Social sciences and Business studies
Recent papers in Social sciences and Business studies
Çocuk aile içerisinde doğduktan sonra, aile ve çevresinin etkisiyle bir kişilik oluşturmakta ve ahlaki değerleri edinmektedir. Toplumdaki dini ve ahlaki değerler ve geleneğin getirdiği kurallar, çocukluk döneminde benimsenmeli ve... more
Tourism is an important sector for each country due to its economic and socio-cultural benefits. However, it is known that tourism has caused some non-ignorable environmental problems (air, water, noise and visual pollution, climate... more
Bangladesh is an over populated country of South Asia. India and Myanmar are the closest neighboring states of Bangladesh with whom it shares its borders. Right after her independence in 1971, Bangladesh has started experiencing the... more
A recent price hikes in accommodation and building materials such as cement, iron rods, wood, nails, cost of labour and volatility in macroeconomic indicators in Ghana recently and in Bolgatanga in particular is likely to cause privileged... more
The article is undertaken through the lenses of a documentary narrative that provides details of the history of political power challenges in Sierra Leone and its culmination in the destructive civil war from 1991 till the war was... more
Öğrenme ve öğretme birbiriyle ilişkili kavramlardır. Öğrenme öğretmenin ön koşuludur; çünkü öğretme eyleminin gerçekleşmesi için gerçek bir öğrenmenin olması çok önemlidir. Öğretmen açısından bakıldığında öğretmenin olması için öğrenmenin... more
Certainly, African countries are a long way from the predominance of cross -cutting cleavages and civic virtue that characterize such a civic community at any national level. This predominance would demand a transformation of political... more
Rekabetin arttığı ve teknolojik gelişmelerin hızlı bir şekilde yaşandığı günümüzde, işletmelerde ayakta kalabilmek için değişim geçirmek zorundadırlar. Çalışanlarla ilişkilerin düzenlenmesinde insan kaynakları yönetimi çok ciddi durulması... more
This paper aims to examine the association between the perception of business school students and their adoption of e-banking services. This study integrates Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and perceived risk to explain the adoption of... more
The paper aimed at examining the perceived difference between knowledge gained from online and face-to-face learning modes as a result of the intensities (viz., high and low) of comparative interaction level and ease of attending the... more
Timur tarih sahnesinde belirmeye başladığı zaman diliminden günümüze kadar geçen sürede, kazandığı zaferler ile benzersiz bir hükümdar olmuştur. 1360 yılında Türkistan'da başladığı hakimiyet mücadelelerini başarı ile sonuçlandırmıştır.... more
The objective of the present study is to analyse the impact of human resource development on employee engagement in Nepalese commercial banks by taking three human resource development components of training and development, career... more
The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of green marketing tools on product choice and how green initiatives influence purchase intention of consumers. The research also attempts to examine the relationship between age,... more
This research is a phonological comparison of Chinese and Shona names. The research
Scholars in science and technology studies (STS) – and no doubt other fields – have increasingly drawn on Michel Foucault's concept of biopolitics to theorize a variety of new 'bio-concepts'. While there might be some theoretical value in... more
, Batman/Türkiye "Tanınmamış olmak ve karanlıkta ölmek acıdır. Bu karanlığı aydınlatmak, tarihsel araştırmanın onurudur." (M. Horkheimer) ÖZ Tarih yazımı veya tarih disiplini, eski çağlardan bu yana erkek etkinliğinin, eril bir söylemle... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
It is essential for organisations to pay attention to the well-being of their employees. The organisation should create a workplace that is engaging and motivating, where employees want to stay, grow and contribute their skills, knowledge... more
Bu çalışma huzurevinde kalan yaşlı bireylerin huzurevinde kalma nedenlerini ve huzurevine yönelik temel düşüncelerini sorgulamaktadır. Modernleşme süreci özgürlük gibi bireye birtakım imkânlar sunsa da yalnızlık, aile bağlarının çözülmesi... more
En este artículo se aborda un estudio de caso de un empresario rural que formó arte de una burguesía regional que en el período histórico abordado estaba en formación. A través del mismo se busca generar el corpus historiográfico que de... more
saw the ending of a consultation period about the future of the National DNA Database facilitated by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1 Those who govern the National DNA Database sometimes argue, in the hope of dispelling common... more
Entrepreneurship has been one of the most popular topics in recent years due to its continuing dynamism in the Modern Market Economy. Many recent studies investigate the financial obstacles and difficulties in the establishment of new... more
ÖZ Osmanlı Donanması, 1770 Çeşme Baskını'na kadar kendi döneminin diğer donanmalarıyla Akdeniz ve Karadeniz gibi iç denizlerde boy ölçüşebilecek bir güce sahipti. Kendine ait kanunları, gelenekleri, tersaneleri ve insan kaynakları... more
Başarılı bir karakter, kişilik özellikleri ile izleyicinin empati kurabildiği, benimsediği, zaman zaman örnek aldığı klişelerden uzak özgün yaratımlardır. Karakterin başarılı görsel tasarımı ise; bu kişilik özelliklerinin resimleyene ait... more
This study was conducted in order to determine the effect of the virtual store atmosphere on consumers' perception towards online shopping and their intention to continue online shopping. The universe of the research is composed of... more
The paper provides a critical review of the explanations of the crisis's history. It also contributes to the literature by analyzing the link between asymmetric information and crises in general. Specifically, it is argued that... more
The Introduction of the Internet appeared to have changed the process of communication from interpersonal to computer mediated communication. This study examined the Impact of Internet on face-to-face communication in Comprehensive... more
This study analyses the impact of income diversification on risk adjusted profitability of commercial and development banks in Nepal. Risk adjusted profitability is measured in terms of risk adjusted return on assets (RAROA) and risk... more
The JBSSR is a journal that operates a double blind, peer review process: every paper is reviewed by subject and domain experts by ensuring anonymity of both authors and reviewers. The chief editor sends the paper for blind, peer review... more
To understand modern thinking about images it is necessary to give an historically informed account account of the function of a belief in the images -even in the current supposedly secular age. And it is to see that even in this secular... more
The economic stability of a country varies depending on the legal regulations. In this parallel, it is necessary to examine the impact of the decisions taken on the legal front on the basis of the law and economics approach. In... more
This study examined the Service Quality (SERVQUAL) model with the Internal Service Quality (ISQ) dimensions such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy that impact on employee work engagement. This research work... more
IT adoption is more than just technology deployment; it requires careful consideration of social-cognitive factors. With this premise, in this paper, the behavioral intention of job seekers to use online recruitment services in Nepalese... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, eşi vefat etmiş kadınlar ve çocuklarının psikososyal durumlarını değerlendirmek ve sorunlarına yönelik çözüm önerileri sunmaktır. Bu çalışma, karma yöntem araştırması ekseninde kurgulanmış, nicel yöntem ve önemli... more
Yaşam ve ölüm ilişkisi yüzyıllar boyunca insanlar tarafından tartışılıp anlaşılmaya çalışılırken, insanın ölümlü olduğu gerçeği toplumların kültür ve inanış biçimlerini şekillendirmiştir. Sanat var olduğu günden bu yana ölüm kavramı,... more
Teknolojideki gelişmeler geleneksel çocuk oyunlarının oynandığı alanları değiştirmeye ve hızla daraltmaya başlamıştır. Özellikle şehirlerde yeterli oyun alanlarının kalmaması, trafik ve güvenlik gibi sebepler yüzünden çocuklar geleneksel... more
Contemporary capitalism is increasingly technoscientific. Examples of this include the growing role of techno-economic expertise in decision-making, such as economists specializing in research and innovation policy; the social dominance... more
Qualitative research in social science is an invaluable way to understand social world.
Fertility has an important role for demographic transition and total fertility rate (TFR) which is one component measurements of fertility. Absences of complete and reliable data, a large number of indirect techniques have been... more
Enformasyon savaşı, karar vericileri etkilemek için yürütülen iletişim faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilidir. Enformasyon ortamında gerçekleşen bu etkinliklerin en önemli hedefi insan zihnidir. Gelişen teknoloji sayesinde devletlerin... more
This theoretical paper aims to critically discuss the extent of positivism in order for us to understand the contemporary social world. The discussion concentrates on philosophical positivism from a social science standpoint, firstly, its... more
The variety of human activities and needs gives rise to a plurality of language functions, among them communication. However, communication is so highly rated that for many this is not merely a function, but the key factor that defines... more
Mining activities are recognizable and visibly seen in the nature and scope of its activities in Africa. Even though there is growing concern of the negative dimensions of mining activities on the environment and even socio-cultural... more