Power System Reliability
Recent papers in Power System Reliability
The problem of defining and classifying power system stability has been addressed by several previous CIGRE and IEEE Task Force reports. These earlier efforts, however, do not completely reflect current industry needs, experiences and... more
The problem of defining and classifying power system stability has been addressed by several previous CIGRE and IEEE Task Force reports. These earlier efforts, however, do not completely reflect current industry needs, experiences and... more
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
Much of the research has been focused on developing the optimization techniques, varying from classical to nontraditional soft computing techniques, to solve the distribution system planning problem. Most of the methods preserve the... more
An electric utility-s main concern is to plan, design, operate and maintain its power supply to provide an acceptable level of reliability to its users. This clearly requires that standards of reliability be specified and used in all... more
Задача доказової стійкості схеми Фейстеля до диференціального аналізу була поставлена та розв’язана Ніберг та Кнудсеном; ними була виведена теоретична верхня межа імовірності існування диференціалів шифру, виражена через відповідні... more
The legacy power grid has faced many challenges such as growing demand, which have negatively impacted the distribution system’s reliability. The huge socioeconomic costs attached to power interruptions have led to drastic changes within... more
The composite power system reliability analysis is generally based on minimal path or cut enumeration, tracing of power flow paths from which the related reliability indices are calculated. The minimal cut set is a popular method in the... more
In power system reliability evaluation, alternating renewal process is generally used to model the failure and repair cycle of a component. This means that after repair, the component is assumed to be restored to as good as new condition... more
As the components grow older, most power systems may enter a wear out stage indicating an aging trend. This paper is focused on aging effects in composite power system reliability evaluation. Quantitative reliability indices such as Loss... more
As the components grow older, most power systems may enter a wear out stage indicating an aging trend. This paper is focused on aging effects in composite power system reliability evaluation. Quantitative reliability indices such as Loss... more
In power system reliability evaluation, alternating renewal process is generally used to model the failure and repair cycle of a component. This means that after repair, the component is assumed to be restored to as good as new condition... more
A AS THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY INDUSTRY ADDRESSES ENERGY AND environmental needs through greater use of renewable energy, storage, and other technologies, power systems are becoming more complex and stressed. Increased dynamic changes that... more
Electrical power disruptions have been a major limitation in our society Nigeria, as it has impact in our social-economical activities. This paper will critically examine the problems and costs related to the effect of power failures on... more
Natural disasters has been causing an increasing amount of economic losses in the past two decades. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, winter storms, and wildfires, can cause severe damages to power systems, significantly impacting... more
Older solid dielectric cables are now approaching the end of their life and failing. Consequently there has been a sustained effort for the development of techniques to assess the remaining life of in-service cables for the purpose of... more
Transmission lines are among the most important power grid equipment in which their removal can lead to subsequent outages. One of the situations which lead to blackouts is multiple line outages. Therefore, multiple line outage detections... more
The transformer operates under different voltage levels, requiring much better safety. Several faults can occur, such as over-current due to overloads and incipient faults, winding faults, external short circuits, and terminal (internal)... more
The performance evaluation of a power system can be carried out through deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Deterministic methods presents the basic limitation of not considering the essentially stochastic nature of power systems... more
Restructuring of the power industry worldwide has brought the issue of market competitiveness to the forefront. While "vertical" market power has been limited by disaggregating generation and transmission, nondiscriminatory access to the... more
Th& paper presents an integrated approach to power system reliability assessment. It gives an updated view of the subject and aims to unify, classify and extend some fundamental ideas and controversial issues which provide theoretical and... more
As the US power systems continue to increase in size and complexity, including the growth of smart grids, larger blackouts due to cascading outages become more likely. Grid congestion is often associated with a cascading collapse leading... more
One of the key parts of overhead transmission lines that support and insulate the power transmission line is the string insulator discs. This need involves a meticulous design of string insulators for achieving high string efficiency,... more
A power distribution system reconfiguration methodology considering the reliability and the power loss is developed in this paper. Probabilistic reliability models are used in order to evaluate the reliability at the load points. An... more
Fault at transmission line system may lead to major impacts such as power quality problems and cascading failure in the grid system. Thus, it is very important to locate it fast so that suitable solution can be taken to ensure power... more
In the coming years, ICTs aim to converge with energy systems to make them smarter, more efficient, and more reliable. With the advent of embedded submetering, the energy information available will become more granular and more easily... more
This paper presents a methodology in order to evaluate the security of electrical industrial systems considering security, quality, reliability and availability factors and the system response to sudden disturbances such as short circuit... more
This paper presents the improvement of the protectionof Power Distribution Networks (PDNs)when power transformers and electric motors are protected only with Fault Current Limiting Devices (FCLDs). In assessing the state of the PDNs from... more
This paper investigates the comparative effects of static series synchronous compensator (SSSC) and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) on Nigeria's 48-bus, 330 kV transmission system. The SSSC is connected in series with a... more
Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара Проектування архітектури системи є одним з найважливіших етапів створення проекту. Під час проектування системи приймаються відповідні проектні рішення, які впливають на поведінку... more
The battery energy storage systems (BESSs) have been increasingly installed in the power system, especially with the growing penetration rate of the renewable energy sources. However, it is difficult for BESSs to be profitable due to high... more
This paper proposes a new methodology to evaluate system generating capacity reliability indices considering time-dependent power sources and loads. Based on sequential Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and the cross-entropy (CE) method, the... more
The paper considers a model approach to solving the problem of diagnostics and control of dynamic objects based on the application of integral equations. The growing complexity of energy facilities, taking into account their dynamic... more
The performance evaluation of a power system can be carried out through deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Deterministic methods presents the basic limitation of not considering the essentially stochastic nature of power systems... more
Today's electricity paradigm requires that the notion of active distribution systems be introduced at both undergraduate and graduate curricula. This involves not only the customary theoretical foundations but also a suitable power... more
A Markov model describes a randomly varying system that satisfies the Markov property. This means that future and past states at any time are independent of the current state. The most commonly used Markov models are Markov chains and... more
Reliability is one of the main objectives that should be considered in Transmission Expansion Planning. However, the high computational demands of traditional approaches mean that they may be unmanageable in real case studies. We propose... more
Power systems consist of generation, transmission, and distribution of power to customers. To meet the ever increasing population demand, the power industry has also grown by increasing the number of devices and incorporating highly... more
- by yashar emami
The problem of defining and classifying power system stability has been addressed by several previous CIGRE and IEEE Task Force reports. These earlier efforts, however, do not completely reflect current industry needs, experiences and... more
Older solid dielectric cables are now approaching the end of their life and failing. Consequently there has been a sustained effort for the development of techniques to assess the remaining life of in-service cables for the purpose of... more