Perceived Usefulness
Recent papers in Perceived Usefulness
Codes of ethics exist in many, if not the majority, of all large U.S. companies today. But how the impact of these written codes affect managerial attitudes and behavior is still not clearly documented or explained. This study takes a... more
Based on a framework emphasizing the social nature of learning, this research examines a model of how social constructs affect satisfaction within online learning using path analysis for students in higher education. The social constructs... more
In the educational setting, the Internet is profiteering among academics and students. In fact, this has changed the functioning of the educational establishments. However, the success of use of the Internet is largely dependent upon the... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to study factors affecting the acceptance of social networking sites (SNS), analyze users' practices and behavior in these environments and assess the degree of acceptance of SNS in The Netherlands.... more
Although much has been written about rapid diffusion in the use of Internet-based technologies, our understanding of the factors which influence consumer acceptance and usage remains partial. This paper uses the Technology Acceptance... more
This article analyzes the digital native-digital immigrant dichotomy based on the results of a small-scale study conducted at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, regarding students' and faculty members' perceptions toward the... more
Social e-learning is a process through which learners achieve their learning goals via social interactions with each other by sharing knowledge, skills, abilities and educational materials. Adaptive e-learning enables adaptation and... more
E-learning is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education. Worldwide, the e-learning market has a growth rate of 35.6%, but failures exist. Little is known about why many users stop their online learning after their initial... more
Internet acceptance has been widely tested using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which records perceived ease of use and usefulness towards the use of internet for shopping online. It is because perceived ease of use and usefulness... more
This paper presents an extension to the technology acceptance model (TAM) and empirically examines it in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation environment. The study evaluated the impact of one belief construct (shared... more
This paper formulates, operationalizes, and empirically validates a dual-factor model of healthcare information technology (HIT) adoption, by taking into account both the enabling factors driving HIT adoption and the inhibiting factors... more
Abstract This research work has two objectives. On the one hand, to analyze the influence that Perceived Usefulness of Programmatic Advertising (PA) has on the user's Concern about Privacy, and on the other, to check whether this... more
We use conjoint choice questions to investigate the preferences of people in four cities in Italy for income and future/permanent mortality risk reductions delivered by contaminated site remediation policies. The VSL is €5.6 million for... more
This research investigates the applicability of Davis' technology acceptance model to user acceptance of a knowledge management information system. It addresses two important questions: "Does the technology acceptance model explain user... more
This paper proposes a model of technology acceptance that is specifically developed to test the acceptance of assistive social agents by elderly users. The research in this paper develops and tests an adaptation and theoretical extension... more
In this research we examine the generation specific acceptance motives of eHealth technologies in order to assess the likelihood of success for these new technologies. 280 participants (14 -92 years of age) volunteered to participate in a... more
The main purpose of the paper was to establish the effect of the computerized financial system on financial performance of parastatals. The study adopted descriptive survey design. This study is based on the Unified theory of acceptance... more
The success of a virtual learning environment (VLE) depends to a considerable extent on student acceptance and use of such an e-learning system. After critically assessing models of technology adoption, including the Technology Acceptance... more
This paper highlights the factors affecting customer acceptance of online banking in Pakistan. The factors include Perceived Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Social Risk and the moderating effect of Technophobia on all three... more
Educators need to know how to motivate business students (i.e., future business practitioners) to learn and use statistical software, which can provide the practical skills necessary for business professionals to analyze data and make... more
The companies from the tourism industry have developed an inclination towards these mobile applications and therefore motivate their customers to exchange information including their details, reviews, experiences or feedbacks that works... more
This book is now available for FREE to download at: The title of the book, Motivating Students by Design, was chosen because the author explains how instructors can motivate students... more
This research extends prior research examining the factors appearing in published online reviews and how this information is used by consumer to make purchasing decisions. The study examined reviews published on (N=600) in two... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris terkait penerimaan teknologi Student Information Terminal (S-IT) menggunakan kerangka model TAM dengan variabel eksternal desain portal, organisasi e-resources, dan user abilities... more
Trust has hccn empirically established as one of the key attributes in business to customer (B2C) e-commerce. The effect of measures to build and maintain trust in B2C Online Shopping is subject to customer-centric behaviour factors,... more
Adoption of Information Technologies (ITs) is a crucial decision for the growth, productivity, competitiveness, and even survival in a competitive market. Organizations adopt IT innovations to sustain their competitive position as well as... more
This paper identifies the factors that determine the publics' acceptance of e-Government services. The online tax filing and payment system (OTFPS) is a well-known e-Government service in Taiwan. Using a theoretical model based on the... more
Mobile banking services is a relatively new banking services. This study aims to look customer acceptance of mobile banking services in Makassar and the influencing factors using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework. The design... more
Researchers have previously examined the technology acceptance model (TAM) in many contexts, including the Internet. More recently TAM has been enhanced to include a hedonic component of enjoyment but the effect has rarely been... more
The interaction of consumers and marketers within the Web environment, particularly for retailing/purchasing is a growing area of importance. This paper focuses on examining Internet users adoption of the Web for retail usage. It uses the... more
The study we present aims to explore several factors pertaining to Consumer Acceptance of business technology as it related to Blockchain. Identifying and developing the relevant measures is of importance to business technology managers... more
Although existing models of e-learning effectiveness in information systems (IS) have increased our understanding of how technology can support and enhance learning, most of our models do not take into account the importance of social... more
The 21 st century has brought about transformational and a rapid change in technological, political, and economic sectors in an effort to provide an improved customer service, selfservice technologies (SST) were introduced in fuel... more
According to Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (1997), self-efficacy has an important role in students' achievement. The present study was designed in order to investigate the role of personal variables on students' math achievement. To... more
This research work has two objectives. On the one hand, to analyze the influence that Perceived Usefulness of Programmatic Advertising (PA) has on the user's Concern about Privacy, and on the other, to check whether this relationship... more
This paper investigates whether shopping apps that use Augmented Reality influences purchase intentions among millennials. Respondents were selected using a purposive sampling method whereby the respondents have to be users of shopping... more
The increasing number of e-grocery start-ups and COVID19 pandemic have accelerated the growth of e-grocery services in Indonesia. In fact, e-grocery adoption is low compared with other e-commerce product categories such as fashion and... more
Older people are an important and growing sector of the population, of whom the numbers who use computers are increasing rapidly. Yet their requirements are not often considered in the design of computer systems and software, and as a... more
This paper aims to examine the association between the perception of business school students and their adoption of e-banking services. This study integrates Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and perceived risk to explain the adoption of... more