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The overwhelming majority of those accused of witchcraft during the early modern European witch-hunt were women. 80-percent of the accused were female with some regions seeing figures as high as 96 percent. The stereotype of the witch as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryNordic StudiesMasculinity StudiesNordic History
Organisé par David Bardey (doctorant en histoire médiévale, UMR6298 ARTEHIS) et Rudi Beaulant (docteur en histoire médiévale, UMR6298 ARTEHIS).
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      Medieval HistoryEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft (Magic)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      European Witch TrialsWitchcraft, Religion and MagicHistory of the medieval Upper Rhine RegionPersecution of Witches
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      Human Rights LawAfrican HistoryWitch Hunt StudiesCrime fiction
Projet de thèse : CONSTRUIRE LA FIGURE DE LA SORCIÈRE EN FRANCE À LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE (XIVe-XVe siècles) Justice, représentations, circulations des savoirs et des imaginaires Par Maxime Gelly-Perbellini École des Hautes Études en... more
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      Criminal JusticeMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesWitch Hunt Studies
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Pagan beliefs and practices in 19th century Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Hungary, Wisewomen, healers, and seers. Culture loss under repression and displacement from the land. Festival enactments... more
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      Irish StudiesScottish StudiesWitch Hunt StudiesWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
O presente artigo pretende mostrar os argumentos cristãos que justificavam o uso da tortura na caça às bruxas na Europa no período de transição entre a Idade Média e a Idade Moderna, mostrando alguns motivos que justificavam os... more
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      HistoryInquisitionTortureWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
Witches’ Sabbath offers an overload of the emblematic characteristics which were attributed to witches during the early modern period, underpinned by the complete nudity of the witches. Naked witches were not often depicted in the... more
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryEarly Modern Europe
A structured and partly annotated bibliography of religious non-conformism / dissent / heresy / heterodoxy and its repression in the history of Christianity (now around 750 standard pages) intended to update and supplement, among others,... more
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      InquisitionInquisition (Law)Witch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch Trials
Record has preserved nothing beyond the mere fact of the first, while the foregoing extract is all that I can find of the second ; so that I am obliged to pass on to the pitiful tale" of -BESSIE DUNLOP AND THOM REID.* Poor douce honest... more
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      Witches, witchcraft and witch crazeWitches in fictionWitches' SabbatPersecution of Witches
Consideration is given to how elements of the occult: witchcraft, magic and sorcery may be identified in the archaeological record. Working definitions of occult terminology are established before proceeding to propose a new approach,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
te apud coniunctionc iouis z fatumirarguendo quafi: quia raUa ep libc ro arbitno ocpbendeb3t boi5: er$o etii influSrie himinann fup li*ar« l^fenc cfficatia tiRndcf ciu pl^Q fug^oict6 no vuU intmcre bcle« J
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      Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Treatises of demonology and literatureMedieval DemonologyPersecution of Witches
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    • Persecution of Witches
RESUMO: Os autores estudam um caso de linchamento ocorrido na cidade de Guarujá. Formulam sua hipótese a partir da teoria mimética de René Girard, demonstrando, no caso concreto, a presença de sinais vitimários que tornam um indivíduo... more
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Desde la Antigüedad hasta la Modernidad la humanidad ha te-mido y reverenciado a monstruos y héroes. Este libro explica de forma cronológica la evolución de ambos e intenta dar res-puesta a la razón de su existencia, ya que los dos... more
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      Monster TheorySerial killers (Anthropology)Vampires in Film and LiteraturePersecution of Witches
This book tells the history of Cambridge from the earliest Roman and Anglo Saxon inhabitants through to the notorious Cambridge Spies, who actively spied for the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Told in an accessible manner, and illustrated... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryMilitary Intelligence
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryMedieval History
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      Modern HistoryWomen's HistoryEarly Modern HistorySocial History
Abstract from my conference paper.

New Vistas in Holocaust Research
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa - Yad Vashem, 22-24 October 2018)
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      HistoryContemporary HistoryHistoriographyAntisemitism (Prejudice)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval FlandersHeresy and InquisitionPhilip the Chancellor
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      Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Witches, witchcraft and witch crazePersecution of Witches
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval FlandersHeresy and InquisitionPhilip the Chancellor
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      CensorshipAtheismReformation HistoryEuropean Witch Trials
The paper examines the history of relations between the Roman Inquisition and the societies of the Venetian Ionian Islands. Specifically, it studies cases of arrest or accusation to the Inquisition of subjects of the Republic of Venice... more
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      CensorshipAtheismReformation HistoryEuropean Witch Trials
Much has been written about witchcraft, a topic which has attracted the attention of scholars from early times. But sorcery, witchcraft and evil are concepts deeply rooted into our western society and embedded in people’s mind from... more
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      Early Modern EnglandPersecution of WitchesThe Witch of Edmonton
Since its very birth, Christianity has been a plural tradition. However, various attempts have been made throughout Christian history to police the plurality of religious knowledge and religious identities and to handle religious... more
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      ChristianityViolenceInquisitionHistory of Violence
Much has been written about witchcraft, a topic which has attracted the attention of scholars from early times. But sorcery, witchcraft and evil are concepts deeply rooted in our western society and embedded in people’s mind from ancient... more
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      Cultural StudiesMythologyArtEarly Modern England
In 1609, the Bordeaux judge Pierre de Lancre burned 70 people at the stake and then wrote a justification for his actions in his book ‘On the Inconstancy of Witches.’ Therein, Lancre provided a brief history of dance wherein he argued... more
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      Dance StudiesEarly Modern HistoryDance HistoryDance