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What is the relationship between pointing and joint attention? Can two individuals point to an object and not jointly attend to that object? Can two individuals jointly attend to an object without pointing to that object? Do the phenomena... more
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      Joint attentionPointing
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      Computer SciencePediatricsJoint attentionEntropy
Rett syndrome (RS) represents a biologically odd and complex neurodevelopmental disorder (Percy, 1997), featuring severe loss of function between late infancy and the fourth year of life. Recent studies suggest a
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAutismSocial Interaction
The functioning of people without autism spectrum disorders but with an increased level of autistic traits is a little-explored research area nowadays. Therefore, in the present study, the issue of relations between the ability to share... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)Theory of MindJoint attentionAutistic Traits
The ability to coordinate our actions with those of others is crucial for our success as individuals and as a species. Progress in understanding the cognitive and neural processes involved in joint action has been slow and sparse, because... more
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      PsychophysiologyCognitionSocial InteractionAttention
... As part of a study to identify children with autism prospectively at 18 months of age (Baird and Baron), we assessed a small comparison group of typically developing infants on experimental tasks of joint attention, imitation, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitive developmentTheory of Mind
As compared with other primates, humans have especially visible eyes (e.g., white sclera). One hypothesis is that this feature of human eyes evolved to make it easier for conspecifics to follow an individual's gaze direction in... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
Mobile devices such as tablets are increasingly used in primary schools with reported benefits in communication, independent learning and creativity. Children with autism spectrum disorder have an affinity with tablets, which is... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersAutism (Education)Joint attentioniPads in education
This study examined the age of onset of the capacity to align with direction of gaze, and the relations between individual differences in this capacity, temperament and language acquisition. Infants demonstrated the capacity to match... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionLanguage Development
Two experiments examined the origins of joint visual attention with a training procedure. In Experiment I, infants aged 6-11 months were tested for a gaze-following (joint visual attention) response under feedback and no feedback... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyVisual attention
The impaired development of joint attention is a cardinal feature of autism. Therefore, understanding the nature of joint attention is central to research on this disorder. Joint attention may be best defined in terms of an... more
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      PsychologyAutismSocial CognitionAttention
Background: Deficits in joint attention are considered by many researchers to be an early predictor of childhood autism (e.g., and are considered to be pivotal to deficits in language, play, and social development in this population .... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBehavior ModificationAutism
The current study investigated differences in the language learning environments of singletons and twins, with special reference to pragmatic factors that might be expected to differ in dyadic and triadic interactive situations. Six twin... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyLanguage Development
PENULTIMATE PROOFS: please do not quote. To quote or cite, please see to History of Psychology, Vol 22(2), May 2019, 113-129 A common view among ancient historians about Roman attentiveness to... more
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      Developmental PsychologyRoman HistoryAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodAugustine
This study investigated the role of joint attention in infants' word learning. Infants aged 18-21 months were taught new words in two social contexts, joint attention (eye contact, positive tone of voice) or non-joint attention (no eye... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsycholinguisticsElectroencephalographyJoint attention
This paper describes a highly structured assessment protocol with objective behavioral measures for joint attention responding and initiation. The assessment was given to 26 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and 21... more
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      PsychologyAttentionJoint attentionGestures
This essay examines the contrasting visions of the expressive powers of the human face—both from neuroscientific approaches rooted in Darwin which argue for a codified system of six basic emotions universally recognized (happiness,... more
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      Joint attentionBela BalazsDaniel SternAntonio Damásio
Verbal language is the most widespread mode of human communication, and an intrinsically social activity. This claim is strengthened by evidence emerging from different fields, which clearly indicates that social interaction influences... more
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      BioinformaticsNeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Background: The present study sought to examine the specificity, developmental correlates, nature and pervasiveness of imitation deficits very early in the development of autism. Methods: Subjects were 24 children with autism (mean age 34... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAutismSocial Interaction
The Hand, an Organ of the Mind, edited by Zdravko Radman, consists of seventeen essays by an impressive array of philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists, as well as a foreword by Jesse Prinz and a postscript by haptic artist... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPhenomenology
Children with autism exhibit significant deficits in imitation skills which impede the acquisition of more complex behaviors and socialization, and are thus an important focus of early intervention programs for children with autism. This... more
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      CommunicationEducationEarly InterventionAttention
Background: Deficits in joint attention (JA) and joint engagement (JE) represent a core problem in young children with autism as these affect language and social development. Studies of parent-mediated and specialist-mediated... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAutismChild Development
Taking the general definition of intersubjectivity in terms of a mutual sharing of experiences as its startingpoint, the present inquiry aims to give an account of intersubjectivity that will detail its role for the development of... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationGestureIntentionality
The PDD Behavior Inventory (PDDBI) is a rating scale filled out by caregivers or teachers that was designed to assess children having a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD; autism, Asperger disorder, PDD-NOS, or childhood disintegrative... more
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      EducationAutismPsychometricsSocial Interaction
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      Language and Social InteractionDistributed CognitionSocial InteractionCollective Action
Using a field experiment and experience sampling, we found the first evidence that phone use may undermine the enjoyment people derive from real-world social interactions. In Study 1, we recruited over 300 community members and students... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMedia SociologyPsychologyOrganizational Psychology
Abstract This paper examines the phenomenon of looking together in art therapy. It argues that the triangular relationship–on which much of art therapy theory is premised–takes as a priori the capacity of the patient to look together with... more
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      Art TherapyJoint attention
"The combination of developmental and cultural perspectives provides a framework to consider toy-play as an emerging socio-cognitive skill. We examined the development of spontaneous gestures and imitation among 50 Lazuri-speaking... more
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      CommunicationGesture StudiesDevelopment communicationIntentionality
When surveying recent philosophical work on the nature and status of collective intentionality and we-intentions, it is striking how much effort is spent on analysing the structure of joint action and on establishing whether or not the... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlCollective Intentionality
As this foreword is written, at the dawn of the 21st Century, the cognitive sciences are in epistemological ferment. The exuberant optimism of the late 20th-Century adaptationist programme has, itself, started to fragment like the many... more
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      AnthropologyAutism Spectrum DisordersEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
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      Cognitive ScienceEvolutionary PsychologySocial Learning TheoryCognition
The marvel of God making us friends is given practical contours through the gifts of the Spirit, which are interpersonal dispositions that allow us to relate to God. By living through these gifts, we live in personal contact with the... more
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      PrayerThomas AquinasJoint attentionHoly Spirit
This study compared behavioral presentation of toddlers with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and toddlers with global developmental delay (DD) or developmental language disorder (DLD) who display some characteristics of ASD using the... more
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      EducationAutismJoint attentionLanguage Disorder
The field of social neuroscience has made considerable progress in unraveling the neural correlates of human cooperation by making use of brain imaging methods. Within this field, neuroeconomic research has drawn on paradigms from... more
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      Social NeuroscienceJoint attention
There is a large body of research indicating that speakers of (familiar) European languages tend to encode and conceptualize space from an egocentric perspective, but linguistic fieldworkers have shown that speakers of certain other... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSemanticsLinguistic Relativity
click on the link above for a copy of the paper --- This article presents a summary and discussion of key findings from ten months of experimental cyberethnography among tulpamancers . Tulpas, a term reportedly... more
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      BuddhismCognitive ScienceAnthropologyPhilosophy of Mind
Research fields adhere to particular epistemic frameworks that outline the methodological rules of conduct on how to study and interpret primate behavior as both social and communicative. Since the onset of social communication studies,... more
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      SemioticsCognitive PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyExperimental Psychology
Rather than rely on functionalist or enactivist principles, Beyond the Brain traces thinking to human artifice. In pursuing this approach, we have gradually developed what can be deemed a third position in cognitive science. This is... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyCommunicationDynamical Systems
Cognitivist approaches to joint attention conceptualize it as a form of triangular interaction, between two agents and one object. When describing the interpersonal dimension of this triangle they frame it as a form of simulation,... more
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      Child DevelopmentCultural EvolutionSocial NormsJoint attention
Vygotsky conceptualized the teaching/learning process as inherently collaborative. We extend prior evaluations of this claim by enlisting eye-tacking instruments to monitor the perceptual activity of four teacher-student dyads, as the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducationInstructional DesignEye tracking
The relation between language and theory of mind remains in need of clarification, both at the level of language evolution, language acquisition and the very content of theory of mind. This raises the question of the very nature of theory... more
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      Developmental PsychologyCommunicationIntentionalityJoint attention
One of the primary diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is the presence of a language delay or impairment. Children with ASD are now being identified at significantly younger ages, and prior research... more
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      EducationAutismSpeech perceptionAttention
Teaching document
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      Linguistic AnthropologyRitualSocial InteractionAffordance Theory
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      PrimatologySocial CognitionAnimal CognitionJoint attention
Drawing on recent work in developmental and comparative psychology, this paper argues that demonstratives function to coordinate the interlocutors' joint focus of attention, which is one of the most basic functions of human communication.... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSocial CognitionLanguage Evolution
Zaměření se dvou osob na tutéž věc ve stejnou dobu, aniž by jejich pozornost byla sdílena.
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPrimatologyPhenomenologyJoint attention
This article engages critically with Margaret Gilbert's proposal that joint commitments are necessary for collective emotions. After introducing Gilbert's concept of joint commitment (Section 2), and the joint commitment account of... more
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      Developmental PsychologySocial CognitionPhenomenologyPhilosophy of the Emotions
La lecture du cas Dick (1954) permet à Lacan de construire son "modèle optique" de la personnalité, à travers lequel il anticipe de quelques décennies les recherches actuelles sur l'attention conjointe et l'autisme ("joint attention").
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      Cognitive SciencePsychoanalysisAutism Spectrum DisordersJacques Lacan
ABSTRACT Joint attention is an essential developmental milestone; deficits in joint attention, effectively assessed in young children, are one of the earliest markers of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Despite theoretical indications... more
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      PsychologyLanguage AcquisitionAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
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      PsychologyCommunicationAnimal CognitionJoint attention