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¿Cómo pudo ocurrir que la institucionalización de los derechos de las mujeres posibilitara la violación de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres indígenas? Esta tesis empieza con el establecimiento del PNSRPF 1996-2000 (Plan de... more
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      Indigenous StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryHuman Rights Law
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      Anthropology of PeruInterculturalidadEducación Intercultural
Copyright © MMXIV ARACNE editrice int.le S.r.l. via Quarto Negroni,   Ariccia (RM) ()  isbn ---- I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica di... more
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      ComicsAmazoniaAmazonian LanguagesAnthropology of Peru
Fiesta de la Virgen de Cocharcas en Sapallanga: Donación, reciprocidad y construcción de identidades en la fiesta patronal mariana.
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      Latin American StudiesReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Anthropology Of DanceAnthropology of Peru
Under the wider umbrella of sustainable tourism, community based tourism is proposed as a panacea for poverty alleviation in the Global South. This model is actively promoted by the Peruvian government as a way of incorporating poor rural... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismDevelopment Studies
Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique et du Centre national du livre TOME 99-2 AU SIÈGE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ MUSÉE DU QUAI BRANLY P A R I S 2013 Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche... more
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      HistoryEthnic StudiesLatin American StudiesAnthropology
This article analyses the opposition of the Council of Pilgrim Nations of Lord Quyllurit'i to the appropriation of the pablito/ukuku dancer by the Kausachun Cusco Political Movement during the 2014 Cusco municipal elections as part of a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesCultural HeritagePolitical AnthropologyAnthropology of Pilgrimage
Memories before the State examines the discussions and debates surrounding the creation of the Place of Memory, Tolerance, and Social Inclusion (LUM), a national museum in Peru that memorializes the country’s internal armed conflict of... more
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      Latin American StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobalizationMuseum Studies
A lo largo de este artículo, quisiera proponer una serie de reflexiones vinculadas a las modalidades en las cuales se vino desarrollando el Juicio de la Curva del Diablo (abril 2014-septiembre 2016), aspectos que han permitido poner a la... more
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      Environmental SociologyAnthropologyAmazoniaIndigenous Peoples Rights
Dancing, the motion of moving in rhythm, usually to music, with a partner, a group, or individually as a celebration of life or a specific life event, is taken very seriously among Peruvians. Whether living in Peru, the U.S., Canada,... more
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      AnthropologyDance StudiesEthnographyAnthropology Of Dance
Coautor en: Ansión, J. & Iguíñiz, J. (coordinadores) Mujica, L., Villacorta, A.,  Concha, G., Castro, S. (2004). Desarrollo humano entre el mundo rural y urbano. Lima, Perú : PUCP - FIUC.
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      Human DevelopmentAnthropology of Peru
In this article, we deploy the concept of ‘affect’ to explore processes of state formation in contemporary Peru. Drawing on ethnography concerning a controversial engineering project in the Sacred Valley, we show how the state emerges as... more
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      Political AnthropologyAnthropology of the StateAnthropology of PeruAffect (Cultural Theory)
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      Anthropology of PeruAmazonian EthnologyAsháninka
Ayahuasca has become a subject of great interest in recent years. Academics, spiritual seekers, communities, and curious individuals have all been intrigued by this topic through either writing about it or direct participation in the... more
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Over the past decade, archaeology has expanded its analytical toolkit by utilizing organic residue techniques. This methodology has greatly increased our ability to determine the nature and origins of organic remains and, in turn, bolster... more
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      Andean ArchaeologySoutheast AsiaMetabolomicsSoutheast Asian Archaeology
"Los ceramistas tradicionales del Perú, a la tecnología prehispánica, incorporaron durante la Colonia técnicas. En la costa norte Simbilá y Chulucanas se ponen en práctica el paleteado, el uso de labradoras y el negativo. Cajamarca era... more
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      AnthropologyArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
Much of the literature on post-violent contexts addresses problems of transitional justice, memory studies, and post-conflict reconciliation. This volume inscribes an innovative domain of inquiry, situating itself creatively amidst these... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
"Thesis for the degree of candidate of science (history), specialty 07.00.02 — World History. — Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. — Kyiv, 2013. In the thesis on the basis of a... more
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      ManagementFinanceEconomic HistoryPolitical Economy
El artículo presenta una breve historia de la panadería tradicional en el Perú destacando en el siglo XX las variantes regionales de pan según sus denominaciones, tamaños, formas, sabores, consistencias y significados van de acuerdo con... more
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      AnthropologyArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyArt
PREFACIO El Qosqo, la más importante metrópoli precolombina en el continente es repositorio y heredero de una tradición cultural desarrollada en todo el territorio peruano desde 18 mil años A.C. Es un museo vivo donde en su ambiente, su... more
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      Anthropology of PeruIncasInkaCuzco
La etnografía andina está marcada con el sello de la historia. En efecto, las sociedades que trata son generalmente consideradas como herederas de aquellas que fueron dominadas por el Imperio Inca, puesto que, en su apogeo, este se... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAndesPeruvian History
Rural education in Peru has multiple shortcomings, among them the problem of "multigrade classrooms", which are environments whose infrastructure is extremely precarious, for this, in this research, the use of a construction technique... more
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      Peruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruAdobeEDUCACION RURAL
La vestimenta surge como una necesidad de protección y abrigo. Con el tiempo se convierte en un elemento identitario entre los grupos huma¬nos. La trayectoria histórica de la vestimenta en el Perú tiene larga data. En la época... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyCultural Heritage
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      HistoryEthnohistoryCultural StudiesEthnic Studies
Una de las mayores dificultades que la arqueolo-gía afronta es proponer una reconstrucción genuina de los pueblos que nos antecedieron, pues para lo-grarlo examina edificios y objetos incompletos que han resistido al paso del tiempo o a... more
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      Cultural HistoryPeruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruPeru Archaeology
Este artículo provee una visión actualizada de la historia de las intervenciones realizadas en el centro ceremonial de Chavín de Huántar, desde la llegada de los españoles a los Andes Centrales, hasta el año 2008. Este artículo fue... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPeruAnthropology of Peru
La cestería en el Perú data de tiempos precolombinos y es en la actualidad una actividad bastante extendida a lo largo de la costa peruana. El presente artículo nos presenta un amplio panorama, de la producción de tejidos en fibra... more
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      Art HistoryVisual AnthropologyArtCultural Heritage
Since the beggining of the 2000s, Peruvian-based high cuisine and electronic music parties occupy a prominent place in the cultural repertoire of young adults from privileged backgrounds of the city of Lima. The analysis of the social... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesCultural SociologyPopular Music
This article shows that the impacts of mining interventions on communities and their water resources go beyond quality and quantity features; mining profoundly reconfigures customary and formal water control arrangements around, among,... more
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      Political EcologySocial JusticeRural DevelopmentNeoliberalism
La presente investigación emplea un caso extremo, el de las bandas ska del bar de Bernabé entre el 2005 y 2007 para dar cuenta de las formas de organización de las escenas musicales alternas en Lima. Se presentan los procesos... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMusicologyAnthropology
In the work provides a variety description of religion, mythology, military and political history as the Incas and their ancestors. Author is one of the few Indians of Peru, who included in his book original drawings. The text have the... more
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      Andean RegionBolivian studiesBoliviaPeru
Pedro Favarón es comunicador social, periodista, investigador, ensayista y poeta. Es comunero empadronado de la comunidad nativa de Santa Clara, de la nación indígena shipibo-konibo. Doctor en Literatura por la Universidad de Montreal y... more
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      ShamanismAnthropology of PeruAyahuascaShipibo
En: FÉNIX. Revista de la Biblioteca Nocional del Perú. Núms. 43-44. Lima.
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      Anthropology of PeruInterculturalidad
-La lírica del huayno andino-
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIntercultural CommunicationMusical Theatre
Entre 1980 y 2000, la selva central, en particular la provincia de Satipo, ha sido el teatro de un ciclo de extrema violencia desatado por el Partido Comunista del Perú (Pcp-sl), y en menor medida el Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru... more
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      AmazoniaEthnologyPeruvian HistoryAnthropology of Peru
A much updated version of the dictionary, as I was finally able to access a copy of Middendorf. In addition to the new entries, organization has been improved - related words are now grouped! - and some formatting has been attempted. A... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPeruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruThe Moche of northern Peru
"""В энциклопедию вошли биографии ключевых историков, хронистов, чиновников и миссионеров, действовавших в Южной Америке в XVI-XVII веках и составивших подробные описания индейских обществ, их обычаев, нравов, традиций, военного дела.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryLatin American StudiesAmerican Studies
A pesar del tiempo transcurrido luego de la caída del régimen del dictador Alberto Fujimori, el tema de la violencia política que azotó nuestro país entre 1980 y 2000 sigue siendo de actualidad. En efecto, parece que los análisis de los... more
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      Latin American StudiesPeruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruTerrorismo de Estado
This study investigates the changing role of the domesticated sedge waste (Cyperus spp.) among the indigenous Shipibo-Konibo who live in Ucayali river basin in the Peruvian Amazon. Waste is known as piripiri in Spanish and is associated... more
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      AnthropologyEthnobotanyBiocultural DiversityShamanism
El campo Su nombre es obligatorio. El campo Correo electrónico es obligatorio. El campo Comment es obligatorio.
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      AmazoniaAnthropology of PeruNiños, niñas soldadosAmazonian Ethnology
The Algodón and Mutún rivers are tributaries of the Putumayo River that drain megadiverse forests in the northernmost Peruvian Amazon. During the rapid inventory, the biological team studied 3 remote sites in these watersheds, while the... more
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      Conservation BiologyTropical EcologyCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementHeritage Conservation
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      Political AnthropologyDemocracyEthnicityAnthropology of Peru
In Making Intangible Heritage, Valdimar Tr. Hafstein—folklorist and official delegate to UNESCO—tells the story of UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage Convention. In the ethnographic tradition, Hafstein peers underneath the official account,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreDiplomatic HistoryCultural StudiesJapanese Studies
fundamental para la reconstrucción de la acción de las milicias civiles de la guerra interna, tanto en la sierra como en la selva (IF, Tomo II, 5.1.5. Rondas de colonos y rondas nativas en la selva central: 295-296).
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      Latin American StudiesAmazoniaAnthropology of PeruAmazonian Ethnology
Resumen El presente estudio de alfarería popular de Caulimalca se ha llevado a cabo en el año 1973. Se describen todas las etapas de producción desde la preparación de arcilla hasta la cocción. Todos los recipientes se producen de los... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)Anthropology of PeruCeramica
En los últimos 10 años, el Perú, como buena parte del continente, ha tenido una transformación radical en la composición de su población, al grado de revertir la proporción entre las personas que viven en estado de pobreza y las que no.... more
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      Peruvian HistoryAnthropology of PeruSocial ClassesCinema Studies
Based on a study of textiles from late prehispanic tombs on the Central Coast of Peru, this chapter considers tekhnē as a mode of production, and as a form of communicating an ideal for crafting broad-shouldered tunics. The discussion... more
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      TextilesIndigenous KnowledgeAndesAnthropology of Peru
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      Latin American StudiesPrint CultureIndigenous StudiesMuseum Studies
In Western Amazonian indigenous and mestizo medical concepts, substances play a great role. In order for a substance to be efficient, a ritual or medical specialist should sing a song or whistle a melody towards the remedy. The song is... more
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      Latin American StudiesMusicMusicologyAnthropology
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      Anthropology of PeruAmazonian EthnologyAsháninka