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This paper explores the range of likely and potential progress on poverty eradication in fragile states to 2030. Using the International Futures model and recently released 2011 International Comparison Program data, this paper calculates... more
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      PovertySustainable DevelopmentMillenium Development GoalsPoverty Analysis
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      AfricaGovernancePatronage (History)Fragile States
The historical novel From the Nile to the Jordan is an enthralling story about the "Second Exodus" of Jews from Egypt to Israel. This so far little-noticed aspect of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, could spread new light on the events of 1948,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsEgyptPeacekeeping
Since 2014, armed violence in Beni area – also known as ‘Grand Nord’ – has caused the death of around 2,000 civilians in a string of massacres and ambushes. Entire villages have been burnt, while scores have been kidnapped. Following a... more
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      Security and Peace StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies Environmental Security and Peace and Ethnic Minorities StudiesPeace and Security In Fragile States
This chapter looks at street art and its relationship to peace efforts. Specifically, it examines how street art is used as a medium to express the concerns, needs and wants of societal groups whose everyday lives are affected by... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEveryday AestheticsPeace MovementsAesthetics and Politics
De term fragiliteit die in opgang kwam aan het begin van deze eeuw heeft sindsdien verschillende invullingen gekregen. Eerst werd voornamelijk gesproken over fragiele landen, maar geleidelijk groeide het besef dat dit stigmatiserend... more
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      Fragile StatesPeace and Security In Fragile States
The article is undertaken through the lenses of a documentary narrative that provides details of the history of political power challenges in Sierra Leone and its culmination in the destructive civil war from 1991 till the war was... more
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      Security and Peace StudiesSocial sciences and Business studiesPeace and Security In Fragile States
Cada dictadura tiene su grupo irregular para las tareas sucias. El régimen venezolano ha desplegado el suyo en las ciudades de todo el país. La historia latinoamericana enseña que las dictaduras tienden a apoyarse en grupos irregulares... more
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      Organized CrimeLatin AmericaCrimen OrganizadoPeace and Security In Fragile States
* Publication sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany ( The long-standing disagreements between NATO and Russia have been left unresolved for decades. In 2014 they finally escalated into an outright... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDefence and Peace EconomicsPeace MovementsPeacekeeping
The "Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam" is now available in Urdu. Dr. Muhammad Khalid Masud wrote the preface on its important contribution to the field of religion, peace, and conflict resolution in Urdu language.... more
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      ReligionPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobal Civil SocietyAfghanistan
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      Critical Regionalism (Architecture)SecurityAfricaRegionalism
This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
PBSO-ILO-Interpeace-WHO launched joint publication on COVID response. Recommendations include: • Understand the impact of COVID-19 in conflict-affected settings on: access to health; livelihoods and decent work; and conflict dynamics; •... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace StudiesPeacePeacebuilding
This article investigates the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which involves a whole package of multiple cooperative initiatives aimed to accelerate connectivity via land routes and boost Sino-Pakistani collaboration. While... more
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      International RelationsSouth Asian StudiesSecurity StudiesSoutheast Asian Politics
Violent conflicts plaguing Africa today are mostly civil wars with spillover impacts on neighbouring countries.
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      Social TheoryInternational RelationsSocial IdentityGeopolitics
On the 25th Anniversary of the Oslo Accords, this report assesses the approach taken by 9 of the top Western donor countries/institutions that have for decades determined the structure of development aid in the Occupied Palestinian... more
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      PalestineWorld BankAid effectivenessMiddle East Peace Process
The chapter presents postcolonial readings on peacebuilding operations, considering them reproducers of colonial dynamics and hierarchies in the contemporary international scene. Examples of peace operations in Haiti, Mozambique, and... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPeacekeeping
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict Analysis and ResolutionSouthern African Development CommunityConflict Resolution and Transformation
This paper provides (1) A framework for conceptualizing resilience with regard to vulnerable, fragile, and conflict prone states (in other words, what IS resilience and why is it relevant?) and (2) A small collection of case studies... more
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      Community ResilienceResiliencePeace and Security In Fragile States
Following the path of the European Union, regional integration has been promoted as one of the mechanisms that would enable states to promote their economy and enhance their social connectivity and security. Either due to its size or... more
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      AfricaRegional IntegrationHorn of AfricaPeace and Security In Fragile States
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingConflict ResolutionECOWAS
The political reality of many countries in the Muslim World is untenable and reforms and change is absolutely necessary. This article argues that use of force and violence for political change is making things worse as one can witness in... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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    • Peace and Security In Fragile States
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      Failed StatesMilitary DictatorshipPolitics and Terrorism in South Asia, Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policy, Drug Trafficking in South Asia, US role in South Asia, War on Terrorism etc.Terrorism in Pakistan
International intervention in Somalia has been marked by failure, and has systematically contributed to conflict within Somali society. A study of patterns since colonial times reveals that many of the cherished ideals of international... more
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      International RelationsSomaliaPeace and Security In Fragile States
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationReligion
"Khadi: Gandhi's Mega Symbol of Subversion" investigates the power of a symbol to qualitatively transform society by studying Mahatma Gandhi's use of clothing as a metaphor for unity, empowerment and liberation from imperial subjugation.... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesDefence and Peace Economics
Analysis about the political  crisis in Pakistan 2007 and the geopolitical impact and situation on the region.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisIranian StudiesAfghanistan
"Apparatus of Repression in Peoples' Poland 1945-1989" is an annual scientific journal of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), available in open access. The journal specializes in the issues related to security apparatus and... more
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      IntelligenceAnticommunism (History)HUMINT-Human IntelligenceNational Security
Scholars and practitioners discuss options for peace work and conflict transformation in situations where state institutions are absent or dysfunctional. The lead article discusses the concept of hybridity and investigates its relevance... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational StudiesInternational Security
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      Nationalism And State BuildingOil and gasSomaliaFragile States
In this article, the authors conduct a comparative review of the strategic imperatives driving Sino-Indian policy on Afghanistan in the post-2014 scenario. The article argues that divergent strategic imperatives make cooperation difficult... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisSouth Asian Studies
Stratejik konumu dolayısıyla geçmişten beri büyük güçlerin mücadele alanlarından biri olan Irak, tarihte iki defa iki ayrı işgalci güç tarafından devlet inşası faaliyetine sahne olmuştur. Irak, I. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra İngiltere... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIraqi HistoryPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentState Formation
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      International RelationsEducationPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobalization
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      Development StudiesConflictCooperation and ConflictSecurity
A discourse to peace educators and activists from Palestine and Israel on the techniques of 'Satyagraha', created and employed by Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for Indian independence. While the techniques are identified and briefly... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGandhi & Modern EconomyPeace MovementsPeacekeeping
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      Foreign AidConflict ResolutionSecurity and developmentPeace and Security In Fragile States
The violent conflict in northeast Nigeria has not only led to widespread displacement and reduction in livelihoods but affected community tensions and conflicts. Humanitarian and development programming have potential to bring communities... more
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      NigeriaBoko HaramPeace and Security In Fragile StatesWomen Peace and Security
INFRASTRUCTURE constitutes a large portion of contemporary donor spending on fragile and conflict-affected states. But we know little about its impact. As part of a collaboration between DIIS and UNOPS, this report provides an overview of... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningAfghanistanDemocratic Republic of CongoFragile States
The intent of this chapter is to re-imagine and apply the term " civil disobedience " to the cyber domain. The full extent of how it can apply will be analyzed in a framework of the evolutionary rights of protest. Traditional civil... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessDiscourse AnalysisHistory
The current internecine war in what external observers see as the world’s youngest ‘failed state’ is the product of structural developments. This chapter tries to question the particularities of one rather stable and prosperous region of... more
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      EducationCultural HeritageBorder StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
The proliferation of irregular armed actors which defy simplistic definition has caught public and academic attention alike, not least in the pages of this journal. To move the debate on non-state armed groups (NSAGs) forward, this... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesColombia
ICTJ analytical study with Roxane Cassehgari on Transitional Justice in Lebanon (Prosecutions, Truth and Memory, Reparation, Institutional Reform)
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesCritical Security StudiesLebanon
Se consideran las siguientes temáticas relacionadas, aunque no exclusivas: Pedagogías para la paz: el nuevo rol de la cultura de paz en la educación del siglo XXI Teorías de cultura y educación para la paz Conceptos centrales de la... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDefence and Peace EconomicsPeace MovementsPeacekeeping
GSDRC Topic Guides aim to provide a clear, concise and objective report on findings from rigorous research on critical areas of development policy. Rather than provide policy guidance or recommendations, their purpose is to signpost... more
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      Development StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational DevelopmentConflict
This paper attempt to investigate into the causes of, effects and solution to the perennial conflict between crop producers and pastoralists that is very common in Nigeria using Delta State as a case study. This conflict has caused lot of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace and Security In Fragile States
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      African StudiesDemocratizationWest AfricaHuman Security