Pilgrimage Routes
Recent papers in Pilgrimage Routes
Roads, which have always existed in Anatolia's ancient past, have been the most important elements determining the fate of these lands for thousands of years. Sometimes wars have been fought for the dominance of these roads, and sometimes... more
Аннотация: В статье рассмотрена проблема возникновения и основных тенденций паломнической деятельности Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества в 1882–1905 гг. Установлено, что в этот период происходила актуализация Восточного... more
Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены особенности деятельности Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества (ИППО) в сфере организации паломничества в 1914–1918 годах. Показано, что Россия в период Первой мировой войны стремилась... more
Is the contemporary Camino experiencing secularization and becoming less Christian, as evidenced by difficulties accessing sacraments and Masses in towns along the route? Is religiosity among pilgrims to Santiago declining? Or is it, as... more
Czy współczesne Camino doświadcza sekularyzacji i staje się coraz mniej chrześcijańskie, jak o tym mogłyby świadczyć trudności z dostępem do sakramentów i mszy świętej w miejscowościach na szlaku? Czy religijność wśród pielgrzymów do... more
The juxtaposition of Ayodhya's Ram Mandir and Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks a significant confluence of cultural heritage and technological advancement that is poised to catalyze India's GDP revolution. The construction of the... more
In 2017, Pope Francis issued the Apostolic Letter Sanctuarium in Ecclesia, explaining the need for pastoral care for shrines as “powerhouses of the New Evangelization”. This was further developed with the Pontiff’s special section on... more
Impliquée de manière croissante dans les affaires du pèlerinage à La Mecque (hajj), les autorités mandataires françaises ont tôt fait d’imposer aux musulmans de Syrie et du Liban un mode de pèlerinage par la voie maritime dont elles... more
This publication introduces a letter from Archpriest Gregory Kurylas to Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky) of Moscow and All Russia. Archpriest Gregory was a representative of the Russian clergy who served in the Holy Land in the first half of... more
Il culto per San Giacomo Maggiore, l'Apostolo al seguito di Gesù di Nazareth, ha rappresento per tutti i secoli di mezzo la pubblica venerazione più importante d'Europa, soprattutto perché si è concretizzata nel pellegrinaggio jacobeo... more
nel medioevo era innervata da importanti strade che la percorrevano per l'intera lunghezza, fino a Santa Maria di Leuca: la via Francigena e la via Appia
The book contains numerical and qualitative data on horse bone finds in early medieval Poland. In three catalogues, the authors have collected information on three types of finds: a) horse bones among kitchen waste, b) skeletons and c)... more
Pèlerinages imposés et perception de l'espace La France centrale des XIV e et xv e siècles*
Sacred springs as places of pilgrimage in late antique and Byzantine Armenia: the case studies of the monasteries of Ayrivank/Geghard and Kobayr Since the early centuries of the Christian era springs were considered natural elements with... more
Laura De Gregorio (Professoressa associata di Diritto ecclesiastico e canonico-Università degli studi di Firenze)
La mirada mediterrània que emprèn, de forma predilecta, per passat i geografia, l'art català al llarg del segle XII, es consolida a través del matrimoni del comte de Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer III, amb Dolça de Provença el 1112, que li... more
The Compostela Ways are fashionable. They are an interesting research object in an approach from an information and communication science perspective, focusing on theinteractions and the primacy of the relationship to meet with issues of... more
In history, pilgrimage journeys were as important as today's pilgrimage journeys, with different aspects that had to be taken into account and planned accordingly. In times when transportation facilities were limited and travelling was... more
Summary Pilgrimages of the residents of Elbląg (Germ. Elbing) in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries in the light of their wills The article discusses information about pilgrimages mentioned in the wills of Elbląg (Germ. Elbing)... more
En esta publicación se reunen 34 contribuciones de una amplia representación de estudiosos de todo el mundo (España, Italia, Alemania, Portugal, Polonia, Chile, Japón y Estados Unidos), con el objetivo de tratar una serie de temas... more
Une résolution aux problèmes de congestion routière à Kinshasa.
В результате серии реформ середины XIX в. в Османской империи появилось земельное законодательство, позволившее де-юре оформить иностранную недвижимость, ранее сформировавшуюся де-факто. Русская Палестина, возникшая в острой... more
- by Ritta Butova
Oltre Marco Polo. Forme e modelli della scrittura di viaggio nei secc. XIV-XV 5-6 DICEMBRE 2024 PALAZZO ANTONINI-CERNAZAI, SALA GUSMANI, VIA TARCISIO PETRACCO 8, UDINE Intervento: Un manoscritto per il pellegrinaggio a inizio... more
The importance of sannyasis in creating networks of trade and diplomacy in eighteenth century is crucial in understanding the then existing environment in the eighteenth century. They sustained their travels by engaging in trading... more
Il s’agira ici de s’interroger sur la valeur spatiale des lieux et chemins de pèlerinage catholiques dans le contexte spécifique de la sécularisation ainsi que sur l’hybridation des pratiques qui l’accompagne et la caractérise. La... more
Vie e antichi nomi Superato un pregiudizio modernista per cui le antiche vie collegassero solo i centri maggiori come le più note vie romane le moderne autostrade o le strade statali incupiamo i nostri pazienti lettori dicendo che le... more
This book investigates female Muslims pilgrimage practices and how these relate to women's mobility, social relations, identities, and the power structures that shape women's lives. Bringing together scholars from different disciplines... more
In conclusion, despite its shortcomings, Gürbüz's book is an interesting read and provides some insightful first-hand observations through field research and interviews.
This article is dedicated to critically appraising the current knowledge and advancements in rediscovering a thematic religious and cultural route that traverses European continental territories, from the Baltic regions to Rome, known as... more
We were asked to discuss the ways in which our thinking about any artwork of choice has been altered and/or expanded by a particular methodological framework or theoretical proposition during the course of studying Theory and Method in... more
Abstract Tourist satisfaction is one of the most important factors for a destination's perpetual survival. The stakeholders seek to understand how to enhance tourist satisfaction. Prior researches highlight various methods to measure... more
Questo saggio, quello che segue e l’intervista che lo accompagna, parlano della dimensione spaziale della memoria della città abbandonata di Varosha, la parte greca della città di Famagosta , sull’isola di Cipro. A partire dal contesto... more
La mise à l'agenda d'un droit à la mobilité s'est assortie de nombreuses initiatives. Malgré cela, les transformations économiques, sociales et technologiques des dix dernières années ont accentué les inégalités et multiplié les enjeux.... more
Entre els fragments de manuscrits de l'Arxiu Diocesa de Girona es conserva un bifoli que conte indicacions liturgiques per al periode que va del Diumenge de Quinquagesima al I Diumenge de Quaresma, i part de les del Divendres Sant.... more
The pilgrimage to the Second Temple included ceremonial elements of strong spiritual significance that elevated the participants to spiritual exaltation. This ceremonial process began with the first steps pilgrims took from their homes... more
Jan van Amstel macht mit seinem Bild auf subtile Weise das Wesen theologischer Zeichen zum Thema. Dabei verhöhnt er das Konzept übertragener theologischer Bedeutung. Dies geschieht, indem der übertragene Sinn der Metapher auf seine... more
The Way of St. James, which has existed for over 1000 years, is constantly being developed. Since the beginning of the 21st century there were over 5 thousand kilometers of St. James’s Way marked in Poland and Czech only. There are 22... more