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Drought is the most common form of abiotic stress that reduces plant growth and productivity. It causes plant injuries through elevated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Potassium (K) is a vital plant nutrient that notably... more
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      ChemistryPlant Stress PhysiologyPlant NutritionAbiotic Salt Stress in Crop Species
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Solar EnergyUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)UAV MODELLING AND SIMULATIONPhoto voltaic systems
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      Python ProgrammingPhyton
Really usefull manual to learn phyton
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This research study about image classification by using the deep neural network (DNN) or also known as Deep Learning by using framework TensorFlow. Python is used as a programming language because it comes together with TensorFlow... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningPhytonTensorflow
Earth Observation Using Python
Rebekah B. Esmaili
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      Remote Sensing (Earth Sciences)Phyton
Computer coding for Beginners_ A Quick Course for Mastering the Basics of Python, php, C++, C#, html and css, java, javascript and SQL.
Coᴍputer Prograᴍᴍiɴg ʙasics for Aʙsolute ʙegiɴɴers
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      PHP Programmingphp/MySQLWeb Design, HTML5, Responsive WebPhyton
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      PhytonPemrograman DasarProgram Kasir
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Andrés Marzal/sabel Gracia-SBN: 978-84-692-5869-9 ntroducción a la programación con Python-UJ ntroducción a la programación con Python Andrés Marzal sabel Gracia Departamento De lenguajes y sistemas informáticos Codis d'assignatura 04 i G04
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    • Phyton
Bahasa pemrograman adalah software bahasa komputer yang digunakan dengan cara merancang atau membuat program sesuai dengan struktur dan metode yang dimiliki oleh bahasa program itu sendiri. Komputer mengerjakan transformasi data... more
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Pembelajaran Mesin 2018. Penerapan Support Vector Machine (SVM) Pada Sistem Rekomendasi Starbucks. Dataset berasal dari Kaggle ( Awalnya validasi silangnya hanya 21%, setelah perbaikan meningkat... more
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      Machine LearningRecommender SystemsDrinksTuning
Abstrak Kanker payudara atau breast cancer merupakan kanker kedua yang paling banyak diderita serta menjadi penyebab kelima kematian kanker diseluruh dunia dengan presentse sebesar 6.4%. Guna bertahan hidup, diagnosis kanker payudara... more
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      Machine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Breast CancerSupport Vector Machines
In Egypt there are two different species that are commercially marketed under the same trade name of Neem: one is Azadirachta indica A. Juss., and the other is Melia azedarach L. In this paper, leaf morphological characters (e.g., lamina... more
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Syllabus about thermodynamics - Aula introdutória de Termodinâmica.
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsPhyton
Resumen. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto del almacenamiento en frío y factores relacionados con el fuego en la germinación de Arctostaphylos pungens HBK (Manzanita Mexicana), un arbusto común en bosques de pino-encino mal manejados en... more
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    • Phyton
ALDESUQUY H. S., BAKA Z. A., ABASS M. A. & NAHLA A. 2014. Control of chocolate spot infection of field beans by shikimic acid and salicylic acid: modulation of defense enzymes, phytohormones and simple phenols. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 54... more
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Phosphorus (P) is a critical nutrient that plays an essential role in improving soil fertility for optimum plant growth and productivity. It is one of the most deficient macro-nutrients in agricultural soils after nitrogen and is... more
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Today micro-blogging such as twitter has become very popular social media. Millions of tweets are posted to the internet every second. Those high volumes of uncertain data produced by social media can be collected or generated and become... more
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      Data Curation (Computer Science)Data sciencesData Stream MiningBig Data Technologies
Turbinicarpus valdezianus is a species under special protection, according to the current law NOM-059-ECOL-2010. It spreads preferably through shoot proliferation in vitro. A common problem associated with the propagation of this species... more
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Efectos de dosis y frecuencias de aplicación de insecticidas organofosforados sobre parámetros fisiológicos de hoja en ají (Capsicum annuum L.
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Costly investments in storage and transport of onion bulbs makes it increasingly important to identify cultivars with the best chance of long-term storage. This paper discusses our own and other researchers' results and laboratory... more
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The present study aimed to predict differential enrichment of pathways and compounds in the rhizosphere microbiomes of the two wild plants (Abutilon fruticosum and Nitrosalsola vermiculata) and to predict functional shifts in microbiomes... more
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This pot-based study investigated the influence of poultry manure and 1:1 mixture of poultry manure + biochar (produced from farmyard manure [FYM] or wood), on the biomass production and concentration of heavy metals in leaves of lettuce... more
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      Environmental SciencePhyton
Resumen. Las pudriciones de raíz y tallo (PRYT) en el cultivo de soja causadas por patógenos habitantes del suelo son enfermedades comúnmente encontradas en campos de soja, y son una de las causas más importantes de pérdidas económicas.... more
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The need for renewable energy sources makes microalgae an essential feedstock for biofuels production. The molecular aspects and the response to nitrogen (N)-limited conditions with a phytohormone stimulus in microalgae have been slightly... more
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Most damaging plant diseases have been caused by viruses in the entire world. In tropical and subtropical areas, the damage caused by plant virus leads to great economic and agricultural losses. Single stranded DNA viruses (geminiviruses)... more
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Millets hold an immense assurance for food safety and nourishment amid ever-rising agricultural expenses and climate alterations. They are healthful, have supplementary wellbeing profit and need remarkably fewer effort overheads for crop... more
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Este desarrollo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación denominado “Simulación en las Tics: Diseño de Simuladores de Procesos de Desarrollo de Software Ágiles y Redes De Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la Academia”, cuyo... more
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      OpensourcePhytonIntegrated Development Environment
Sekilas tentang perbankan syariah
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      Java ProgrammingPHP ProgrammingPhytonAkuntansi Pajak
Moringa leaf extract (MLE) has been shown to promote beneficial outcomes in animals and plants. It is rich in amino acids, antioxidants, phytohormones, minerals, and many other bioactive compounds with nutritional and growth-promoting... more
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      Responses of plant to abiotic stressesPhyton
Sugarcane is one of the major important sugar yielding crops in Bangladesh. As an exhaustive crop, sugarcane removes a huge amount of plant nutrients from the soil. However, the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers can be a... more
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Specimens of Cymodocea (Viridiplantae, Magnoliophyta) collected on the Tunisian coasts showed a particular morphological and anatomical difference with the classical descriptions of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch. the only species of this... more
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The increasing deforestation with an alarming rate is the prime cause of upsetting the balance in the natural ecosystem and the livelihood of local communities. Sustainable forest management and reforestation efforts can equilibrium this... more
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      Environmental SciencePhyton
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the world's most important vegetable crops. Still, phytopathogenic bacteria affect the yield and quality of tomato cultivation, like Agrobacterium tumefeciens (At), Clavibacter michiganensis... more
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The complex composition of herbal metabolites necessitates the development of powerful analytical techniques aimed to identify the bioactive components. The seeds of Descurainia sophia (SDS) are utilized in China as a cough and asthma... more
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Forty-four V. dahliae isolates were collected from symptomatic vascular tissues of okra plants each from a different field in eight provinces located in the eastern Mediterranean and western Anatolia regions of Turkey during 2006-2009.... more
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Cardamine amara and the C. pratensis group (Brassicaceae) in Croatia. ± Phyton (Horn, Austria) 46 (1) 99 ± 111, 2 figures. ± English with German summary. New data on the distribution of Cardamine amara L. and the C. pratensis group in... more
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Patrones de diversidad de plantas trepadoras y epifitas vasculares en el bosque lluvioso Valdiviano de Sudamérica: una síntesis entre los años 2000 y 2010 Diversity patterns of climbing plants and vascular epiphytes in the Valdivian rain... more
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      Landscape EcologyBiologyLandscapeForests
Rhizodeposition is a key process influencing nutrient availability through its stimulation of microbial activity in the rhizosphere. Microbial community structure and function in the rhizosphere has been hypothesised to be a consequence... more
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      CarbonBiologySoil ChemistryRhizosphere
Resumen. La cebolla es un importante cultivo debido a su valor como alimento con una vida relativamente larga siendo así un produc-to no perecedero. Es muy útil entender las respuestas del crecimiento del cultivo de cebolla para realizar... more
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    • Phyton
BERGMEIER E. & DIMOPOULOS P. 2001. Chances and limits of floristic island inventories-the Dionysades group (South-Aegean, Greece) re-visited.-Phyton (Horn, Austria) 41(2): 277-293, 1 figure.-English with German summary. A new, annotated... more
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Readily available chemical fertilizers have resulted in a decline in the use of organic manure (e.g., green manures), a traditionally sustainable source of nutrients. Based on this, we applied urea at the rate of 270 kg ha −1 with and... more
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