Parallel Computing
Recent papers in Parallel Computing
3 rd International Conference on Data Mining & Machine Learning (DMML 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Data Mining and Machine... more
OpenMP parallelization of multiple precision Taylor series method is proposed. A very good parallel performance scalability and parallel efficiency inside one computation node of a CPU-cluster is observed. We explain the details of the... more
Page 1. A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Rule Discovery in Large Databases Dieferson Luis Alves de Araujo' , Heitor S. Lopes', Alex A. Freitas2 CEFET-PR - Centro... more
Task intensive electronic control units (ECUs) in automotive domain, equipped with multicore processors , real time operating systems (RTOSs) and various application software, should perform efficiently and time deterministically. The... more
The frenetic development of the current architectures places a strain on the current state-of-the-art programming environments. Harnessing the full potential of such architectures has been a tremendous task for the whole scientific... more
When solving the problems based on more than two variables most of the time relative changes on the variables need to be calculated. The degree of dependency among variables and number of variable quantities make solution finding more... more
Cluster grid computing is considered a promising alternative to grid computing, since it uses networked computing resources widely available within the so-called "departmental" organizations as high performance/cost ratio computing... more
Adaptive hp ®nite element methods (FEM), in which both grid size h and local polynomial order p are dynamically altered, generate computations that require dynamic and irregular patterns of data storage, access and computation, making... more
Thermal imagery is a substitute of visible imagery for face detection due to its property of illumination invariance with the variation of facial appearances. This paper presents an effective method for human face detection in thermal... more
I) By expressing the contents of a knowledge base as fomnal models, you can synthesize systems in real-time payallel-compu ting environments. The authors apply their technique t o a signalprocessing system. challenging problems in... more
The advent of parallel machines brought about a controverse in the domain of parallel algorithms: is it worth to conceive parallel algorithmg for NP-complete problems? In this work we present a parallel implementation of a sequential... more
As the gap between memory and processor speeds continues to widen, cache efficiency is an increasingly important component of processor performance. Compiler techniques have been used to improve instruction and data cache performance for... more
File and block storage are well-defined concepts in computing and have been used as common components of computer systems for decades. Big data has led to new types of storage. The predominant data model in cloud storage is the... more
Processor failures in post-petascale parallel computing platforms are common occurrences. The traditional fault-tolerance solution, checkpoint-rollback-recovery, severely limits parallel efficiency. One solution is to replicate... more
In this work we present a programmable and reconfigurable single instruction multiple data (SIMD) visual processor based on the S-CNN architecture, namely, the Simplicial CNN Digital Visual Processor (SCDVP), oriented to high-performance... more
As Reconfigurable Computing (RC) systems become more common place among application scientists and developers, a mechanism for porting existing work to other platforms is increasingly desirable. The constantly changing technologies and... more
The implementation and performance of the multidimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on a distributed memory Beowulf cluster is examined. We focus on the three-dimensional (3D) real transform, an essential computational component of... more
Commodity graphics hardware has seen incredible growth in terms of performance, programmability, and arithmetic precision. Even though these trends have been primarily driven by the entertainment industry, the price-to-performance ratio... more
In this paper a two-phase filter for removing "salt and pepper" noise is proposed. In the first phase, an adaptive median filter is used to identify the set of the noisy pixels; in the second phase, these pixels are restored according to... more
since 1978 was dealing with problems of concurrency for cluster, parallel, distributed computers. every mobile hangs, every computer, including super-super delays and wait, making billions of circles of waiting the event to synchronise. I... more
Over the internet today, communication and computing environments are significant aspect for everyone. Then in order to secure our communication from the unauthorized access the network and different enemies we should apply biometric... more
The state-of-the-art in high-performance deep learning today is primarily driven by manually developed libraries optimized and highly tuned by expert programmers using lowlevel abstractions with significant effort. This effort is often... more
Leveraging the power of nowadays graphics processing units for robust power grid simulation remains a challenging task. Existing preconditioned iterative methods that require incomplete matrix factorizations can not be effectively... more
This work introduces a duplication-based deadlock resolution (DBDR) scheme in clustered directed acyclic graphs using three methods for duplicating a task. The scheme can be embedded within any clustering technique for handling... more
The amount of spark energy deposited into the combustion chamber is key to an optimum ignition as one can end up with mis®res when this energy is low or with other undesired eects on engine performance and byproducts when it is high.... more
Parallelising ray tracing with a data parallel approach allows rendering of arbitrarily large models, but the inherent load imbalances may lead to severe inefficiencies. To compensate for the uneven load distribution, demand-driven tasks... more
At Queen Mary, University of London, we have over twenty years of experience in Parallel Computing Applications, mostly on "massively parallel systems", such as the Distributed Array Processors (DAPs). The applications in which... more
Registration of partial scan data sets is still a challenge for today's CAD systems and CAD system users. Many of the known methods rely on user interaction or feature recognition. For non-regular users this is too time consuming and... more
Image compression technique is used in many applications for example, satellite imaging, medical imaging, video where the size of the iamge requires more space to store, in such application image compression effectively can be used. There... more
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a very popular and reliable method used in feature extraction and visualization of multidimensional data. The role of MDS is to reconstruct the topology of an original N-dimensional feature space... more
Scientists, engineers, and statisticians must execute domain-specific application programs many times on large collections of file-based data. This activity requires complex orchestration and data management as data is passed to, from,... more
The aim of this work is to measure the barrier synchronization influence on the overall pevormance of several application programs. In order to do that, we use the MPICH implementation [ I ] version 1.1 of the MPI library. Moreover, we... more
Most methods for calculating the SVD (singular value decomposition) require to ®rst bidiagonalize the matrix. The blocked reduction of a general, dense matrix to bidiagonal form, as implemented in ScaLAPACK, does about one half of the... more
This paper presents a new environment to simulate close-proximity dynamics around rubble-pile asteroids. The code provides methods for modeling the aster-oid's gravity field and surface through granular dynamics. It implements... more
A P-adic Exact Scientific Computational Library (ESCL) for rational matrix operations has been developed over the past few years. The effort has been focusing on converting all rational number operations to integer calculation, and fully... more
Structured parallel programming is recognised as a viable and effective means of tackling parallel programming problems. Recently, a set of simple and powerful parallel building blocks (RISC-pb 2 l) has been proposed to support modelling... more
L’Homme a utilisé l’algorithmique depuis l’époque des Babyloniens et l’écriture cunéiforme sur les pierres. Avec le français Blaise Pascal en 1642, il a commencé à inventer des machines pour exécuter les algorithmes. Alain Turing en 1937... more
The need for maximizing the performance of processors opened doors for a new approach which emphasizes parallelism. This paper discusses how various architectures, like Superscalars and VLIWs, implement this parallelism and presents a... more