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RESUMEN. Se realizó un análisis preliminar de las detecciones por cámara trampa de yaguareté y puma en un área del Parque Provincial Salto Encantado del Valle del Cuñá Pirú y sus alrededores, en la provincia de Misiones. Esto fue... more
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      ArgentinaJaguarJaguar Ecology and ConservationMisiones
L a técnica recto-vaginal es la más comunmente utilizada para inseminar vacas. Las habilidades básicas necesarias para dominar esta técnica pueden ser desarrolladas en tres días de práctica bajo la instrucción y supervisión de un... more
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      JaguarariPanthera Onca
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      EcologyFelidaeFelidsLeopardus wiedii
The worldwide decline in carnivore populations has been attributed to various human impacts. However, our understanding of the mechanisms behind these declines is insufficient to predict the timing and location of local extinctions. We... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsCarnivore EcologyLarge CarnivoresPanthera Onca
El jaguar es una especie clave en todos los ecosistemas del continente americano donde habita, no obstante, su rango de distribución se ha visto disminuido, incluso siendo extirpado de algunos países. Su conservación adquiere una mayor... more
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      Wildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementCarnivore EcologyHuman-wildlife conflicts
Aim: Understanding how habitat loss and overhunting impact large carnivores is important for broad-scale conservation planning. We aimed to assess how these threats interacted to affect jaguar habitat (Panthera onca) between 1985-2013 in... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsArgentinaBoliviaHuman-wildlife conflicts
1. India, a mega-diverse country in terms of both biodiversity and people, is battling environmental problems on many fronts: chronic dependence on natural resources, dwindling ecosystem services, declining environmental quality, effects... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
We report the roadkill of a jaguar in one of the longest highways in Brazil (BR-101), in the stretch where this road crosses one of the most important Atlantic Forest remnants in the country: the Linhares-Sooretama block. The jaguar... more
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    • Panthera Onca
Desde los inicios de la civilización, la convivencia entre humanos y carnívoros se ha dado de manera competitiva por espacio y recursos. Sin embargo, en la actualidad esta convivencia se ha transformado principalmente en conflicto, cuando... more
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      ColombiaPanthera OncaPuma ConcolorConflictos humanos- felinos
La figura del jaguar (Panthera onca), como principal representante de “lo felino” en América, ha sido protagonista en todas las áreas de expresión étnica a lo largo del continente. Las sociedades se han servido históricamente de... more
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      Conservation BiologyFelinosConservación y RestauraciónConservación
Small and isolated wildlife populations may be more susceptible to disease, which makes illness an important issue to investigate regarding the conservation of large carnivores. Here, we present the results of the first investigation of... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation MedicinePanthera Onca
We analyzed the food habits of the jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) in a protected area surrounded by a fragmented landscape in northeastern Mexico. We estimated relative biomass of each prey species... more
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      DietScat Analysis of CarnivoresPanthera OncaPuma Concolor
Una de las formas de depredación más efectivas del jaguar (Panthera onca) consiste en la aplicación de su fuerza de mordedura en el neurocráneo de los pecaríes, una de sus principales presas naturales, provocándole un estrés altamente... more
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      JaguarPanthera OncaCarnivorosPecaries
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      JaguarPanthera Onca
The elusive nature and endangered status of most carnivore species imply that efficient approaches for their non-invasive sampling are required to allow for genetic and ecological studies. Faecal samples are a major potential source of... more
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      GeneticsForestryConservation GeneticsEcology
A Bali tiger skull from Tanjung or Gunung Gondol, northwestern Bali, Indonesia, in the Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM 4250.17) is described in detail. It is believed to be the ninth specimen of this now... more
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Potential distribution of jaguar, Panthera onca (Carnivora: Felidae) in Guerrero, Mexico: persistence of areas for its conservation. Studies about the permanence of natural protected areas are important, because they contribute to the... more
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    • Panthera Onca
The southern African late Pliocene to early Pleistocene carnivore guild was much larger than that of the present day. Understanding how this guild may have functioned is important for the reconstruction of carnivore-hominin interactions... more
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      AnthropologyHuman EvolutionIndonesiaMammalogy
We analyse the diet and prey selection of puma Puma concolor and describe opportunistically the diet of jaguar Panthera onca in montane forest in the Sierra Nanchititla Natural Park, central Mexico. We analysed prey selection in relation... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyAbundanceJaguar
The present communication reports the opportunistic consumption of the meat of jaguar (Panthera onca) in the state of Pará, in Brazilian Amazon. The animal was killed in retaliation for cattle predation and the meat was salted and dried... more
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    • Panthera Onca
Context. Human–wildlife competition is a worldwide problem. In the Brazilian Pantanal, the competition is between livestock and large cats, such as the jaguar (Panthera onca) and the puma (Puma concolor). Only a few studies have been... more
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      ConflictHuman-wildlife conflictsWildlife ConservationHuman dimensions of wildlife
En los últimos años la actividad ganadera en el municipio de Ixiamas al norte de La Paz, Bolivia, se ha incrementado exponencialmente, lo que ha generado una mayor sobreposición de espacios de uso entre actividades humanas y presencia de... more
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      Human-wildlife conflictsLivestock ManagementPanthera OncaUse of Space
The jaguar is the top predator of the Atlantic Forest (AF), which is a highly threatened biodiversity hotspot that occurs in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. By combining data sets from 14 research groups across the region, we determine... more
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      MammalsAtlantic ForestCarnivore conservationPanthera Onca
El yaguareté (Panthera onca) es el felino más grande de América. En Argentina sus poblaciones han disminuido en forma alarmante y se lo considera en Peligro Crítico. El objetivo fue realizar el primer relevamiento sistemático de la... more
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      ConservaciónMonitoreoJaguarPanthera Onca
Wild felid species richness affected by a corridor in the Lacandona forest, Mexico.— Wild felids are one of the most vulnerable species due to habitat loss caused by fragmentation of ecosystems. We analyzed the effect of a structural... more
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      Landscape EcologyForest FragmentationPanthera OncaWild Felids
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyCosta RicaPanther
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      Wildlife ConservationIUCN Red ListJaguar Ecology and ConservationPanthera Onca
Der Jaguar (Panthera onca Linnaeus, 1758) und der Puma (Puma concolor Linnaeus, 1771) im Zoo Saarbrücken, Stadt Saarbrücken, Saarland, Deutschland. The Jaguar (Panthera onca Linnaeus, 1758) and the Puma (Puma concolor Linnaeus, 1771) in... more
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      DeutschlandJaguarPanthera OncaPuma
a Panthera onca mejor conocida como Jaguar o Yaguarete es un animal originario del continente americano, lo podemos encontrar en una gran variedad de ecosistemas, principalmente en las selvas tropicales, en los bosques tropicales y en... more
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      Dance StudiesTraditional CraftsMasksAntropología
A proposta deste texto é retomar a influência da análise lévi-straussiana do mito do "desaninhador de pássaros" sobre os conceitos de afinidade e filiação potenciais, privilegiando a perspectiva A’uwẽ-Xavante – ausente na obra de... more
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      AnthropologyMythologyEthnologyClaude Lévi-Strauss
Across its range in Latin America the jaguar Panthera onca is threatened by habitat loss and through conflict with people. In the Pantanal of Brazil, where large areas of land are devoted to cattle ranching, jaguars often attack livestock... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyHuman-Wildlife ConflictAttitudes
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      Gene FlowParaguayCarnivoraHuman-wildlife conflicts
Population viability analysis (PVA) was used during the workshop for the Jaguar National Action Plan to better understand jaguar population dynamics and simulate different scenarios to understand the impact of threats and projected... more
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      Wildlife ConservationIUCN Red ListJaguar Ecology and ConservationPanthera Onca
Population viability analysis (PVA) was used during the workshop for the Jaguar National Action Plan to better understand jaguar population dynamics and simulate different scenarios to understand the impact of threats and projected... more
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      Wildlife ConservationIUCN Red ListJaguar Ecology and ConservationPanthera Onca
Human and wildlife conflicts pose conservation challenges for several charismatic species worldwide. Given their close and long-standing interactions with wildlife, indigenous communities set an interesting framework to identify factors... more
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      EthnozoologyHistory of Indigenous PeoplesCarnivoresHuman-Wildlife Conflict
Estado de conservación del jaguar en México (Panthera onca)
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      JaguarPanthera OncaBiodiversitas
Information on scavenging by jaguars is scarce, dispersed and little documented in the scientific literature, producing a shallow understanding of this phenomenon. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to describe the behavior of multiple... more
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      Jaguar Ecology and ConservationPanthera Onca
El conflicto entre animales silvestres y la actividad ganadera produce una respuesta negativa por parte de los pobladores locales, quienes pueden desarrollar acciones que amenazan la conservación de las especies silvestres involucradas.... more
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      Human-wildlife conflictsDesmodus RotundusLivestock ManagementPanthera Onca
En los municipios de San Buenaventura e Ixiamas (Norte del departamento de La Paz) la expansión de la actividad ganadera en hábitats de fauna silvestre tiene como posible consecuencia la pérdida de ganado debido a: 1) enfermedades... more
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      Desmodus RotundusLivestock ManagementPanthera OncaHuman Wild Life Conflict
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      CarnivoraHuman-wildlife conflictsCapacity BuildingLarge Carnivores
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      EcotourismMammalogyLarge CarnivoresMammals
Una de las formas de depredación más efectivas del jaguar (Panthera onca) consiste en la aplicación de su fuerza de mordedura en el neurocráneo de los pecaríes, una de sus principales presas naturales, provocándole un estrés altamente... more
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      Central America and MexicoCarnivoraFelidaeLatin America
The present communication reports the opportunistic consumption of the meat of jaguar (Panthera onca) in the state of Pará, in Brazilian Amazon. The animal was killed in retaliation for cattle predation and the meat was salted and dried... more
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    • Panthera Onca
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      Atlantic ForestPanthera Onca
Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) di Jawa Barat adalah salah satu kawasan taman nasional yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang cukup tinggi, baik satwa maupun tumbuhan. Satwa yang menghuni taman nasional ini terdiri dari... more
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    • Panthera Onca
In April 2019, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) released its recovery plan for the jaguar Panthera onca after several decades of discussion, litigation and controversy about the status of the species in the USA. The USFWS... more
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      ZoologyGeographySpatial ModelingSpecies Distribution Models