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Irrigation agriculture is an ancient and widespread feature in regions where allogenic rivers flow through arid landscapes. This paper reports the results of sedimentological–pedological investigations in the Palpa Valley in the coastal... more
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      IrrigationPeru Archaeology
This article explores religion, death, and mortuary practices in the Southern Moche (A.D. 1-800) periphery as viewed through the excavation of grave contexts at the site of Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Moche influence reached Nepeña as... more
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      ReligionDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Mortuary archaeology
El complejo arqueológico de Tipón, antigua capital del reino Pinagua, declarado Parque Arqueológico Nacional en 1984, con una extensión de 239 hectáreas, es conocido principalmente por su singular ingeniería hidráulica, sus fuentes... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)PeruPeruPeru
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryArchaeological GeophysicsNasca cultureParacas culture
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      ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesArgentina History
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Even after a century-long investigation spearheaded by world-class historians, scientists, archaeologists alike, the two millennia old Peruvian mystery remains unresolved. The enigmatic, several kilometres long Nazca Lines are composed of... more
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      HistoryPeruvian HistorySouth American ArchaeologyPeru Archaeology
From the preface by EY PERU Managing partner, Paulo Pantigoso: "In this new volume of historical studies, our aim has been to recover the codes, customs, meanings and contexts behind the creation of quipus, and the work of their... more
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      EthnohistoryLanguages and LinguisticsInca ArchaeologyEthnomathematics
La Revista del Museo Nacional, comenzando en 1932 cerró su ciclo de publicaciones en 2016. No sabemos lo motivos del cese de la publicación. Entre los años 1987 y 2000 no fue publicada retomando la publicación de artículos en el 2001 para... more
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      ArqueologíaPeru ArchaeologyRevistas académicas
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    • Peru Archaeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of TextilesPeru Archaeology
Índice VOLUMEN III SIMPOSIO TEMÁTICO PERIODIFICACIÓN Y CRONOLOGÍA EN LOS ANDES CENTRALES El Protoarcaico y el Arcaico desde la perspectiva 5 cronológica de los estadios del isótopo de carbono Luis Eduardo Salcedo Camacho La... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Inca ArchaeologyPachacamacIncas
El monumento arqueológico Chachabamba es un sitio único y extraordinario debido a su ubicación y al singular despliegue inka de conocimientos arquitectónicos e ingenieriles en su edificación.
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyArchaeological Excavation
Este libro da cuenta de una investigación acerca de las bases políticas, económicas y militares del poder de los inkas en la sierra central peruana. Examina el gobierno inka a partir de un método comparativo y materialista, usando el... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyArqueología
In this thesis, I examine the production, use, and decoration of ceramic vessels at the Early Horizon center of Caylán (800-1 B. C. E.) on the Peruvian North Central-Coast. Pottery sherds are artifacts ubiquitously recovered at... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Peru ArchaeologyEarly Horizon PeruNepeña Valley
Un grupo de vasijas características de la cerámica Lucre, está conformado por jarros y cántaros denominados "Cara-cuello" o “cara gollete”, debido a la decoración de un rostro humano. Su hallazgo en los sitios de Minaspata y... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Cuzco ArchaeologyPeru Archaeology
A book-length study of Andean cosmology including discussions of Andean astronomy, the ceque system of Cuzco, Andean and Amazonian galactic polities, and other matters.
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      Andean ArchaeologyHistory of AstronomyPre-Columbian ArtAndes
El texto del que se habla a continuación es una de las investigaciones etnohistóricas que más pueden acercarle a una a la realidad costera del Perú prehispánico. Rostorowski se centra en este caso, en reunir información acerca del sistema... more
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      Peru ArchaeologyHistoria del Perú
Resumen: El Santuario Nacional Huayllay en el departamento de Pasco, conocido por su extenso bosque de rocas de formas peculiares, posee cerca de un centenar de sitios con pinturas rupestres. En las investigaciones precursoras fueron... more
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      Arte RupestrePrecolumbian AndesPeru ArchaeologyPinturas Rupestres
Una de las mayores dificultades que la arqueolo-gía afronta es proponer una reconstrucción genuina de los pueblos que nos antecedieron, pues para lo-grarlo examina edificios y objetos incompletos que han resistido al paso del tiempo o a... more
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      Cultural HistoryPeruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruPeru Archaeology
Este artículo provee una visión actualizada de la historia de las intervenciones realizadas en el centro ceremonial de Chavín de Huántar, desde la llegada de los españoles a los Andes Centrales, hasta el año 2008. Este artículo fue... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPeruAnthropology of Peru
Master's thesis (I) on the relevance of the concept of astronomical observatories in the Peruvian Andes.

[Cultural Astronomy at the Crossroads - Inti p'utumuy : The question of astronomical observatories in the Peruvian Andes].
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyArchaeoastronomyEthnoastronomy
-La lírica del huayno andino-
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIntercultural CommunicationMusical Theatre
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      ArchaeologyMimesisMaterial Culture StudiesPre-Columbian Art
This article assesses residential architecture at the site of Yayno, Pomabamba, north central highlands of Peru. Mapping and sampling excavations show the primary occupation of the site dates to cal AD 400–800, by groups of the Recuay... more
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      AndesAncient WarfareDualismFortifications
Entre 1969 y 1970 hemos recorrido 21 lugares arqueológicos de las provincias de Arequipa, Castilla, Condesuyos, e Islay, en el departamento de Arequipa. De lo estudiado minuciosamente, se desprende que el departamento de Arequipa ha... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Peruvian HistoryAndean Culture
"""В энциклопедию вошли биографии ключевых историков, хронистов, чиновников и миссионеров, действовавших в Южной Америке в XVI-XVII веках и составивших подробные описания индейских обществ, их обычаев, нравов, традиций, военного дела.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryLatin American StudiesAmerican Studies
Se reportan los resultados preliminares de la primera expedición científica al nevado Pichu Pichu (setiembre de 1965), con el descubrimiento de quilcas, arquitectura y ofrendas de la época Inka. Se incluye el hallazgo de un sacrificio... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean studiesIncasInkas
This article examines the rise of native, segmentary lordships in the highlands of north-central Peru. It reports on new excavations and mapping at the seat of a prehispanic polity, Pashash (Recuay culture), a large hilltop center that... more
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      Ancient WarfareCamelidsSocial ComplexityPrecolumbian Cultures
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      Peru ArchaeologyThor HeyerdahlAncient Egyptian pyramidsJoseph Needham
Contributors are leading worldwide specialists in Andean prehistory - Comprehensive in scope: all key aspects of archaeological and linguistic prehistory in the Andes - Sets the Andean case into the broader context of how to correlate... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsAndean ArchaeologyAndean Region
Shell middens are conspicuous manifestations of the exploitation of rich, sustainable, easily seen and harvested marine resources that, worldwide, enabled hunter-gatherers to reduce mobility and increase population and social complexity.... more
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      Hunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Marine ArchaeologyPeru Archaeology
Presented article, based on the results of the latest archaeological research and the analysis of cataloged objects, provides a multi-faceted characteristic of the phenomenon of intentional and culturally conditioned cranial deformation... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyPeruvian HistoryNasca culture
This is the third version of the original paper "Inca Mathematics" that was published (Helaine Selin, Editor) in "Mathematics Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Mathematics", Kluwer Academic Publishers (in 2000). This paper... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesIndigenous StudiesAndean Archaeology
ENG. Ancient societies of the New World have frequently been observed through a binary and invariable system of sex and gender because studied and understood through conceptual schemes based on ethnocentric models of the Old World.... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesIconographyIdentity (Culture)
Chapter 8 from the edited volume The Archaeology of Ancestors suggests that ancestor veneration may be inferred from the evidence of Moche architecture and iconography. Hill focuses on a scene involving two women attending a Moche prisoner.
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      ArchaeologyIconographyArchaeology of ReligionArchaeology of Ancestors
Ancient history is full of mysteries, and Machu Picchu is one of the most interesting topics. The amazing and incredible Machu Picchu is explored, specifically addressing what secrets does this sacred place holds? What civilization built... more
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      South America (Archaeology)Inca ArchaeologyMountainsIncas
The Project of Archaeological Research « Alto Tacna » did archaeological prospections and excavations in the mountains of Tacna, between the districts of Sitajara and Tarata in the upper basin of the Sama River. This allowed us to... more
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      Settlement PatternsAndesInca ArchaeologyFortified Settlements (Archaeology)
La presencia Moche en el valle del Santa se apoya en la existencia de numerosos sitios entre los cuales varios son considerados centros locales de importancia. Huaca China es uno de estos sitios estratégicos en la parte suroeste del... more
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      ArchaeologyMortuary archaeologyMortuary PracticesThe Moche of northern Peru
This paper shows the technical choices that potters in Quinua, Peru make in producing their pottery. Quinua potters use three distinct painted styles that are different and that seem to be tied to distinct parts of the community.... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Peru
Due to increasing demand of archaeologists for accurate and fast documentation of ceramics, we provide an automated system for acquisition and documentation of sherds. This is done by 3D-acquistion using structured light and by estimation... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesCultural Heritage
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      MathematicsLatin American StudiesFolkloreLinguistic Anthropology
Moche fine-line pottery depictions show atlatls in interconnected and consistent contexts of warfare, hunting, and ritual.
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      Prehistoric weaponsPeru ArchaeologyMoche IconographyMoche Archaeology
Este año 2019, marca el cuatricentenario de las comunidades de San José y San Pablo del valle de El Ingenio de Nasca, fundadas como haciendas de vid por la Compañía de Jesús en 1619. Desde 2009, el Proyecto... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfro Latin AmericaJesuit history
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      ArqueologíaCubaTeoría ArqueológicaPatrimonio Cultural
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      Latin American ArtLatin American HistorySpanish Colonial PeruColonial Latin American History
Mediante este artículo, publicado en dos partes por su extensión, el autor presenta los resultados del análisis iconográfico de un conjunto singular de pinturas rupestres de probable data arcaica, halladas en abrigos rocosos de la... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyPeruPrehistoric Rock Art
This study is an examination of techniques in the Recuay culture (1—700 AD) of ancient Peru. In addition to identifying things that look alike, it reviews different procedures by which they were made to resemble each other. The author... more
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      Material Culture StudiesIntermedialityAncient AestheticsChiefdoms (Archaeology)
The Late Intermediate period in the south-central Andes is known for the widespread use of open sepulchres called chullpas by descent-based ayllus to claim rights to resources and express idealized notions of how society should be... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mortuary archaeology
Investigaciones arqueológicas recientes en el Santuario Histórico-Parque Arqueológico Nacional de Machupicchu (SHM-PANM) enfocadas específicamente en quilcas o arte rupestre han dado como resultado el descubrimiento de más de cuarenta... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)AmazoniaPeruvian HistoryPetroglyphs and Pictographs