Political System
Recent papers in Political System
The study aims to provide an analysis and systematize the complex of factors influencing the transformation of party systems. We attempt to identify the relationship between their general and specific influences in particular countries to... more
Здійснюється аналіз процесів модернізації політичної системи Ісламської Республіки Іран, її специфічних рис. Досліджується вплив соціокультурних чинників на темпи, форми і результати трансформації сучасних політичних інститутів Ірану,... more
The Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment (SPEED) framework was proposed to improve understanding of energy technology deployment. It was intended to help energy policy-makers develop and implement more effective strategies to... more
Based on recent survey data from 20 countries, this article examines the 'contagion' thesis: that lack of support among the electorate at one level of the political system may spread to other levels. The levels examined are political... more
The information society has developed with differing levels of success in Western Europe and the United States, as well as in Eastern Europe. E-government – a significant element of the information society – has an important and leading... more
This article deals with the interaction between formal and informal politics in the EU. First of all, it argues that the EU is a special setting for such interaction, as compared to other political systems, as a result of its speedy... more
ABSTRACT Historically, researchers have addressed pricing issues from many different perspectives, including the firm's business model (cost structure, experience curve), stakeholders (customers and channel partners), competition... more
PR systems often are credited with producing more equitable outcomes between political parties and encouraging wider social group representation than majoritarian systems. Theory suggests that this should instill greater trust, efficacy,... more
This article considers how a plurality of views on how the EU ought to be legitimated may even contribute to its overall legitimacy and not, as is often assumed, to its contestedness as a polity. It draws lessons for the EU from a recent... more
Our paper explores, on a theoretical level, the reason for frequent failures of rural development policies and identifies some potential improvements in rural policy making in Europe. Our approach to des/integration concerns actors,... more
sion does not provide a platform for the resolution of the outstanding issues of contention relating to the international protection of GIs. 54 These issues span much larger concerns such as the relative importance of GIs to rural... more
Within river basins different social, economic, political and physical subsystems interact. When making decisions, policy makers should be aware of such interactions as any new policy will affect more than one subsystem. To determine the... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Over the past decade, and especially over the past few years, political corruption, fraud and violence in the Philippines have reached such alarming levels that many Filipinos have grown despondent, even cynical, about their country's... more
La Révolution de Haïti vue par deux personnages contemporains: Le scientifique prussien Alexander von Humboldt et l'homme d'état américain Thomas Jefferson SANDRA REBOK The Haitian Revolution was a historical event that immediately... more
The most important political processes in Mexican politics including presidential succession since the 1920s have been conducted within a network whose political rationale has been political stability. All presidential elections have been... more
In this paper, we deal with the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) which has been promoted as a promising theoretical approach of policy change and stability. After outlining the framework's main features and development over time, we... more
In 1995 the FDRE constitution institutionalized multi-party democracy and since then Ethiopia held five consecutive national elections which tested the journey of Ethiopian democratization process. The central objective of this paper is... more
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are increasing the influence they are able to play on global politics. As far as they represent political values, interests, and demands that cut across the borders of the states. Furthermore, they... more
This paper examines primary health care (PHC) development with an emphasis on community participation in Ethiopia under the feudal regime of emperor Haile Sellassie, the socialist/military rule of Mengistu Haile Mariam and the sprouting... more
Diktat ini disusun oleh Tejo Nurseto, M.Pd. dan Anik Widiastuti, S.Pd. Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmi Pengetahuan Sosial, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
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Downloadable! There are three major theoretical perspectives on tax compliance. The first theory perceived that tax compliance is deterred by sanction (Title, C. 1980). Second Theory perceived tax compliance as purely economic decision... more
there has been a long debate about the role of energy and economic growth as well as about the pricing of non-renewables. Both exploration of (non-renewable) natural resources and their use can generate negative national and international... more
This study analyses the interplay between the high and the low, or local, level of Hasidic political engagement, an important matter, that has been so far neglected. The best‐known actions of Hasidic shtadlanim (political intercessors),... more
Welfare state retrenchment is widely seen as a highly unpopular endeavour and, therefore, as politically difficult to pursue. This assumption has underpinned most of the political science research on this issue, notably Paul Pierson's... more
This paper reviews recent archaeological research concerning Classic Maya lowland political systems (ca. A.D. 250-1000). It focuses specifically on (1) subsistence practices revealed through the analysis of prehistoric climate, available... more
EFFECTS OF GLOBAL PRESSURES This article develops the authors' existing theoretical framework for comparative analysis into a testable empirical model and shows how the model can be implemented for empirical inquiry through two case... more
This paper attempts to define the concept of the deep state, and discuss the elements that are fundamental to the core of the concept of the deep state. It aims to show the difference between the existing or apparent state and the deep... more
This article aims at defining the concept of 'semi-presidential government' and detailing the diversity of its practices. There are in fact three types of semi-presidential regimes: the president can be a mere figurehead, or he may be... more
This paper investigates ways in which political obstacles inhibit the formulation and implementation of sustainable tourism development in small-island developing states through the example of North Cyprus. The methodology draws on... more
With the judiciary emerging as a surprisingly strong institution in an otherwise weak political system, one might expect a body of pro-poor jurisprudence to develop. This has not been the case, and this article investigates why. After... more
This paper describes the privatization program in Italy during the 1990s and puts that policy in the context of macroeconomic adjustment, general market deregulation, and promotion of private investment in the provision of public... more
Es erfordert allerhöchste Sorgfalt der recht schwierigen Problematik "Carl Schmitt" mit biografischen Mitteln gerecht zu werden. Die Belobigung mancher Rezensenten, Reinhard Mehring habe die bisher beste Biografie Schmitts geliefert,... more
Economic factors are among the many reasons that researchers consider as the causes of the collapse of Iranian governments during the Islamic era, what are being studies in the researches of contemporary scholars who want to recognize the... more
Lindblom's 1959 article on incrementalism is one of the most cited works in social science.11A citation search was conducted on Lindblom's 1959 and (follow-up) 1979 articles, yielding 1112 citations. This article examines and... more