thisarticleproposesanewstrategybasedonahybridmethodthatcombinesthegravitationalsearch algorithm(GSA)withthebatalgorithm(BAT)tosolveasingle-objectiveoptimizationproblem.It... more
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    • Optimization Methods
Numerous problems arising in engineering applications can have several objectives to be satisfied. An important class of problems of this kind is lexicographic multi-objective problems where the first objective is incomparably more... more
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      Optimization (Mathematics)Linear ProgrammingInfinityOptimization Methods
The numerical integration of the stress–strain relationship is an important part of many finite element code used in geotechnical engineering. The integration of elasto-plastic models for unsaturated soils poses additional challenges... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
A numerical study of model-based methods for derivative-free optimization is presented. These methods typically include a geometry phase whose goal is to ensure the adequacy of the interpolation set. The paper studies the performance of... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization MethodsLine Search Derivative Free OptimizationNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Integration of reverse logistics processes into supply chain network design can help to achieve a network that incorporates environmental factors as well as economic factors. In this study, a new integrated approach is proposed to address... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Supply Chain ManagementDecision MakingDecision Making Analysis and Modeling
The phenomenon of epilepsy, one of the most common neurological disorders, constitutes a unique opportunity to study the dynamics of spatiotemporal state transitions in real, complex, nonlinear dynamical systems. We previously... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationOptimality TheoryOptimization Methods
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsSoil Dynamics
Satellite mission GRACE provides monthly models of the global gravity field with unprecedented accuracy showing temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field, including those caused by large-scale coseismic and postseismic processes in... more
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      GeodesyGeophysicsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
A new suction probe, the WF-DU tensiometer, has been developed by Wykeham Farrance in collaboration with Durham University. The performance of the new suction probe is assessed in terms of the minimum negative value of pressure that can... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Loose particles in moist granular materials, such as unsaturated soils, are held together by capillary forces acting at the interparticle contacts. The magnitude of these capillary forces depends on the surface tension and on the radius... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The paper presents a benchmarking study carried out within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering’ (MUSE) network aimed at comparing different techniques for measurement and control of suction. Techniques tested by the eight... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Chemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsGeochemistry
Reconfiguration of a power distribution system consists in changing the functional links among its elements and represents one of the most important actions for the improvement of system performance in operation. In the last few years,... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Computer Engineering
Accurate estimation of soil hydraulic functions is an important topic in soil physics and hydrology. Soil scientists and hydrologists use experimental data to derive parameters of the hydraulic functions, and when measurements are not... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsSoil Dynamics
Virgin, cultivated, and old-arable soils have been studied in the area of Olbia, one of the antique poleis in the northern part of the Black Sea region. It is shown that the soils cultivated during the antique time still preserve some... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNumerical ModelingGeoArcheology
This paper presents an algorithm for solving global optimization problems with bounded variables. The algorithm is a modification of the electromagnetism-like mechanism proposed by Birbil and Fang [J. of Global Optimization 25 , pp.... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization MethodsPerformance EvaluationGlobal Optimization
The traditional crashworthiness optimisation problem is augmented by inclusion of additional design criterion associated with vehicle vibration characteristics. Through finite element (FE) simulations, full frontal, offset frontal and... more
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      Numerical ModelingGenetic AlgorithmsStructural OptimizationLightweight Structures
Most of the directions used in practical interior-point methods for semideinite programming try to follow the approach used in linear programming, i.e.f they are defined using the optimally conditions which are modified with a... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization MethodsOptimizationNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
ABSTRACT. A full three-dimensional dynamic soil–foundation structure interaction (SFSI) analysis of a famous landmark in Luxor, Egypt, the South Memnon Colossus, is performed to investigate the response of this historical monument to... more
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      Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringNumerical SimulationsStructural Engineering
In this article, multi-objective optimization of braced frames is investigated using a novel hybrid algorithm. Initially, the applied evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization (ACO) and genetic algorithm (GA) are reviewed, followed... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsAnt Colony OptimizationHybridizationOptimization techniques
Unveiling meaningful geophysical information from seismic data requires to deal with both random and structured "noises". As their amplitude may be greater than signals of interest (primaries), additional prior information is especially... more
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      Optimization techniquesSeismic reflection dataFourier and Wavelet ProcessingSeismic data processing
This paper presents a methodology for the identification of parameter values in the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) by inverse analysis of the experimental cavity pressure–cavity strain curve from pressuremeter tests in unsaturated soils.... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Soil-water retention curves (SWRCs) can be determined using high-suction tensiometers (HSTs) following two different procedures that involve either continuous or discrete measurement of suction. In the former case, suction measurements... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Two Primal-dual interior point algorithms are presented for the problem of maximizing the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix over diagonal perturbations. These algorithms prove to be simple, robust, and e cient. Both algorithms are... more
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      Applied MathematicsOperations ResearchOptimization MethodsInterior Point Methods
In the past several decades, maintenance and replacement problems have been extensively studied in the literature. Thousands of maintenance and replacement models have been created. However, all these models can fall into some categories... more
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      Software MaintenanceProcess OptimizationOptimization techniquesOptimization Methods
This paper investigates possible implementations of the autonomous agents concept in flexible manufacturing control. The implementation issues and the effectiveness of different control architectures and algorithms are analyzed by means... more
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    • Optimization Methods
This paper proposes the use of an improved version of the ɛ-constraint method for the design and optimization of a rectangular micro-channel heat sink. This study aims to optimize the geometric parameters describing the micro-channel,... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Optimization (Mathematics)Optimization techniquesOptimization Methods