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Ideas and expectations about professions and about the process of becoming a professional are changing. Once defined largely by licenses or certificates, many fields of work are looking for more decentralized ways to determine what is a... more
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      Professional DevelopmentMuseumsProfessionsSTEM Learning
Historical research has shown that, at its inception, research ethics was conceived as distinct from existing discourses of professional ethics. Subsequently, this distinction has been maintained and, as a result, the discourse of... more
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      Research EthicsProfessionalismAcademic IntegrityScientific Integrity
The Italian system of professions is characterized by strong disparities between professionals recognized by the state and non-regulated professions, dividing professionals in terms of protection from market and personal risks. As a... more
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      ProfessionalismOrganizationProfessionsKnowledge Workers
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate and discuss potential reasons why the internal auditing (IA) profession has been marginalized in the governance debate on solutions after the financial crisis that started in 2007,... more
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      Corporate GovernanceInternal AuditProfessions
Roman Catholic women's congregations are an enigma of nineteenth-century social history. Over ten thousand women involved in these congregations have been rendered invisible in history. Despite their exclusion from historical texts, these... more
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      EducationEuropean CatholicismIdentitiesWomen Religious
Scientology’s greatest battle. Scientology emerged from Dianetics, which Hubbard hoped would replace the psychiatric profession. In this article, we discuss how Scientology attempted to position itself as a rival profession to psychiatry... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthProfessions
Eje temático: Pertinencia social del saber científico educativo Resumen En la complejidad de pensamiento -diría Morin-que implica poner en interrelación o en juego conceptos tan complejos en sí mismos como pertinencia, saber y ciencia,... more
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Job satisfaction is an important construct that is known to be associated with workers’ performance and wellbeing. As such, to properly measure it, one must use adapted measures that show adequate validity evidence for the desired... more
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This article examines the role of institutional factors in shaping the integration paths of migrant health professionals. For this purpose, it draws on two studies focusing on Filipino and Indian nurses working in the UK which rely on... more
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      SociologyNursingSociology of ProfessionsSociology of Migration
Professional bodies face a variety of challenges. This article explores a more-cost effective way of undertaking many of the core activities of professional bodies and providing communities of professionals with 24/7 support. Evidence... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentContinuing Professional DevelopmentTraining and DevelopmentAdult Continuing and Professional Education
The purpose of this chapter is to examine what the notion of a call can bring to our understanding of professional practice and practical knowledge. I begin with a brief consideration of why the notion of a call fell out of favour. I... more
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Türkiye'nin geleneksel ekonomiden bilgi ve hizmet temelli yeni ekonomiye dönüşümüne katkı sağlamak amacı ile resmi olarak kurulduğu Ağustos 2015'ten günümüze eğitim, araştırma ve danışmanlık yapıyor.
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      Social WorkEmploymentCareer DevelopmentProfessions
This article examines the role of institutional factors in shaping the integration paths of migrant health professionals. For this purpose, it draws on two studies focusing on Filipino and Indian nurses working in the UK which rely on... more
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      SociologyNursingSociology of ProfessionsSociology of Migration
This article is an analysis of conditions enabling the rise of the professional field of medicine in Sweden. The analysis is based mainly on secondary data, while the use of primary data is restricted to official statistics. Primarily, it... more
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      History of MedicineJurisdictionSociology of ProfessionsMedicine
This article engages with the trends affecting professional work, in the context of changing labour markets and societies. Our argument is straightforward: critical processes of change have triggered multiple differentiationprocesses,... more
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      SociologyProfessionalismSociology of ProfessionsProfessions
An ongoing issue of the membership of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society concerns efforts to educate audiences about human factors and ergonomics (HF/E). One important group to consider is students taking a beginning or... more
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      ErgonomicsHuman FactorsDisciplineCognitive Ergonomics
More and more reforms in public administrations are being conducted that are based on the principles and instruments of "new public management". They have set off protest and collective actions by several professional groups in various... more
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      ProfessionalismFranceNew Public ManagementProfessions
Understanding boundary-spanning activities such as interorganizational alliances and professional/organizational integration requires clarity about what boundaries are being spanned and how they were constructed. We approach this goal by... more
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      SociologyOrganization StudiesNetworkingNetwork Dynamics
Women composers are an understudied population within the creative workforce. The authors report on an international survey of 225 women composers. They use a human capital lens to shed light on the nature of women composers’ careers and... more
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      SociologyMusicHuman CapitalArts Management
This paper takes up the self-construction of the social roles of Polish IT professionals. We conducted an ethnographic study and observed that many of our interviewees defined their roles by negation and by invoking the internal and often... more
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Il contributo riporta i risultati di un'analisi web condotta nel 2018 per comprendere bisogni e aspettative delle aziende in relazione ai professionisti della comunicazione. L'analisi è stata condotta sugli annunci di lavoro postati sul... more
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      PublishingCultureCreative IndustriesBusiness Communication (in Communication)
Greece proceeded from 2010 onwards to an extensive reform of the legislative framework regulating professions/activities of the country's service sector. Prior to this reform, access to and practice of many of these professions/activities... more
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      Competition LawRegulation And GovernanceProfessionsLiberalization
The concept of 'professionalization' is commonly used to describe how occupations become recognized as 'professions', and how they go about consolidating this status and improving their services. Contemporary debate often glosses over the... more
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      SociologyIndustrial SociologySocial ChangeIndustrial Organization
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      SociologyHistory of MedicineJurisdictionSociology of Professions
This chapter explores the supply and demand side of interest representation in two creative industries in Italy and how they influence working conditions. Relying on semi-structured interviews with key informants in graphic design and... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyEconomic SociologySociology of Work
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      TransformationHuman Resource ManagementHistory of ProfessionsProfessions
Poland is undergoing a major systemic shift: from centrally planned toward a market economy. All dimensions of societal life are involved in the change. The paper discusses the social role of the Polish managers currently against the... more
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      Eastern EuropeProfessionsManagerial RolesSocial Roles
This paper takes up the self-construction of the social roles of Polish IT professionals. We conducted an ethnographic study and observed that many of our interviewees defined their roles by negation and by invoking the internal and often... more
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