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This book is for and about sub-Saharan Africa because that is where people have the biggest risk to get HIV from health care. An HIV infection in a baby with an HIV-negative mother cannot be explained by mother-to-child transmission. An... more
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      Policy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan AfricaNosocomial infection
The global commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 places HIV prevention at the centre of the response. With the disease continuing to disproportionately affect young populations in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR),... more
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      HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan AfricaHIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
BACKGROUND: Couple HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) has proven to increase HIV/Aids, health care provider, testing coverage and expand HIV prevention perspectives opportunities amidst numerous challenges to its access in Nigeria. This... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in JournalismCouple Therapy
By affecting the lives and survival of numerous people, global health initiatives deeply alter local landscapes of inequality. They tackle some conditions at the origin of ill health while leaving others untouched, and they inevitably... more
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      Health InequalitiesGlobal HealthTanzaniaHIV/AIDS policy
The heart failure syndrome has been recognized as a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease burden in sub-Saharan African for many decades. Seminal knowledge regarding heart failure in the region came from case reports and case... more
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      CardiologyPolitics in Sub-Saharan AfricaSub-Saharan Africa Archaeology (Prehistoric Archaeology)Interventional cardiology
This legal review of Zimbabwean law seeks to answer key contextual questions that would frame any pilot or projects that Zimbabwe might choose to take up to increase numbers of the population who know their HIV status. Included were... more
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      African StudiesLawCriminal LawConstitutional Law
Paul De Lay and co-authors introduce a Collection on the design of targets for ending the AIDS epidemic.
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      HIV/AIDSPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan AfricaMedical and Health Sciences
This report would not have been possible without all the pregnant rst time antenatal care bookers who agreed to participate in the survey, a warm thank you. My sincere gratitude goes to all the nurses in the public health clinics for... more
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      HIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in Journalism
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryDiplomatic HistoryCultural Studies
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      HIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policy
Malte Brosig, Routledge, 2015.
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Book review
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      International DevelopmentHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policySub-Saharan Africa
English abstract AIDS-control strategies in sub-Saharan Africa involve crucial national political compromises. Yet, they are frequently formulated in heteronomous settings dominated by Western donor agencies. Drawing on a case study of... more
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      Political ScienceHIV/AIDSGlobal HealthSocial science: Tanzania
The global commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 places HIV prevention at the centre of the response. With the disease continuing to disproportionately affect young populations in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR),... more
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      HIV/AIDS policyMedicineHiv AidsPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
This study, commissioned by the ILO, was undertaken by McKay & Romm with the help of 14 research assistants/consultants. It started in August 2005 and was finalised in 2006. ( It was then created into a book by the ILO:... more
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      Informal LearningHIV/AIDSInformal EconomyResearch
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      HIV/AIDSTransgender HealthHIV/AIDS policyMsm, Hiv, Gay and Bisexual Men
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      Human Endogenous RetrovirusesHIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDS
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      Political ScienceHIV/AIDSGlobal HealthSocial science: Tanzania
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Health challenges in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) continue to undermine the attainment of a SADC vision that includes healthy citizens in all its Member States. Among these health challenges are the... more
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      MalariaDesign InnovationICT for DevelopmentHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in Journalism
This piece of work is a systematic review that critically appraises past research studies, not later than five years that is directed towards investigating the knowledge, awareness, behaviour, attitudes and perception of young people in... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHIV / AIDS treatmentHIV/AIDS education
The implementation of the Kenyan Competency-Based Curriculum has faced a myriad of challenges. While most scholars do not cite overcrowding as a major problem facing public academic institutions, issues like quality of education,... more
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    • Policy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
The information contained in this report may be freely quoted, distributed and reproduced, provided that the source is acknowledged, and it is used for non-commercial purposes.
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      HIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in Journalism
The global commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 places HIV prevention at the centre of the response. With the disease continuing to disproportionately affect young populations in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR),... more
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      MedicineHiv AidsPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
The Information contained in this report may be freely quoted, distributed and reproduced, provided that the source is acknowledged and it is used for non-commercial purposes.
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      Public Health PolicyHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in JournalismHIV/AIDS policyHIV / AIDS treatment
Background: The immunosuppresion in HIV patients makes them highly susceptible to microbial infections. The aim of the study was to establish whether HIV stage (as depicted by CD4+ T lymphocyte counts) could independently be associated... more
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      Oral historyHIV / AIDS treatmentEvauation of Oral Health CareInfectious Disease
Introduction: this article reflects on data that emanated from a programme evaluation and focuses on a concept we label ‘distributed-efficacy’. We argue that the process of developing and sustaining ‘distributed-efficacy’ is complex and... more
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      HIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in Journalism
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globally, an estimated 35.3 million people were living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in 2012. An increase from previous years as more people are receiving the life-saving antiretroviral therapy. There were 2.3... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSImpact EvaluationHIV/AIDS policy
Tuberculosis is one of the major public health issues across the world and remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection in people with HIV/AIDS and the combination is lethal.... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyHIV / AIDS treatment
The prevalence of HIV in Bangladesh is not alarming but the trend is. Every year the number of newly diagnosed infection is increasing along with the number of death due to AIDS and AIDS associated diseases. Prevalence has been found... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHIV / AIDS treatmentHIV and AIDS
ItisacommonbeliefinNigeriathatthatpersonswithdisabilitiesaresexuallyinactive, so they cannot be infected with HIV/AIDS. They are therefore often neglected in HIV and reproductive health rights policies and never on the priority list... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationDisabilityPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa contains over 60% of the world's HIV infections and Zambia is among the most severely affected countries in the region. As antiretroviral programs have been rapidly expanding, the long-term success of these programs... more
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      PsychologyFearMedication AdherenceQualitative Research
Sub-Saharan Africa contains over 60% of the world's HIV infections and Zambia is among the most severely affected countries in the region. As antiretroviral programs have been rapidly expanding, the long-term success of these programs... more
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      PsychologyFearMedication AdherenceQualitative Research
This study examined the effects of emotions on risk concerns and behavior change among sex workers in Zambia. The aim was to investigate which health communication ad campaigns elicit emotions that lead to behavior change. Two types of... more
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      Health CommunicationCrisis CommunicationRisk communicationZambia
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      HIV and AIDS educationHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in JournalismHIV/AIDS policyHIV surveillance
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    • Policy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
The article describes a design journey that culminated in an HIV-Conversant Community Framework that is now being piloted in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The objective of the initiative is to reduce the aggregate community viral... more
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      Development StudiesInfectious disease epidemiologyResilienceCommunity Development
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      African HistoryHIV/AIDSHistory of SexualityColonialism
Abstract: Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signaling pathways are involved in the vast majority of cellular processes and are fundamentally important during the entire life of all metazoans.... more
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      Malaria ResearchEndometriosisPolicy Responses to HIV/AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa
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      Human RightsAfricaNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Faith Based Organizations