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La üfinicilm legal de socitdad gestora de tntidtuks de capital-riesgo atendiendo a lo.s e/.emenJIJS esenciales integrantes de su rigimen. 2.1.1. El carácter de sociedad anónima especial. 2.2.2. El objeto social principal. 2.2.3. La... more
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      Venture CapitalPrivate EquityInstitutional InvestorsPrivate equity and venture capital
This paper provides an overview of the literature on private equity and leveraged buyouts, focusing on global evidence related to both governance and returns to private equity and leveraged buyouts. We distinguish between financial and... more
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      Corporate GovernanceGovernanceCorporate FinanceVenture Capital
This paper considers the structure, governance and performance of a unique class of mutual funds that receives capital only from individuals, and reinvests this contributed capital in private companies, as opposed to traditional mutual... more
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      BusinessEconomicsCorporate GovernanceMutual Funds
This study investigates the connection between private equity funds and business budgeting. The study is based on the data from SEAF South Balkan Fund B.V., a private equity fund, which, during the 2006 to 2010 period, analyzed 483... more
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      Private EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalBudgetingCapital Budgeting
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      EntrepreneurshipInnovation statisticsCorporate EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial Finance
This chapter considers the relationship between the U.S. federal income tax system and innovation, using the sharing economy as a focal point for analysis. It makes two main points. First, the tax system is currently a questionable tool... more
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Tax LawTransactional AnalysisTransaction Costs
This paper provides an overview of the literature on private equity and leveraged buyouts, focusing on global evidence related to both governance and returns to private equity and leveraged buyouts. We distinguish between financial and... more
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      Corporate GovernanceGovernanceCorporate FinanceVenture Capital
Despite the scientific evidence on the positive effect of venture capital (VC) on portfolio firm performance, such evidence badly pulls up alongside the non-negligible number of entrepreneurial firms that receive an offer by a VC fund and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFinanceEconomicsFinancial Economics
Using a sample of European venture capital investments, I study the relation between venture capital (VC) contracts and exits. The data indicate that ex ante, stronger VC control rights increase the likelihood that an entrepreneurial firm... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFinanceFinancial EconomicsCorporate Governance
A wide range of definitions exists of what constitutes value creation and -generation in private equity buyouts. At the core of the problem is that our understanding of the diverse set of levers, drivers and mechanisms by which financial... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorManagement
In the government’s quest to find a solution to this problem, it established the Venture Capital Trust Fund in the year 2004 through an act of parliament, Act 680. The research attempts to provide an assessment of the Venture capital... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCorporate FinanceDevelopment FinancePrivate equity and venture capital
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      Venture CapitalPrivate equity and venture capitalStart-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial venturesPopular entertainment
Venture capital has been growing rapidly in developing countries since 1990, but little research has been done so far on the venture capital industry in developing countries, especially Chile.
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      EntrepreneurshipChileVenture CapitalPrivate equity and venture capital
The principal management theoretical lenses for examining leveraged buyouts have been the agency theory and information asymmetries. Occasionally a wider number of theories and concepts have been invoked, such as the parenting advantage,... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
This report is a follow-up study building on the previous Kukula Capital baseline study which was prepared in September 2019 for the Zambian National Advisory Board for Impact Investment (NABII). This report addresses and analyses both... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceVenture CapitalSocial Impact AssessmentZambia
We test whether born-to-be-green represents a signal toward potential venture capital (VC) investors - on a sample of Italian, independent, unlisted, high-tech entrepreneurial firms. We employ several identification strategies by... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial EconomicsGreen EconomicsSocial Entrepreneurship
Corporate venture capital (CVC) investors are regularly painted with the same brush, a fact underscored by the often observed belief in the extant literature that corporate venture capitalists (CVCs) form a homogeneous group. In contrast... more
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To obtain more funds from the institutional investors, private equity fund managers may report inflated valuations of private investee companies that are not yet sold. However, such overvaluations may result in a reputational cost when... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFinanceFinancial EconomicsEntrepreneurial Economics
We analyze governance with a new dataset on investments of venture capitalists in 3848 portfolio firms in 39 countries from North and South America, Europe and Asia spanning 1971–2003. We provide evidence that cross-country differences in... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial EconomicsInternational BusinessCorporate Governance
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      EquityPrivate EquityPrivate equity and venture capital
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingInformation TechnologySmall Business
This article examines how private equity returns in Asia are related to levels of legal protection and corruption. We utilize a unique data set comprising over 750 returns to private equity transactions across 20 developing and developed... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsOrganizational Change
Hasta la fecha ningún autor se había interesado en estudiar la posible incidencia del régimen jurídico de los grupos de socie- dades en las operaciones de capital-riesgo. Siendo el objeto principal de la actividad de capital-riesgo la... more
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      Private EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalVenture Capital and Private EquityGrupos De Sociedades
We document that the choice between disintermediated individual angel investments and intermediated private equity and venture capital investments depends on legal, economic, and cultural differences. We find evidence of this using... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingFinanceEntrepreneurial Economics
The subject is one of the main components of the Risk Management Specialization course taught to graduate . it entail an elaborate  intro to financial markets with specific focus on  terminology and lingo used in each market
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      Risk ManagementFinancial MarketsPrivate EquityFutures and Options
In Canada, Labour-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations (LSVCCs) have become the dominant source of venture capital. There is reason for concern over this development, because evidence suggests LSVCCs are inefficient investment vehicles,... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial FinanceVenture CapitalPrivate Equity
This paperaims to explore different return driversfor private equity investments that are not directly linkedto the investee company’s fundamentalsby examining macroeconomic-, industry-, and deal-level dataas well as thevariance in their... more
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      AfricaInvestment analysis and valuationPrivate EquityPrivate equity and venture capital
nota redazionale a Cass. 7 ottobre 2021, n. 27227, con la quale è stata ribadita la validità delle opzioni parasociali di put&call a prezzo predefinito
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      Private EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalPatti parasocialiSocietà di capitali
Nota redazionale a Trib. Milano 23 luglio 2020, con la quale, in aperto contrasto con le recenti pronunce di legittimità, è stata dichiarata nulla una opzione parasociale put a prezzo predefinito.
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      Venture CapitalPrivate equity and venture capitalPatti parasocialiGiurisprudenza Società
ABSTRACT We examine the impact of international venture capital investors on private firm success spanning 69 countries over the years 1995-2010. The data examined indicate that, relative to deals in which the investor base is purely... more
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      International BusinessMergers & AcquisitionsMergers and AcquisitionsVenture Capital
CAPITAL-RIESGO. 2.1. La üfinicilm legal de socitdad gestora de tntidtuks de capital-riesgo atendiendo a lo.s e/.emenJIJS esenciales integrantes de su rigimen. 2.1.1. El carácter de sociedad anónima especial. 2.2.2. El objeto social... more
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      Venture CapitalPrivate EquityInstitutional InvestorsPrivate equity and venture capital
ESTE UBRO. 9. Vui. an. 55 del Real Decreto ~tivo.4/200f, de 5 de mann, por el que te aprueba el texto refumlido de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Sodedadet. 10. En tel ámbito europeo, los fondos de fondos suponen un 15,5~ del total del... more
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      Venture CapitalPrivate EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalStart-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures
This study discusses a model of success in venture capital (VC) fundraising. We develop this model based on agency and trust theory. The model is tested against quantitative data collected from 151 limited partners (LP) with headquarters... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementFinanceEntrepreneurial Economics
We document that the choice between disintermediated individual angel investments and intermediated private equity and venture capital investments depends on legal, economic, and cultural differences. We find evidence of this using... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingFinanceEntrepreneurial Economics
In questo articolo proponiamo un'interpretazione adeguatrice della disciplina della s.r.l., che tenga conto non solo e non tanto del fenomeno del finanziamento via crowdfunding, ma anche e soprattutto del finanziamento via business angels... more
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      Venture CapitalStartupsPrivate equity and venture capitalVenture Capital, Start ups
It is possible to assume that the building of the Jewish community and economic theory are not separate ideas but the building of the Jewish community constitutes an actual representation of economic theory. It is possible to see that... more
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      Political EconomyIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineCapitalism
This paper examines institutional investors' propensity to invest in a relatively unknown asset class of listed private equity. Based on data provided by LPEQ, Preqin and Scorpio Partnership covering 171 institutional investors in Europe... more
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      Decision MakingVenture CapitalPrivate EquityInstitutional Investors
There is a plethora of different studies and researches on women in venture capital, and venture capital­ financed entrepreneurship. Though these studies provide us with valuable observations, not much is known to have been done to change... more
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      EntrepreneurshipWomen's StudiesDiversityWomen
Within the framework of the FIDIAS (financial instruments for sustainable development in Alpine Space) project as part of the EU Transnational Cooperation Programme ‘ Alpine Space’, several feasibility analyses are conducted. The aim of... more
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      Venture CapitalGreen InnovationPrivate equity and venture capitalNew Venture Creation
nota redazionale a Trib. Roma 16 febbraio 2022, con il quale, affermata la validità dei patti parasociali di opzione put&call a prezzo predefinito, si è escluso che la cancellazione della società le cui quote sono oggetto dell'opzione... more
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      Venture CapitalPrivate equity and venture capitalSocietà di capitaliGiurisprudenza Società
This article provides an innovative interpretation of the rules of Italian limited responsibility companies (s.r.l.), which takes into account not only and not much the phenome-non of crowdfunding, but also and above all the financing via... more
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      Venture CapitalStartupsPrivate equity and venture capitalSocietà a Responsabilità Limitata
This paper examines institutional investors' propensity to invest in a relatively unknown asset class of listed private equity. Based on data provided by LPEQ and Preqin covering 100 institutional investors in Europe in 2008, we find... more
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      Decision MakingVenture CapitalPrivate EquityInstitutional Investors
This paper introduces a new dataset from 100 Dutch institutional investors’ domestic and international asset private equity allocations. The data indicate that the perceived comparative dearth of regulations of private equity funds... more
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      International BusinessLaw and EconomicsVenture CapitalPrivate Equity
This paper introduces a new dataset from 100 Dutch institutional investors’ domestic and international asset private equity allocations. The data indicate that the perceived comparative dearth of regulations of private equity funds... more
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      Applied MathematicsInternational BusinessCorporate GovernanceCorporate Finance
Francisco Gomes (Partner & COO) presents the CardioCare at Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital - ABVCAP Latin America - Sao Paulo/Brazil - Março/2012, showing to investors the CardioCare Project with cardiac... more
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      Private EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalVenture Capital and Private Equity
Los autores de esta obra confian en que el resultado de su trabajo, volcado en estas páginas, facilite el conocimiento del régimen de las entidades de capi~riesgo y sus sociedades gestoras y contribuya al correcto desarrollo de la... more
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      Venture CapitalPrivate EquityPrivate equity and venture capitalVenture Capital and Private Equity
This article provides an innovative interpretation of the rules of Italian limited responsibility companies (s.r.l.), which takes into account not only and not much the phenome-non of crowdfunding, but also and above all the financing via... more
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      Venture CapitalStartupsPrivate equity and venture capitalSocietà a Responsabilità Limitata
We investigate the differences in venture capital (VC) governance of investee firms with Open Business Models (OBMs), specifically Open Source Software (OSS), versus closed business models. Due to OSS’s pronounced complexity and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFinanceFinancial EconomicsEntrepreneurial Economics
This paper examines institutional investors' propensity to invest in a relatively unknown asset class of listed private equity. Based on data provided by LPEQ, Preqin and Scorpio Partnership covering 171 institutional investors in Europe... more
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      Decision MakingVenture CapitalPrivate EquityInstitutional Investors
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      Capital MarketsIslamic FinanceInvestment BankingInvestment Promotion