Recent papers in POMDPs
In this work, we propose a multimodal interaction framework for robust human-multirobot communication in outdoor environments. In these scenarios, several human or environmental factors can cause errors, noise and wrong interpretations of... more
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) is a widely used model to represent the interaction of an environment and an agent, under state uncertainty. Since the agent does not observe the environment state, its uncertainty is... more
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) provide an efficient way to model real-world sequential decision making processes. Motivated by the problem of maintenance and inspection of a group of infrastructure components with... more
La prise de décision est un problème omniprésent qui survient dés qu'on fait faceà plusieurs choix possibles. Ce problème est d'autant plus complexe lorsque les décisions, ou les actions, doiventêtre prise d'une manière séquentielle. En... more
Addressing current challenges in research on disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), this study aims to compare executive function in children with DMDD, children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and children... more
Recent work in the behavioural sciences has begun to overturn the long-held belief that human decision making is irrational, suboptimal and subject to biases. This turn to the rational suggests that human decision making may be a better... more
As agents' technology becomes increasing more prevalent, coordination in mixed agent-human environments becomes a key issue. Agent-human coordination is becoming even more important in real life situations, where uncertainty and... more
We propose a novel approach to developing a tractable affective dialogue model for probabilistic frame-based dialogue systems. The affective dialogue model, based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and Dynamic... more
Planning to see: A hierarchical approach to planning visual actions on a robot using POMDPs This journal article describes a novel approach that enables a mobile robot to autonomously tailor vision-based sensing and information processing... more
This paper proposes a novel hierarchical representation of POMDPs that for the first time is amenable to real-time solution. It will be referred to in this paper as the Robot Navigation-Hierarchical POMDP (RN-HPOMDP). The RN-HPOMDP is... more
We analyze a single-item periodic-review inventory system with random yield and finite capacity operating in a random environment. The primary objective is to extend the model of Gallego and Hu (2004) to the more general case when the... more
Objective: To develop a scale for emotional regulation using item response theory. Method: Eighteen Swanson Nolan and Pelham (SNAP-IV) items that loaded on an emotional dysregulation factor were submitted to Rasch analysis. After... more
Methods of deep machine learning enable to to reuse low-level representations efficiently for generating more abstract high-level representations. Originally, deep learning has been applied passively (e.g., for classification purposes).... more
We formalize decision-making problems in robotics and automated control using continuous MDPs and actions that take place over continuous time intervals. We then approximate the continuous MDP using finer and finer discretizations. Doing... more
Bayesian learning methods have recently been shown to provide an elegant solution to the exploration-exploitation trade-off in reinforcement learning. However most investigations of Bayesian reinfo...
High dimensionality of belief space in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) is one of the major causes that severely restricts the applicability of this model. Previous studies have demonstrated that the dimensionality... more
Recent research has shown that effective dialogue management can be achieved through the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) framework. However past research on POMDP-based dialogue systems usually assumed the parameters... more
Identifying an object of interest, grasping it, and handing it over are key capabilities of collaborative robots. In this context we propose a fast, supervised learning framework for learning associations between human hand gestures and... more
A common approach to the control problem in partially observable environments is to perform a direct search in policy space, as defined over some set of features of history. In this paper we consider predictive features, whose values are... more
The problem of developing good policies for partially observable Markov decision problems (POMDPs) remains one of the most challenging areas of research in stochastic planning. One line of research in this area involves the use of... more
One of the main challenges when it comes to designing a dialogue system is error handling. The Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology is not perfect and the user may use words or expressions that are unknown to the system... more
A common approach to the control problem in partially observable environments is to perform a direct search in policy space, as defined over some set of features of history. In this paper we consider predictive features, whose values are... more
Active Object Recognition (AOR) has been approached as an unsupervised learning problem, in which optimal trajectories for object inspection are not known and are to be discovered by reducing label uncertainty measures or training with... more
Existing algorithms for discrete partially observable Markov decision processes can at best solve problems of a few thousand states due to two important sources of intractability: the curse of dimensionality and the policy space... more
We describe a new approximation algorithm for solving partially observable MDPs. Our bounded policy iteration approach searches through the space of bounded-size, stochastic finite state controllers, combining several advantages of... more
We consider the problem belief-state monitoring for the purposes of implementing a policy for a partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP), specifically how one might approxi mate the belief state. Other schemes for belief state... more
We consider the problem of learning the behavior of a POMDP (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) with deterministic actions and observations. This is a challenging problem due to the fact that the observations can only partially... more
There is a tendency in decision-making research to treat uncertainty only as a problem to be overcome. But it is also a feature that can be leveraged, particularly in social interaction. Comparing the behavior of profitable and... more
In human-robot interactive scenarios communication and collaboration during task execution are crucial issues. Since the human behavior is unpredictable and ambiguous, an interactive robotic system is to continuously interpret intentions... more
My PhD was a period full of excitement, of intense learning on both the scientific and personal level. At the same time, there were many hard moments, where I had real doubts on its success. There are many people without whom I couldn't... more
Attracted by their easy-to-use interfaces and captivating benefits, conversational systems have been widely embraced by many individuals and organizations as side-by-side digital co-workers. They enable the understanding of user needs,... more
POMDPs.jl is an open-source framework for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs) and partially observable MDPs (POMDPs). POMDPs.jl allows users to specify sequential decision making problems with minimal effort without sacrificing the... more
Motion planning under uncertainty is essential to autonomous robots. Over the past decade, the scalability of such planners have advanced substantially. Despite these advances, the problem remains difficult for systems with non-linear... more
Low-cost navigation solutions for indoor environments have a variety of real-world applications ranging from emergency evacuation to mobility aids for people with disabilities. Challenges for indoor navigation include robust localization... more
We formalize decision-making problems in robotics and automated control using continuous MDPs and actions that take place over continuous time intervals. We then approximate the continuous MDP using finer and finer discretizations. Doing... more
Bayesian approaches provide a principled solution to the explorationexploitation trade-off in Reinforcement Learning. Typical approaches, however, either assume a fully observable environment or scale poorly. This work introduces the... more
This Dagstuhl Seminar also stood as the 11th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL11). Reinforcement learning gains more and more attention each year, as can be seen at the various conferences (ECML, ICML, IJCAI, . . . ).... more
- by Peter Auer
Abstract—A mobile robot must have the ability of building a representation of its environment and the objects in it. To build a three-dimensional (3D) model of a physical object, several scans must be taken at different locations.... more
In this paper the approach of using a partially observable Markov model for games with dynamical difficulty adjustment is introduced. This approach leads implicitly to a strategy which balances gathering information about the player... more
Brain-imaging technology has boosted the quantification of neurobiological phenomena underlying human mental operations and their disturbances. Since its inception, drawing inference on neurophysiological effects hinged on classical... more
Others can have a different perception of the world than ours. Understanding this divergence is an ability, known as perspective taking in developmental psychology, that humans exploit in daily social interactions. A recent trend in... more
Many robotic projects use simulation as a faster and easier way to develop, evaluate and validate software components compared with on-board real world settings. In the human-robot interaction field, some recent works have attempted to... more
Automatically generating solutions to general multi-robot coordination problems with communication limitations is challenging, but crucial in many domains. As one way to address this problem, we describe a probabilistic framework for... more
Online, sample-based planning algorithms for POMDPs have shown great promise in scaling to problems with large state spaces, but they become intractable for large action and observation spaces. This is particularly problematic in... more
With rapid profusion of video data, automated surveillance and intrusion detection is becoming closer to reality. In order to provide timely responses while limiting false alarms, an intrusion detection system must balance resources... more
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's... more
POMDPs and their decentralized multiagent counterparts, DEC-POMDPs, offer a rich framework for sequential decision making under uncertainty. Their high computational complexity, however, presents an important research challenge. One way... more
In recent years, there has been much debate regarding the most appropriate diagnostic classification of children exhibiting emotion dysregulation in the form of irritability and severe temper outbursts. Most recently, this has resulted in... more