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What is the relationship between pointing and joint attention? Can two individuals point to an object and not jointly attend to that object? Can two individuals jointly attend to an object without pointing to that object? Do the phenomena... more
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      Joint attentionPointing
В статье на материале Мультимедийного русского корпуса (МУРКО)описывается система русских указательных жестов. Основное внимание уделяется описанию базовых указательных жестов – указанию пальцем и рукой (открытой ладонью). На основе... more
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      Russian StudiesGestureDeixisPointing
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This paper presents a usage-based, Cognitive Grammar analysis of Place as a symbolic structure in signed languages. We suggest that many signs are better viewed as constructions in which schematic or specific formal properties are... more
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      Sign LanguagesAmerican Sign LanguageCognitive LinguisticsConstruction Grammar
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      Associative Learning and MemoryDogsPointing
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Bilinen canlılığın 3.8 milyar Dünya yılı evvel başladığını tahmin ediyoruz. Kategorilendirdiğimiz milyonlarca canlı türü var. Hepsi bu gezegen üzerinde yaşıyor. 1957’ye kadar da Dünya dışında hiçbir canlı gözlenmemişti. Dünya dışında... more
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      Developmental PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceLanguages and LinguisticsMental Representation
As this foreword is written, at the dawn of the 21st Century, the cognitive sciences are in epistemological ferment. The exuberant optimism of the late 20th-Century adaptationist programme has, itself, started to fragment like the many... more
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      AnthropologyAutism Spectrum DisordersEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
Satelit merupakan suatu perangkat yang sangat penting dan vital adalah gambar satelit pada dunia telekomunikasi. Satelit dapat mengcover area yang cukup luas. Dalam prakteknya untuk menerima atau mengirim data ke sebuah satelit... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationPointingVisual Basic 6.0
Pointing signs are used for pronominal reference (among many other functions) in sign languages. Many pointing signs do not look very different from non-signers' pointing gestures . However, most sign language researchers, regardless of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGesture StudiesGestureSign Languages
The author contends that the word ḥlb in the phrase ʾrṣ zbt ḥlb wdbš should be read ḥēleb (fat), and not ḥālāb (milk), drawing support from biblical and Ugaritic texts.
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
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      PrimatologySocial CognitionAnimal CognitionJoint attention
В статье рассматриваются основные лингвистические функции указания большим пальцем в сопоставлении с лингвистическими функциями указания открытой ладонью и указательным пальцем.
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      Russian StudiesGesture StudiesGestureDeixis
The catoptromancy concerns all the techniques of divination by reflective surfaces. Yet, in his Perspective curieuse from 1638, Jean-François Nicéron regrets that, in some cases, the prodigious effects of the catoptrics are used in... more
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      GesturesPointingAnamorphosisSimon Vouet
This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the... more
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      SemioticsLanguagesNeuroscienceCultural Studies
Signed utterances are densely packed with pointing signs, reaching a frequency of one in six signs in spontaneous conversations (de Vos, 2012; Johnston, 2013a; Morford & MacFarlane, 2003). These pointing signs attain a wide range of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMuseum StudiesMuseumVisitor studies
Domestic dogs have proved to be extremely successful in finding hidden food following a series of human social cues such as pointing (an extended hand and index finger indicating the location of the reward), or body position, among many... more
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When interacting with others, we often use bodily signals to communicate. Among these signals, pointing, whether with the eyes or the hands, allows coordinating our attention with others, and the perception of pointing gestures implicates... more
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      Cognitive NeurosciencePointingEye Gaze
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      PsychologyCommunicationJoint attentionBook Reviews
El estudio de las expresiones referenciales en las lenguas de señas se ha basado, principalmente, en tratar de utilizar las mismas etiquetas del análisis gramatical de las lenguas orales, a veces, tomando en cuenta una perspectiva... more
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      Gesture StudiesGestureSign LanguagesPronouns
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      Anthropological LinguisticsLanguage and Social InteractionPragmaticsLinguistic Anthropology
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      CommunicationComparative psychologyLearningPointing
The paper describes the differences between two Russian pronominal adverbs, zdes’ and tut ‘here’, which are full synonyms. The author analyzes the data of Russian National Corpus from the statistical and semantic points of view and... more
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      Russian StudiesGesture StudiesGestureDeixis
There is a controversy about the mechanisms involved in the interspecific communicative behaviour in domestic dogs. The main question is whether this behaviour is a result of instrumental learning or higher cognitive skills are required.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnimal BehaviorAssociative Learning and Memory
Zeigen ist eine Grundtätigkeit. Ohne sie lassen sich weder Wissen noch Handeln, weder Erkennen noch Sozialität denken. Eine das Vorverständnis prägende Assoziation zum Zeigen ist die Hand, die auf Dinge und Phänomene in der Welt verweist.... more
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      PhilosophySocial and Cultural AnthropologyIntradisciplinary ResearchIndexicality
The study analyzes the main types of autodeictic gestures, i. e. the gestures which point to the speaker. The main configurations of the pointing hand are described and the main linguistic factors affecting these configurations are... more
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      Russian StudiesGestureDeixisPointing
The present study examines the roles that the gesture of the Raised Index Finger (RIF) plays in Hebrew multimodal interaction. The study reveals that the RIF is associated with diverse linguistic phenomena, and tends to appear in contexts... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHebrew LanguagePragmaticsGesture
Outernet is a satellite-based data service where the content of public information in the form of the file and archive are transmitted through a specific satellite channels and automatically received by the receiver and stored the result... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationSatellite CommunicationsPointingSATELITE
It has been 20 years since the adoption of the 'meaning-making' paradigm as a lens for reaching a better understanding of the museum experience. My paper presents parts of my doctoral research which micro-analyzed visitors' encounters in... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesGesture StudiesMuseum
The present account explains (i) which elements of nonverbal reference are intersubjective, (ii) what major effects intersubjectivity has on the general development of intentional communication and at what stages, and (iii) how... more
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      Developmental PsychologyCommunicationLanguage DevelopmentIntentionality
В статье на материале Мультимедийного русского корпуса (МУРКО) описывается система русских указательных жестов, осуществляемых различными движениями головы (жесты голова вперед, боковой кивок, поворот головы и указание подбородком).... more
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      Gesture StudiesGesturePointingRussian Gesticulation
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      Developmental PsychologySocial CognitionInfancyPointing
With the capability of fast, wireless communication, combined with cloud and location-based services, modern drivers can potentially access a wide variety of information about their automobile's environment. This paper presents a system... more
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      Gesture RecognitionPointingAutomotive User Interface
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      Satellite TechnologyPointingSpacecraft Attitude Determination and ControlGeometric Control
— Tongue controlled mouse is an ingenious human computer interface specially designed for disabled person and people with tetraplegia. Here we present a paper that evaluate the permanent magnet and metal detector to control an input... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingHuman-Computer InterfacePointingMagnetism and Magnetic Materials
Previous research has mainly explored visitors’ meaning-making and experience through their conversations in the museum. This paper acknowledges the multimodality of communication by drawing upon multimodal social semiotics and discusses... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumVisitor studiesMuseums and Exhibition Design
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      PsychologyAnimal CognitionJoint attentionGestures
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      SemioticsCognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindCommunication
In humans, cultural differences in advanced social cognition have been well-demonstrated. In tasks pertaining to theory of mind, for instance, individuals pass standard assessments of false belief understanding at substantially different... more
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      Social CognitionNonverbal CommunicationPointing
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      Deaf studiesWest AfricaSign LanguagesGhana
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      Embodied CognitionMartin HeideggerGesturesPointing
In this paper we examine the differences in use between distal and proximal demonstrative terms (e.g., singular "this" and "that", and plural "these" and "those" in English). The proximal-distal distinction appears to be made in all... more
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      ReferencePragmaticsTheories Of ReferenceDeixis
Pointing combined with verbal referring is one of the most paradigmatic human multimodal behaviours. The aim of this paper is foundational: to uncover the central notions that are required for a computational model of multimodal referring... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingNatural Language GenerationDialogue
The aim of this paper is to explore the minimal representationalrequirements for pointing. One year old children are capable of pointing: what does this tell us about their representational capacities? We analysethree options: (a)... more
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      Developmental PsychologyPhilosophy of MindPerceptionGesture
La atención conjunta, definida como la coordinación visual de dos individuos dirigida hacia un objeto de interés mutuo, es una habilidad nuclear que se desarrolla durante la infancia temprana y es la base de la futura capacidad... more
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      Infant Toddler CareJoint attentionPointingPsicología Infantil
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      GestureSign LanguagesSign Language LinguisticsPointing
Listening to music calls forth a construction of meaning as the result of an interaction with the sound. This process of sense-making can keep pace with the unfolding through time but it can keep distance with respect to the sonorous... more
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      Spatial cognitionPointingUrban design and planningComplex network
Much has been written on the punctuation practice of late sixteenth-and seventeenth-century English writers in order to work out the ultimate function of marks of punctuation. The main point of discussion has almost ever been whether... more
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      Early Modern EnglandPunctuationPointingHistory of Punctuation